Pesticides: real health impacts

The harmful Are usually eradicated through the use of pesticides. These chemicals raise many questions because of their potential effects on human health, but also on the environment. Researchers from the National Institute of Science and Medical Research (Inserm) are now confirming the link between pesticides and the onset of serious diseases in adults, young children and the developing fetus.
A relationship between six serious diseases and pesticides in adults
It is through more than 5 scientific documents that the experts were able to draw up an assessment. Pesticides, such as glyphosate, have been at the heart of debates for several years, because they are very widely found in agriculture and in food. They are useful for getting rid of unwanted species, of plant or animal origin, such as weeds, insects, fungi or even parasites. The problem is that these pesticides have an impact on human health and in particular on professionals subject to regular exposure. Indeed, the Inserm team ” confirms the strong presumption of a link between occupational exposure to pesticides and four pathologies “. The risk for soil cultivation professionals is to develop serious diseases, such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system), multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow), Parkinson’s disease and prostate cancer. .
The latter is rather observed in men of Afro-Caribbean origin and could be linked to the use of chlordecone, used to suppress the banana weevil. Since 1993, the use of this very toxic pesticide has been banned in the French Antilles. However, chlordecone has contaminated soils, rivers, livestock, poultry, fish and vegetables. This pollution and “ the consumption of contaminated food has resulted in significant contamination of the entire population ».
In addition, experts hypothesize a strong link between pesticides and respiratory health, especially COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). There is also a link between pesticides, mainly organophosphates (insecticides) and cognitive disorders that have been observed not only in farmers, but also in “ residents of agricultural areas or the general population ».
Pathologies in pregnant women and children
Young children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to exposure to toxic agents, whether at work or at home. The results of the analysis highlighted the relationship between exposure of women during pregnancy and acute leukemia. Also, a ” new link has been demonstrated between the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the event of paternal occupational exposure during the preconception period “. The risks for the child are also that he develops tumors of the central nervous system, but also disorders of neuropsychological and motor development.
The authors confirm “ the highlighting of strong presumptions of links between certain pathologies and exposure to pesticides ”, what “Must encourage better consideration of these issues by the authorities ».