Now most gardeners prefer universal preparations that allow them to cope with various insects and are suitable for the treatment of many agricultural and ornamental crops. This category also includes the insecticide Aliot. So that the treatment does not damage the plants, you must first study the instructions for its use.

Purpose and scope

Aliot (or Aliot KE) is an insecticide used to control pests that feed on leaves and plant sap. CJSC Firma August is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion in 5 and 10 ml bottles (for amateur gardeners) and in 1 and 5 liter canisters (for professional farmers). Most often, they are treated with apple trees, tomatoes, wheat, cabbage, grapes, but the drug is also suitable for other agricultural and ornamental horticultural crops, indoor plants.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

The packaging of the insecticide contains detailed instructions for use, it must be studied before use.

The chemical is used against pests resistant to drugs, the main active ingredient of which are substances from the pyrethroid class:

  • aphids (including phylloxera);
  • thrips;
  • cicadas;
  • Bugs;
  • herbivorous mites;
  • caterpillars of white butterflies, scoops, hawthorn;
  • cabbage moth;
  • cabbage fly;
  • leaflet;
  • moth;
  • shield and false shield;
  • sawfly;
  • pests that affect crop stocks during storage.
Important! Aliot insecticide effectively destroys adults and larvae at different stages of development, up to the earliest. However, it is harmless to eggs.

The active ingredient in Aliot

The insecticide contains malathion (in Our Country this substance is called karbofos) at a concentration of 570 g/l. Belongs to the chemical class of organophosphorus compounds.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Malathion has been used to produce insecticides since the middle of the XNUMXth century.

Of all substances in its class, its half-life is the fastest:

  • outdoors in direct sunlight – 1,5-2 days;
  • in the ground – 4-7 days;
  • in water – up to 7 days.
Important! Malathion does not affect the smell and taste of grown fruits, berries, cereals.

Principle of operation

The drug combines contact, intestinal and fumigation action. It enters the body of insects when:

  • contact with the outer integumentary membranes;
  • feeding on the juice or tissues of the treated plant;
  • vapor inhalation.

In the body of the pest, malathion is converted into malaoxone. This substance “inhibits” the synthesis of acetylcholinesterase (an enzyme necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses). As a result, muscle cramps and spasms are inevitable, leading to complete paralysis and death of the insect.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Upon contact with the plant, the insecticide Aliot is “absorbed” inside, spreading through the vascular system.

The insecticide acts quickly – adults and larvae die within 2-3 hours after processing the plantings. The duration of the protective period (7-15 days) varies depending on the type of insect, the degree of “neglect” of the problem and the specific culture.

Important! With the systematic use of Aliot and other insecticides based on malathion, pests are able to develop resistance to it, “decomposing” the substance into components that are harmless to themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the undoubted advantages of the insecticide Aliot:

  • the possibility of wide application in agriculture, forestry, for sanitary and hygienic purposes due to low toxicity;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • combined impact;
  • suitability for the destruction of various insects on many agricultural and ornamental horticultural crops;
  • insecticidal and acaricidal effects;
  • possibility of application against pests immune to pyrethroids;
  • quick impact;
  • the invariance of the smell and taste of fruits, their benefits to humans, the absence of “foreign” chemicals;
  • reasonable price, quite economical consumption.
Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Often, gardeners choose Aliot insecticide, guided by the price-quality ratio.

There are also quite significant disadvantages:

  • the ability of insects to develop immunity to the drug with regular use;
  • relatively short duration;
  • instability to the effects of wind, water, ultraviolet;
  • the need for storage only at positive temperatures;
Important! To obtain the desired effect, it is desirable to apply Aliot no more than twice a season, alternating it with insecticides and acaricides with other active ingredients.

Instructions for use of the drug Aliot

The working solution is prepared by first diluting the concentrated emulsion of the Aliot insecticide in a separate container with water (0,8-1 l), and then pouring the resulting liquid into a large container with clean water. For better “sticking”, it is recommended to add surfactant (Allur, Adyu) or laundry soap shavings whipped into foam to the solution.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

It is advisable to mix the ingredients directly in the spray can

Important! Processing is carried out during the period of minimum solar activity. Otherwise, burns may remain on the leaves and stems. The insecticide Aliot acts at a temperature of 10-30 °C.

Apple tree

Aliot insecticide on apple trees is used to protect against aphids and various types of leafworms, as well as codling moth and sucker. The consumption of the working solution (10 ml per 10 liters of water) is 1-3 liters (depending on the size and age of the tree).

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Insecticide treatment of apple trees is carried out no earlier than three weeks before harvest


On tomatoes, the insecticide Aliot is used to protect against spider mites and aphids. Two treatments per season are allowed, the last – at least 40 days before fruiting. The approximate consumption of the working solution is 5 liters per hundred square meters.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

The insecticide Aliot is used mainly for the treatment of tomatoes in the open field.


For any variety of cabbage, the insecticide is effective in combating aphids, cabbage fly, butterfly caterpillars, scoops, and cabbage moths. Processing is carried out once, the “waiting period” before harvesting is 40 days. The concentration of the solution is 10 ml per 100 liters, the norm is up to 5 liters per hundred square meters.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Cabbage has many “specific” pests, Aliot helps protect the crop from many of them


For grapes, the Aliot insecticide is used to prevent attacks by the grape leafworm, felt mite, phylloxera and control these pests if the infection is noticed on time. When they have already bred en masse, it is necessary to use “narrowly targeted” chemicals. One treatment is carried out per season, spending up to 1,5 liters per bush. The concentration of the solution is 10 ml per 10 liters of water.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

The felt mite is not an insect, so acaricides or insectoacaricides are required to combat it.


