PET examination – indications and preparation. What does a PET scan look like?

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Positron emission tomography (PET) is the most common examination method in oncology. Thanks to it, we are able to detect even small neoplastic changes. As already known, early detection of cancer increases the chances of a cure for the disease. What does PET detect and what is its harmfulness?

PET examination – what it detects

PET examination allows you to answer the question of whether the detected lesion is benign or malignant. PET examination it is also an assessment of the extent of the lesion and enables precise treatment planning. In addition, it allows you to determine the existence of any metastases.

PET examination it is very often used to monitor the progress of already implemented treatment. But PET is used not only in oncology. It is also of great importance in cardiology, enabling the measurement of blood flow and assessment of cardiac vitality. Another field that benefits from innovation PET research is neurology. There are a number of neurological indications for this test. They are often offered to patients with epilepsy, because thanks to it it is possible to locate the foci of the disease.

PET examination – contraindications

Despite the fact that in general PET method is considered safe, there are some contraindications to its conduct. The tests cannot be performed in pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. In this case, alternative diagnostics will be necessary. The tests should also not be performed in people who have uncontrolled diabetes because it requires glucose. It is worth noting that it should not be treated PET research as prophylaxis. So there is no point in doing it for people in whom no one in the family suffered from cancer.

PET examination – what is it

What is PET examination? Before the examination, the patient must take a special injection of glucose associated with the fluorine isotope. Then it is left for an hour in a darkened room. It must be in a lying position. After an hour, the subject is placed in a special scanner. He must have his hands over his head. The patient cannot move. However, free breathing and swallowing of saliva are allowed. All data read by the machine are transferred to the computer. This, thanks to a special program, creates an image of the area that is subjected to probing. As diseased cells use up more glucose, their appearance differs from that of healthy cells.

Unfortunately PET examination it does not detect any possible cancers. All because of the variable glucose metabolism. However, it is currently the most precise study. To prepare for it, you must not drink alcohol or consume caffeine 24 hours before the test. Moreover, the patient should give up exercise. About 6 hours before the test it is not allowed to drink or eat. The exception is taking pure water without any additives. The test subject should have water with him. You will also need to consume it after the test, as it will flush the injected isotope.

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