Personality month of birth: boys and girls

😉 Greetings to Internet travelers who accidentally wandered into this site! Friends, I wonder if it is possible to determine the character by the month of birth? For hundreds of years, people have been observing how the month of birth affects a person’s character. Let’s see and compare, if you, your relatives or friends have a match?

Personality by month of birth


Personality month of birth: boys and girls

  • January – she is not bad-looking, bright, beautiful, but angry and sharp on the tongue.
  • February is exciting, imaginary, but friendly and good-natured.
  • March is hot-tempered and jealous, envious but friendly.
  • April – enjoys success with the opposite sex, ardent and passionate, but inconstant in love.
  • May is free and independent, stubborn and independent, often unhappy in love.
  • June is an attractive and kind, but windy girl with a penchant for intrigue.
  • July is very soulful and beautiful, modest and honest, but has poor health.
  • August is patient and stubborn, generous and independent, but prone to aggression.
  • September is sweet and shy, but too prim and calculating.
  • October is talented and charming, has a strong charisma, but is prone to hypocrisy.
  • November is a quiet and silent, decent and kind girl, has good intuition, but easily loses her temper.
  • December is persistent and patient, smart and honest, but fickle and wasteful.


Personality month of birth: boys and girls

  • January is calm, self-possessed and hard-working, but very secretive and proud.
  • February is a courageous and self-confident, but very unpredictable person.
  • March is emotional and sensitive, a favorite of women, generous and witty, but fickle.
  • April is determined and bold, persistent and friendly, but prone to lying.
  • May is a serious and active guy, but too domineering and demanding.
  • June is vulnerable and impressionable, but at the same time brave and courageous.
  • July is a freedom-loving and executive, a little shy, but a very irritable and impatient person.
  • August is stubborn and persistent, always achieves its goals, is constant in love, but very vain and boastful.
  • September is sensitive and good-natured, purposeful and loyal, but too vulnerable and sensitive.
  • October is practical, economic and witty, has a good sense of humor, but is too reserved and modest.
  • November is gentle and affectionate, energetic and cheerful, but selfish and proud.
  • December is persistent, honest and fair, but too hot-tempered and straightforward.

😉 Friends, how is it? Did the character match? I would like to know. Write in the comments.

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