Pesticides in tap water can cause food allergies

Food allergies are constantly increasing. According to the text in a new issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, chemicals in tap water may be responsible for their increasing prevalence.

High concentrations of dichlorophenols (compounds present in plant protection products and also used to chlorinate water) that can be detected in the human body may be related to food allergies, US scientists say.

High concentrations of pesticides containing dichlorophenols can potentially reduce human tolerance to certain foods, causing food allergies, says lead author, allergist Elina Jerschow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. He adds that it is a compound that is very often present in pesticides used by farmers and in insecticides, which are often used by ordinary consumers. This compound can also be found in tap water.

Scientists have drawn conclusions about the relationship of dichlorophenols with allergies after analyzing the data of over 10 people who participated in the extensive US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2005-2006. In the urine, more than 2,5 thousand. of these people, dichlorophenols were detected. 2 211 people were selected for further study, among whom 411 were diagnosed with food allergy, and in 1 016 – an allergic reaction to allergens present in the environment.

Previous studies have already shown that both food allergies and environmental contamination are increasing in the United States, notes Dr. Jerschow. – Our research shows that these two trends can have a lot in common. It also suggests that greater use of pesticides and other chemicals is associated with greater prevalence of food allergies.

Theoretically, the problem of the relationship between tap water and allergies can be solved by giving up tap water in favor of bottled water. However, the authors of the study do not recommend such tactics. According to Dr. Jerschow, food allergies will arise anyway because not only tap water is a source of dichlorophenols. We also take them by eating sprinkled fruit and vegetables.

In the United States alone, it is estimated that 15 million people are affected by food allergies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 1997-2007 the group of food allergy sufferers increased by 18%. The most common allergic reactions are milk, eggs, nuts, wheat flour, soybeans, fish and clams. Allergy may be mild, e.g. a slight rash, but in extreme cases (anaphylactic shock occurs) it is life-threatening. (PAP)

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