Personality disorder – definition, types of personality disorders

A personality disorder is a state of abnormal development of certain personality traits. Depending on what features are distorted or intensified, we can talk about different types of personality disorders. Opinions on the causes of personality disorders are divided – most scientists agree that personality disorders are the result of abnormal family relationships and early negative experiences, although some personality disorders are caused by the malfunctioning of the nervous system or the abuse of strong psychoactive substances. Personality disorders usually show up in adolescence and their treatment is a long and demanding process.

Types of personality disorders

It is difficult to talk about one type personality disorders. Depending on the patient’s behavior, we can talk about one of several personality disorders.

Personality disorder: schizoid personality

A person suffering from schizoid personality disorderand has trouble forming relationships, usually not interested in sexual matters. Schizoid personality disorder it means extreme individualism, the inability to interact with other people and the lack of satisfaction with living in society.

Personality Disorder: Paranoid Personality

People suffering from paranoia personality disorder tend to over-interpret the behavior of third parties; they look for conspiracies and actions aimed at their good at every step. Paranoid patients are very difficult partners, often have unfounded suspicions of infidelity, are morbidly jealous.

Personality Disorder: Avoidant Personality

A patient with an avoidant personality is prone to avoidance any activity or taking responsibility. Personality avoiding it means withdrawing from society and living in a constant sense of non-acceptance.

Personality Disorder: Dependent Personality

Personality dependent to personality disordercharacterized by a lack of elementary independence. A patient with personality subsidiary is willing to take many, often unpleasant or illegal, actions just to gain the support of the chosen caregiver. Personality dependent it is the inability to independently make decisions and the readiness to comply with every request of the person from whom the patient is dependent.

Personality Disorder: Histrionic Personality

Histrionic personality is a constant need to be the center of attention. Histrionic individuals often use sexual techniques to please and gain approval as many as possible.

Personality Disorder: Dissocial Personality

Dissocial sufferers personality disorder they are unable to adapt to the set of rules governing life in society. They often break the law and are aggressive, and the disorder is accompanied by alcohol or drug addiction.

Personality Disorder: Anankastic Personality

Anankastic personality means excessive attachment to rules and established rituals, which prevents the effective performance of tasks. Anankastic personality disorder exhibits morbid perfectionism.

Personality Disorder: borderline

Personality borderline it is a tendency to change moods very quickly. A patient with personality on the border, in an instant he can profess undying love, and in a moment he can scream about infinite hatred. Borderline it is often associated with an explosive nature and a tendency to take risks – both in terms of life choices and in terms of sexual preferences or tendencies to gamble and addictions.

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