Pests in the country: 3 effective ways to deal with beetles

Pests in the country: 3 effective ways to deal with beetles

The long-awaited warming has awakened harmful insects of all stripes. Now is the time to protect the future harvest.

Watch out: flower beetles!

The most dangerous attack on fruit trees occurs in May: weevils attack the buds. Here are the most pernicious ones.

Apple bud beetle — gray beetle with a long proboscis. He makes the finest punctures in flowers and lays the larvae through them. One pest can destroy fifty future fruits, because the bud affected by the larva will never open – the flower beetle will eat both the petals and the ovary.

The raspberry beetle — a small brown insect that eats raspberry buds, gnaws on its leaves and flowers, and lays its eggs. Everyone knows the white worms in the heart of the berry – these are the beetle larvae.

Plum aphid translucent, bluish-green, it appears on young plum shoots in early June. And next to it, another bug is gnawing in the fruit ovary, plum saw – the culprit of premature abscission of damaged fruits.

Gooseberries. Often, prematurely ripening berries appear on gooseberries and currants, shrouded in cobwebs and nests full of dry debris. The harmful moth lays eggs in them, caterpillars are hatched from them, eating the future harvest.

What to do: before flowering, treat with any insecticides: Iskra-M, Aktara, Decis, Intavir, Kinmiks. Do not do this before the very appearance of the buds, pollinating insects may suffer.

Trapping belts

A very simple and effective device will help trap insects that live, breed or hibernate on the ground, and then crawl up the trunk. These are aphids, caterpillars, weevils, ants, ticks, whiteflies, flower beetles. The belt is safe for people and pets, has a minus: useful insects can also come into it.

Funnel. It is done in 5 minutes and works great. You will need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard, twine or plasticine. Wrap the paper in a funnel-shaped skirt around the trunk of the tree with the wide side down. Tie the upper part tightly with a rope or coat with plasticine. Insects will crawl into the wide edge and run into a dead end. The trap works all summer long, you need to update it only if necessary.

Double-sided funnel. It helps fight insects that rise from the soil into the crown, and those that move to the ground. A strip of fabric folded in 2-3 layers or burlap about 30 cm wide is moistened with a solution of any insecticide, wound around a tree and tied very tightly with twine in the middle. Fill all the space between the cloth and the trunk with clay so that insects inevitably end up in the area saturated with insecticides. Change the belt once a month, burn the used one.

 Biological agents

Biological products can be used against pests: “Bitoxibacillin”, “Lepidocid”, “Fitoverm”. But their effect will not last long, so the treatments must be repeated.

Negotiate processing with neighbors. If they don’t spray the garden, their beetles will fly to you. When repeating the procedure, use a different preparation so that insects do not develop resistance to poisons.

Mechanical shaking off of beetles works well: after a cold (up to 5 ° C) night, insects freeze. You need to spread a cloth under the tree and shake the tree. The fallen pests are burned. The procedure is repeated for several days in a row.

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