Personal experience: how to lose weight after fifty

It is generally accepted that finding a slim figure in adulthood is unrealistic. Like, the metabolism slowing down over the years provides the waist with an impenetrable “chastity belt”. In fact, the parameters of the figure and health are not so much a question of age as of motivation.

For our editorial proofreader Elena, who recently celebrated a round date of two fives, such a motivation was … a corporate trip to nature. With her growing weight, she was not particularly soared: she was sure that mature women get fat not from cutlets, but from years. The husband sometimes spitefully teased her figure, which was far from perfect, but Elena let these barbs deafen her ears: well, yes, not a reed, but after all, she’s not ugly fat, and you cannot argue with passport data.

Weight 86 kg, but the realization that this is no longer possible is ahead

After the half-century anniversary, the kilograms began to arrive even more intensively, and on the eve of her 55th birthday, our Elena weighed 86 kg with a height of 169 cm.She connected the presence of a whole bunch of diseases (hypothyroidism, joint problems, hypertension, high cholesterol and sugar levels) exclusively with age, but not with a way of life.

Elena took a corporate trip to nature organized last spring with enthusiasm: fresh air, pleasant company, barbecue. The gastronomic part was preceded by impromptu “fun starts”. The whole team was divided into two teams, which were to compete in several types of relay. Running in bags, moving at speed on an inflatable banana and other activities required muscle strength and endurance, and Elena was not easy with this. Probably, if the competition were individual, she would have perceived her lack of sports as another reminder of her age, but she so did not want to let the team down! However, this was the case when the desire did not coincide with the possibilities: it was simply difficult for Elena to run briskly and jump high. It was even harder to realize that among the competitors, she was not the only “aged woman.” When it came to shashlik, our colleague looked depressed and listened intently to the pulse that did not want to subside.

The same trip to nature, which became the starting point of a new life

According to her, it was on that day that she made the decision that it was impossible to continue like this. A sedentary lifestyle and long-term nutrition according to the principle of “what I see, I put in my mouth” provided excess weight and a whole set of various ailments. And then what? Is it really just going to doctors, a heap of medicines and age-related depression? But you really want to live without problems, enjoying the ease both mental and physical! But who can solve this problem if not herself? And our Elena took up herself with her usual pedantry.

First of all, she decided to change her diet. An advanced designer Masha advised her to write down everything that she put in her mouth during the day and count the calorie content of what she eaten. Elena counted and gasped: the energy value of her food turned out to be much higher than the energy consumption, and the diet was based on simple carbohydrates and fats. Was it any wonder that the arrows of the scales added at least two additional kilograms annually! And along with the weight, the list of “age” ailments grew steadily. So, it means that the matter is not at all in the number of years lived, but in the eating behavior?

Elena, using a special program obtained on the Internet, found out that her daily diet should not exceed 1350 kcal. But most importantly, it should consist of a strictly defined amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Heat treatment methods should also be changed: not fry, but stew, bake, boil, steam, ideally – eat raw vegetables and fruits.

Before and after: Elena a year ago and today

Carried away by the new challenge, Elena quickly became an expert on food products, their energy potential and vitamin and mineral composition. Taking all these components into account, she planned her daily diet. Not only sweets, but also white bread, potatoes, pasta, white rice were included in the category of prohibited ones. We were keenly interested in the recipe for various dishes that she brought with her to work: the contents of her containers always looked very appetizing, despite the modest calorie content. By the time of her meals, it became possible to synchronize the clocks: Elena argued that the regularity of food is just as important as the composition of the diet. From now on, she could not be seduced with chocolates, cookies and other sweets: our colleague was firmly on the path of change. However, it is difficult to reproach her with excessive asceticism. For example, on New Year’s Eve, she paid tribute to salted fish, and Olivier salad, and dry red wine – but all a little bit!

The changes were not long in coming – Elena began to slim before our eyes. Our entire team watched with delight how the dresses and sundresses that had recently sat on her in a sticky shape became more and more spacious. In just six months, our rather stubborn colleague lost 20 kg (now she weighs not 86, but 66 kg) and three sizes in clothes (46–48 instead of 54). But most importantly, not only the figure returned to normal, but also the state of health: blood pressure returned to normal, sugar and cholesterol dropped to reference values. In fairness, it should be noted that such results were achieved not only due to weight loss, but also due to the implementation of medical recommendations (including taking prescribed drugs). But only with a change in lifestyle, drug therapy began to give the expected effect! It became much easier for Elena to move, she began to do morning exercises, and with pleasure, and not because it was necessary. And in the evenings, he often turns on the TV channel, where dance classes are shown, and pays tribute to the incendiary zumba.

Weight 66 kg. It took six months to get rid of 20 kg.

Such a dramatic change could not but affect her mood and self-perception. Instead of the constant beige and brown shades in clothes, Elena began to give preference to bright colors, and in general there was a need to significantly update her wardrobe. Naturally, Elena’s transformation could not help but notice her husband. The new look of his wife is to his liking, and now her task is to make the faithful her like-minded person in matters of nutrition (until the man is ready to give up the permanent “feast of the belly”).

Well, for all of us, colleagues, Elena’s example became the best motivation, how, without references to age, to transform ourselves and make our life much healthier and happier.

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