Personality types – tests, personality types according to Jung. Division into four personality types

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There are four personality types. Each type has specific character traits. The sanguine is considered the life of the party, the melancholic is the perfectionist, the choleric is associated with energy, and the phlegmatic is calm. There are very few people who have all the traits of a particular personality type. Most are hard to fit into one type. Find out what type of personality you are!

  1. Jung found that people fall into 16 different personality types
  2. They are collections of various characteristics to which specific letters are assigned
  3. Knowing someone’s personality type makes it easier to understand their behavior. Discovering your type can help, for example, in choosing a career path
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Jung’s personality test

The Jung personality test is a collective term for personality tests constructed on the basis of the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, founder of depth psychology. Thanks to the survey, which can also be taken online, a given person is classified into one of 16 personality types. The test is designed to analyze the personality and identify the dominant features.

It is a tool that is often used by educators, coaching professionals, marital counseling psychotherapists, managers, etc. The Jung personality test is used in the design of personal development programs. Many companies also use it in the recruitment process. Taking part in a test can be helpful in getting to know your strengths and weaknesses better.

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Personality types according to Jung

Personality is temperament. Carl Gustav Jung is the author of the theory that people can be classified according to one of the 16 personality typesi. The psychiatrist decided that the ability to think critically depends precisely on which group a given person is in. Jung’s psychology is more developed than the classical personality breakdown of Hippocrates. Thanks to it, you can get to know your strengths and weaknesses better.

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Personality types according to Jung – ESTJ

The first of the 16 personality types according to Jung is a type of ESTJ, (Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging). ESTJ people are extroverts and introverts. They focus their attention primarily on the outside world. These are people who appreciate the so-called iron facts and are constantly looking for opportunities to act and cherish tradition.

ESTJs can be pedantic. They are not subversive, they value conservative values. The principles that guide the general public are important to them. They also often care for good relations with family and loved ones. They are often religious or spiritual people who like holidays and rituals. They are happy to belong to different groups and communities as they have a strong need to be with people who are similar to themselves.

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Personality types according to Jung – ISTJ

The second of the 16 personality types according to Jung are ISTJ (Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging). This is a personality type similar to the ISTJ. People belonging to this group, for themselves and others, value responsibility and ethical behavior. On the surface, they may appear emotionless. They like order and good organization. They often occupy positions that require meticulousness.

Personality types according to Jung – ENTJ

The third of the 16 personality types is ENTJ (Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgment – Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging). Such people are said to be natural leaders. Contrary to appearances, this group does not include many people. ENTJ was defined as, inter alia, many writers. ENTJs are not afraid of risks, quarrels and often work in positions that require creative thinking.

Personality types according to Jung – INTJ

The fourth of the 16 personality types is INTJ (Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging – Introvert, Intuition, Thinking, Judging). Outwardly, they may appear arrogant or confident. However, the reason for such a disposition is not a bulky ego, but an awareness of your strengths, weaknesses and knowledge. INTJs work well as scientists, engineers and corporate lawyers.

  1. Find out how much temperament can determine personality

Jung personality types – ESTP

The fifth of the 16 personality types is ESTP (Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving). ESTP combines the distinctive features of extroverts and introverts. A person belonging to this group likes to act spontaneously and derives the greatest satisfaction from living here and now. ESTPs like risk and competition. Interestingly, they can show respect for their opponents when they lose.

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Personality types according to Jung – ISTP

The sixth of the 16 personality types is ISTP (Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving). ISTPs value their energy and vitality and do not devote them to just any endeavor. However, when they find something worth their attention, they put maximum effort into it. These people value privacy and a developed lifestyle.

Personality types according to Jung – ENTP

The seventh of the 16 personality types is ENTP (Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving). It is this group of people that inventors and rationalists are often included. They are often very bright people. ENTPs like arguments, which they often treat as a form of entertainment. People with this personality type are easy to make friends and have an optimistic disposition.

Personality types according to Jung – INTP

Eight of 16 personality types are INTP (Introverted Intuition Thinking Perceiving). INTP are people with analytical minds. They are often academics and people responsible for research and analysis. INTPs are often thoughtful and spend a lot of time solving problems. They follow their own rules that they don’t adapt to other people.

Personality types according to Jung – ESFJ

The ninth of the 16 personality types are ESFJ (Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging). They are people focused primarily on the outside world. The inner world is less important to them. ESFJs are empathetic, enjoy the company of people and can be trusted. To function well, they need support from other people. There are many moralists among the ESFJ.

