Personal trainings are trainings on a variety of topics that aim to change the personality.
Varieties of personal training
The topics of personal training are varied. Roughly speaking, it can be distinguished as:
- Business, business (trainings «Public Speaking», «Leadership Development», «Goal Setting», «Personality of the Leader»),
- Personal life (search for a partner, man-woman relationships, mental problems),
- Personal development (management of emotions, development of will, leadership skills).
According to the objectives of the work, LT are divided into the following main groups:
- Instrumental trainings
- Psychotherapeutic trainings and groups,
- Personal development and personal growth trainings.
According to the approach and methods of work, LTs are divided into:
- psychological trainings,
- psychotherapy trainings,
- Transpersonal trainings,
- Trainings of various religious approaches,
- Esoteric and mystical trainings.
Level of personal work
Personality consists of elements of different levels, and trainings differ in terms of which level elements they are primarily aimed at working with. Accordingly, trainings of specific skills (instrumental), trainings of personal growth (personal development) aimed at skills of a universal plan, trainings of states and transformational trainings working with deep (basic) beliefs, values and states are distinguished. It is important to note that the topics of all these trainings can be both personal and business fields.
Pros and cons of personal training
Attractiveness of personal trainings:
- strong learning outcomes are possible: correcting shortcomings, developing new skills and abilities, improving relationships with loved ones and the right people, opening up new life prospects.
- the opportunity to switch to a new environment, try out new styles of communication and new personal roles. «Ventilation of the Soul»
- as a rule, a very attractive environment of warm and lively communication.
Cons and dangers of personal training:
- happens to be hobbies for trainings, they turn from interesting study for someone into entertainment or gaining new knowledge to the detriment of their implementation in practice. The situation is similar to reading books: we read for business or for the sake of the reading process itself, “well, do you just want to read?”. (see Withdrawal from life and Process and Result)
- harsh training for unprepared participants can create a situation that is not developing, but traumatic for the individual.
For more details, see Who needs what trainings and Criteria for evaluating personal trainings
Training qualification badges
Personal training can be of varying degrees of rigidity. Coaches-leaders, members of the Personality Development Association use qualification badges in advertising information about their trainings. The presence of the icon indicates that the quality of the training is confirmed by the Association, and the color of the icon indicates the features of a particular training program.
- The green badge of the Association means soft, careful, most environmentally friendly training.
- A yellow icon indicates a balanced workout that involves moderate effort.
- The red badge warns that this is an extreme training designed for a trained audience. It is possible to use harsh and provocative techniques.
The system of qualification badges, if it does not fully implement the principle of «do no harm», then significantly reduces the risk of psychological trauma among unprepared participants. See →
Personal training for corporate clients
There is a widespread fear that personal training for corporate clients will bring not good, but harm. For a discussion of this, see →