Wheat (and other cereals) during the active growing season is treated with Aliot insecticide solution to protect against aphids and thrips. Solution consumption – 200-400 l/ha, concentration – 15 ml per 10 l. Waiting period – 40 days.

Warehouses intended for storing grain can also be treated with a solution of this drug, reducing its concentration by 1,5-2 times. The consumption rate is about 50 ml / m². During the day after treatment, you can not enter the room.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Wheat affected by thrips is not suitable for long-term storage

Aliot for currant

The drug effectively protects all types of currants from currant bud mites, as well as leafworms, aphids, scale insects and false scale insects. In the first case, treatment with Aliot insecticide is carried out in the spring, at the stage of bud formation, in the rest – during the season. 0,5-1 l of solution is spent on a bush (concentration – 10 ml per 10 l). Two treatments are allowed, the “waiting period” after the last one is 40 days.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

A kidney mite on a currant eats away leaf and flower buds from the inside

Aliot for indoor plants

Houseplants and ornamental garden crops are sprayed with Aliot insecticide when they are attacked by aphids, thrips, spider mites that feed on caterpillar leaves. The consumption rate of the solution (10 ml per 10 l) is determined by the size of the plant.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Aliot insecticide effectively protects indoor plants from “omnivorous” aphids

Compatibility with other means

The manufacturer claims that Aliot is compatible with most other insecticides and fungicides, except for those that give a strong alkaline reaction. Sulfonylurea herbicides after treatment with Aliot can be applied no earlier than two weeks later.

A “test” mixing is necessary before joint use. Take approximately 50 ml of each drug. If the finished liquid does not change its shade, temperature, consistency, an unpleasant “chemical” smell does not appear, no precipitation occurs, it can be used.

Important! Experiments on personal plots are not recommended. Therefore, despite the claimed compatibility of Aliot with other drugs, it is better to use them sequentially, and not in a mixture.

accident prevention

The insecticide Aliot is recognized as a moderately hazardous substance (hazard class III). Subject to the instructions for use, it does not harm human health, warm-blooded animals and birds, and useful soil entomofauna.

However, the drug is highly toxic to pollinating insects (primarily bees) and fish (hazard class I). Therefore, the Aliot insecticide is forbidden to be used in water protection zones, during the flowering of fruit trees and berry bushes, as well as in areas directly adjacent to apiaries and fish farms.

Important! The protection zone for bees when plantings are treated with Aliot insecticide is 5 km in diameter. Flights of pollinating insects over it are recommended to be limited for the next 4-6 days.

All work with Aliot insecticide is carried out in dry, calm, cool weather. Be sure to take care of respiratory and vision protection (glasses, respirator). It is also necessary to wear rubberized gloves, closed shoes, clothing made of dense fabric that covers the body to the maximum. Photos of gardeners using Aliot to process plantings will help to visualize the required appearance.

In the process of processing, eating, drinking, smoking is not allowed. After completing it, hands and face are washed with soap, it is even better to take a shower.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

Despite the moderate danger, it is impossible to neglect personal protective equipment when working with the Aliot insecticide.

If the Aliot insecticide solution is on the skin or mucous membranes, it is washed off with a large volume of cool running water. In case of accidental ingestion of liquid into the stomach, it is necessary to rinse it by drinking a lot of water and causing vomiting.

If symptoms appear that indicate an allergic reaction or poisoning, you should immediately contact a medical facility. Antidotes for Aliot are atropine sulfate or toxogonine, but symptomatic treatment is generally recommended.

Insecticide Aliot in a closed package does not lose its consumer properties for two years, if it is provided with proper conditions. The finished solution remains effective for a day.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

The effectiveness of Aliot is reduced if significant temperature changes occur during storage.

Important! Aliot insecticide is stored separately from food, medicines, household chemicals. It is also important to exclude access to it by children and pets.

Aliot’s analogs

An analogue of the insecticide Aliot is any drug whose main active ingredient is malathion. For use on personal plots, Alatar, Iskra-M, Profilaktin, Fufanon-Nova are suitable instead. When growing crops on an industrial scale, Karbofos-500, Karbofot, Novaktion are used. Of foreign-made preparations, Malathion (Malation), Derbac-M (Derbak-M), Prioderm (Prioderm), Ovide (Ovaid) can be used instead of Aliot insecticide.

Pesticide Aliot KE: instructions for use, reviews, when to process

On the packaging of Aliot it is indicated that it is an analogue of Fufanon


Aliot insecticide is a modern broad-spectrum drug suitable for combating various types of pests on most horticultural crops. Its effectiveness is due to the complex action – contact, intestinal and fumigation. If the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, the drug is safe for human health and the environment.

Reviews on the use of Aliot from pests

Irina Volkova, Stavropol
We have been using Aliot insecticide for about ten years. For us, this is the best combination of affordable price and efficiency. Pests found on fruit and vegetable crops, ornamental plants die within 2-3 hours after spraying plantings.
Olga Sviridova, Samara
When we bought the garden, I was strongly against any “chemistry”. But I quickly realized my mistake. A neighbor in the dacha advised the insecticide Aliot, since then we have been using it. The result is completely satisfactory. The tool has already proven its effectiveness against aphids, thrips, spider mites, hawthorn caterpillars.
Anton Ageev, Yaroslavl
Insecticide Aliot KE is an excellent tool that has long been proven. For more than ten years I have been successfully using it against any pests that feed on the juices and leaves of plants in the garden. The main thing is to follow the instructions and wait the right time after spraying, so as not to harm yourself or the crop.
Aliot is an analogue of Fufanon, a famous pesticide

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