Margaret Thatcher’s mission is to uplift her beloved country.
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Mission, personal mission — a unique task that is given to the hero to save others or help others.
The mission of a person is subjective — his understanding of the meaning of life as caring for people and life, expressed in specific deeds that will remain for people and are done for them.
Personal mission for Alex Yanovsky.
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Your personal mission objectively is the unique and greatest thing that you can give to people. Left it behind you, gave it to people — you have fulfilled your mission. See →
More detailed transcript
Sometimes it’s nice to think about your mission, but test it with the following criteria.
- You live not just because you live, you have life goals, there is a core, direction and integrity.
You are no longer just a plant-animal existence, you are already a person and a person. If you scatter and do one thing useful to people, then another — you are a wonderful and useful creature, but this is usefulness. Benefit — the necessary benefit, an objective positive result. What meets the needs.
Children do not use the category useful-harmful, preferring to operate with concepts: pleasant-not pleasant, like-dislike. Adults are more guided by useful-unhelpful, necessary-not necessary.
Although, by the way, adult children still continue to use the categories I want or don’t want.
See Mission and Benefits. If you have life goals, there is a core, direction and integrity, this is worthy — you are no longer just a plant-animal existence, you are already a person and a person. But a life that has a purpose is not yet a mission, it is all just the beginning.
- Your goals are not dead ends, empty or meaningless. What you are doing is really and seriously needed by someone. At least for you personally. Are you willing to pay for it, live for it!
Congratulations, you already have the meaning of life. But if only this is not a mission yet. See Meaning of life and mission
- What you are doing is beyond your personal interests. You do it — (ultimately) for people, for others, not for yourself.
Which does not at all exclude your pride and satisfaction for what you are doing. And it assumes that you are wisely investing in yourself. If you don’t take care of the tool, you can’t do anything with it. You are, in a sense, also a tool. See Man and healthy animal
- What you do for people, you do great, and people really need it.
If you are doing your job poorly, of poor quality, then give it to others who will do your job better. It’s none of your business.
If it seems to you that you care about people and benefit them, and they run away from you and sue you for harassment, then you are simply an inadequate person. Always, constantly, be sure to think and, if possible, check (at least ask smart people) — is it true that what I do people really need?
- There is some uniqueness in what you do.
If you are just a wonderful mother, of which there are still many, this is your calling, but not a mission. A mission, unlike a vocation, is unique.
- This is the biggest and most important thing that you can give to people.
Mom with pleasure and successfully brings up her daughter, this is approved by relatives and society. This is her calling. But maybe that’s not her mission because it’s not unique and because it’s not the most she can do. She can do so much more in life! See →
- You live for it, you feel an inner need to do it.
If you yourself are not drawn to this, you yourself are not happy — this is not your mission, but your cross. If someone says that your Mission is just your favorite thing, you can just smile contentedly. See Favorite business and Mission
Examples of life missions
As an example of the life of people who had a mission in life, we can name (among the known):
- N.M. Amosov — surgery, life saving by heart operations,
- A.A. Lyubishchev — creation of the periodic system of biological organisms,
- A.P. Makarova is the grandmother of all boarding schools in the city of Suzdal,
- D.V. Morozov — the creation of a new system for raising abandoned children,
- S.N. Fedorov — new, accessible to the general public, technologies for effective vision correction.
Mission pros and cons
There are many more pluses in life with a mission: people with a mission are stronger in life and do not suffer from the problem of personal motivation. Cons: They can be difficult to live with. See Mission: pros and cons
A way to realize and formulate your mission
Ask yourself questions:
- What can I do to help other people?
- What result of my activity will remain for people? Further see →
Mission in business
The mission of the organization is the role that the organization assigns to itself in society. For the sake of what this business was organized and operates for people, the biggest and most important, unique thing that this company can and wants to give people.
Unless, of course, it really interests her. See Business