Personality types according to Jung – ISFJ

The tenth of the 16 personality types are ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). Among them we can find many activists. ISFJs like and want to feel needed by other people. They are altruists who can be exploited by both colleagues and relatives. They are friendly, loyal, although they do not have many friends.

Personality types according to Jung – ENFJ

Eleventh of the 16 personality types is ENFJ (Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging). They make great material for leaders, sellers and organizers. ENFJs are gifted with a great charisma, which they like with many people. They can make decisions quickly and have highly developed interpersonal skills.

Personality types according to Jung – INFJ

The twelfth out of 16 personality types is INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging). INFJs are introverts who are initially reluctant to relate to new people they meet. They are people torn between idealism and pragmatism. Many of them show literary talent. They work well in the roles of psychologists, teachers and artists.

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Personality types according to Jung – ESFP

The thirteenth of the 16 personality types is ESFP (Extravert, Sensing, Feeling, Perception – Extraversion, Cognition, Feeling, Observation). ESFPs are often performers and entertainers. People with this personality type are lively, tolerant and sociable. They like new experiences and have a lot of empathy. They don’t like to plan and they avoid theorizing. They do well in entertainment professions.

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Personality types according to Jung – ISFP

Fourteenth of the 16 personality types is ISFP (Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving). ISFP are ambitious and modest people. They are sympathetic towards other people. ISFPs like competition and risk if they feel they can achieve something unique. They do well in positions that require a well-developed aesthetic sense.

Personality types according to Jung – ENFP

The fifteenth of the 16 personality types is ENFP (Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving). They are typical extroverts for whom intuition counts. These people are great, among others journalists, actors and psychologists. Their biggest problem is their inability to stay alone. People with an ENFP personality have a distance to each other.

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Personality types according to Jung – INFP

The last of the 16 personality types is INFP (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving). A person with such a personality can admire nature and the world that surrounds him. Many INFPs hide their emotions, but are also happy to vent them. They like people and are eager to listen, they are also good interlocutors. People with this personality type are good at working with people.

The temperament type test – what should you know about it?

Being aware of your own temperament makes it easier to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge is helpful, among others looking for a job. The result of the test for the type of temperament, which can be a supplement, for example, for the Jung’s test, it is helpful in matching the profession to e.g. interests and predispositions. There are four types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Four personality types – choleric

Choleric is a personality type that is explosive. These people cannot hide their feelings. Each emotion is clearly visible in their facial expressions and gestures. Choleric people like to be on the move and work in a group. Many of them have leadership skills. Their strengths include the ability to make decisions quickly, goal-oriented and good organizational / managerial skills.

A person with this personality style can be quarrelsome due to high emotionality. Choleric people experience reality intensely. Consequently, they get angry easily and act impulsively. To upset the choleric, sometimes it is enough to just disagree with his view on a given topic. A relationship with a choleric can be difficult. Such people like to dominate and control their partner.

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Four types of personality – the sanguine

Sanguine is an optimist, full of energy and joyful. People with this type of character are not afraid of challenges, they can simultaneously perform various tasks and complete each of them successfully. Sanguines like company, they need to be the center of attention, they are talkative and friendly towards others. They can drop everything overnight and move to the other side of the country.

Sanguines have changeable moods because their mental processes run faster in them, e.g. in melancholies. They often have straw enthusiasm. Their weaknesses also include the inability to complete tasks within a certain period of time. Personality tests often show that sanguines have problems with assertiveness. Many of them work too much because they cannot say no to their superiors.

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Four personality types – melancholic

Melancholic is the opposite of choleric. A person with this personality style is emotionally unstable and he is often under the impression that he is sad. One of its main features is introversion. Melancholy people tend to lock themselves in four walls and limit their contacts with other people. They often cannot cope with criticism about them and cannot be spontaneous.

Many personality tests show that melancholy are good analysts. They can observe reality closely and often notice things that are invisible to others. They count quickly, know how to make analytical results and are able to work carefully and conscientiously. Melancholies are perfectionists, so they need more time to do their job.

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Four types of personality – phlegmatic

Phlegmatic people are slow and have trouble expressing their feelings. It is both difficult to provoke them and to evoke a feeling of joy. Mental processes in people with this personality style are the slowest. They are calm and balanced people. However, thanks to these qualities, they can work conscientiously. They avoid conflicts in everyday life. Their strengths include high mental resistance to pressure.

Contrary to appearances, phlegmatic people can be very caring and polite. They can also listen carefully and have a positive attitude towards the reality around them. This makes them great conversation companions. A phlegmatic is a great material for a friend and dedicated employee. He is meticulous and thorough, so he can be a good clerk or mediator.

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