Margaret Thatcher has always gone her own way, focusing little on how others arrange their lives at this time.
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Personal qualities of a leader are personal qualities that distinguish a leader from a non-leader, helping a person to become a leader.
If you try to name just one main quality that makes a person a leader, it is the ability and strength to dare. The leader is the one who dares, who turns out to be stronger than fears. Who dares, he is ahead. On the other hand, it is easier to dare someone who is prepared, who has experience and is confident of success. See also Leader potential
Naturally, the leader is not a show-off, every minute attracting attention to himself with stupid oddities, and not a hooligan, wrapped up to gouge public order. A leader is a person with the feeling “I am the owner!”, and the one who feels like a master behaves the way he needs to, and not the way others expect him to. How to train it? See →
Initiative, courage, professionalism
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