The East is a delicate matter, and the human body is even more complicated. I have read more than once that practicing oriental practices can be harmful, but I did not believe. Until I was convinced of this from personal experience.
A few months ago, I sounded the alarm: before the vacation, nothing at all, and I have a tummy and ears on my sides. And cellulite! We urgently need to get in shape!
For two weeks I was looking for a suitable section. I don’t want to go to the pool – after all, it’s minus 10 on the street, I don’t like fitness – it’s boring, maybe dancing? Before marriage, I enjoyed running salsa and bachata. It wasn’t easy at first. Our trainer, an Ecuadorian named Mario, even jokingly called me an ironing board! The legs moved, but the plastic of the body did not come in any way. But then nothing, got involved, even began to like it. And what? Weight goes away, butt is tightened, and it’s also fun!
“I’ll shake the old days!” – I decided and signed up for the next lesson in the dance school I looked after. The only pity is that the workout was canceled on the appointed day. There was only one alternative: to go to a yoga class.
“We must at least start with something, and not far from home,” I reasoned. Yoga is so yoga.
The training was not so much in the sharashkin office – the huge beauty complex had several gyms at once, in which there was always no overcrowding. But the instructor immediately aroused suspicion. The elderly wiry woman looked more like a retired physical education teacher than a professional instructor.
– Hands up, pull in the stomach, squeeze the perineum! – She boldly commanded and checked the sequence of exercises on a piece of paper. On a piece of paper, Karl! And what kind of crotch is that ?!
By the middle of the class, my back started to hurt. By the end of the workout, something cracked in the neck area, and we didn’t seem to be doing anything supernatural. Unless a couple of asanas aroused my suspicions …
Upon returning home, I could no longer turn my head to the side, my back ached, and with it all the internal organs. I thought it was just from overstrain – it would hurt if you didn’t work out for a long time. Alas, every day the condition only worsened. In the morning I woke up with aching neck and severe headache. By lunchtime, the symptoms passed to the back, and by the evening I felt pain when walking.
I came to the doctor’s appointment in an almost crumpled state. I’m only 29, and already like a young old woman! A bunch of referrals, tests, pictures, doctors’ examinations … Doctors diagnosed multiple pinching and displacement of the cervical vertebra.
The second month has gone, as I treat my poor back. It hurts to sit, sleep is uncomfortable … Damn this yoga of yours! I’d better wait for the next lesson at the dance school!