Personal experience: 10 exercises to pump up the ass while sitting at home

Personal experience: 10 exercises to pump up the ass while sitting at home

The text was written by our reader Natalya Kuzmich, and it turned out to be so good that we decided to publish it.

The trend for healthy lifestyle is only gaining momentum every year. And there is nothing wrong with that, because each of us wants to be the most beautiful.

– So, look at the photo below. On the left is an ordinary woman, a housewife, a young mother who does not have time for constant training in the gym. On the right is the same ordinary woman who still has a small child and household in her arms, but she found time for herself.

I didn’t like how my body began to look after childbirth, how my belly bulged out, and the “ears” on the thighs and cellulite made it difficult to wear fashionable jeans and shorts. I started training at home, from scratch, never before doing any sports at all, and six months later I discovered that the figure after childbirth can become cooler than it was before.

Here are some of the most effective exercises that can help tighten your entire body and that you can do at home with a minimum of equipment.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks


Spread the legs wider than the shoulders, slightly turning the socks outward. We take a breath, gently lower ourselves, pulling the pelvis back and tilting the body forward until the hips are parallel to the floor; or below parallel. We rise back, as if pushing the floor with his heels.

Wrong: push your knees over your toes, bring your knees together, round your back. The knees should point in the same direction as the socks; in the squat position, the feet, knees and shoulders lie on the same vertical line. Keep your back straight, otherwise your lower back will hurt!


Legs are wider than shoulders, socks are apart, knees are slightly bent. We take a barbell (or heavier dumbbells) so that the hands are slightly wider than the knees. Taking the pelvis back and tilting the straight body, we lower the barbell on straight arms, barely touching the knees with the bar, almost to the floor. We raise the body, contracting the muscles of the buttocks – for this we again lean on the heels.

Wrong: round your back and pull up the barbell on your hands! In this exercise, the back should not work at all, any attempt to relax the abdomen will lead to the back bending and the entire weight of the load from the buttocks to the lower back – and this is a path to injury!


We put one leg back, away. Slowly lower the pelvis. In this case, the knee of the front leg is exactly above her foot. Feeling stretched. We rise up due to the muscles of the front leg, again pushing the floor with the heel.

Wrong: lower the knee of the hind leg to the floor, while lifting, transfer the weight to the hind leg. The supporting leg is in front of you, we push it up. The leg behind just maintains balance.

During training, you need to keep the abdominal muscles tense so as not to bend the lower back either inward or outward – this will protect your spine.


Legs as wide as possible. The toes to the sides are also wider than before. Knees look at toes! In the lowered straight arms, a dumbbell / kettlebell. Without bending forward, without bringing the knees out by the socks, we lower the pelvis vertically down, slowly rise. At the top point, we additionally strain the buttocks.

Wrong: sit below a certain point when the tailbone begins to look not at the floor, but forward, that is, when the lower back begins to round.

Makhi feet

We put our sports rug or something soft on a chair or coffee table. We lie down on our stomachs on a chair and hold on to it with our hands. Raise the straight legs brought together, spread them to the sides at the top, then bring them together again and lower them. And if you do swings, additionally putting on weights on your legs, it turns out generally super!

If all the big chairs are occupied, take the nursery. We put it behind us, get on all fours, with support on outstretched arms (more difficult) or on elbows, swing over the chair with a straight leg, touching the floor either to the right or to the left of it.

Wrong: put your leg up strongly and swing by inertia, “throw” your legs. We do not lift the leg too high so that the lower back does not bend, but we lower it with a smooth controlled movement.

Exercises for the press and back

Double crunches

My favorite abs exercise! We lay a rug, lie on our back, hands behind our head. At the same time, we tear off the shoulders and legs from the floor, raise the body and bend the legs at the knees, strive to pull the knees to the chest. We go down, straighten our legs, but don’t put them on the floor! We do it to failure – that is, to a strong burning sensation, the maximum number of times.

Wrong: pull yourself by the neck, drop sharply. Hands are just next to the ears, or we cross them on the chest, this is easier. Do not put our head on the floor again until the end of the approach.

The main principle: the exhalation is done on the rise


We get on all fours, palms just under the shoulders. We straighten our legs and rest our socks on the floor. The body forms a straight line from the heels to the crown of the head. The buttocks are drawn in, the abdomen is tense. We stand in this position for as long as possible, but not less than 15 seconds.

Wrong: sag in the lower back. The body should be straight – precisely due to the abdominal muscles. If it’s hard on outstretched arms, lean on your elbows.

Exercises for arms and shoulders

Push ups

The starting position is like a plank. We bend our arms, lower the body down, trying to touch the floor with our chest. Which muscles will be loaded depends on the position of the hands. Push-ups with elbows pressed to the sides are for the triceps and pectoral muscles. Push-ups are classic, with a wide emphasis – exercise on the shoulders.

Wrong: errors inherent in the plank. Doing push-ups can be very hard at first – the first time I didn’t do anything at all. Therefore, in this video, pay attention to push-ups – you can put your hands on a chair, on a bed or sofa.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

Sitting, standing, with the hand on the knee. We take a dumbbell in our free hand, hold the elbow next to the body and try not to move it from its place. We raise the dumbbell, bending the arm, lower it to its original position.

Wrong: swing freely with your hands, take your elbows to the sides.

Lowering the dumbbell behind the head (triceps)

Better sitting, take a dumbbell with both hands, lift it on straight arms above your head. Bending your elbows, lower the dumbbell behind your head. Straightening the triceps, we straighten our arms to their original position.

Wrong: spread your elbows to the side or too back. You need to strive to ensure that only the forearms move.

This set of exercises can be used as a constructor. Take a couple of exercises for each zone and your strength training program is ready. Each perform 3 sets of 15-20 times (unless I indicated otherwise in the description of the exercise). From ten exercises, you can think of so many options for yourself that it will not be boring!

Feel the strength in yourself – do a circular training: all ten exercises in a row, without a break, are for the brave and stubborn.

Strength training is best done 3 times a week, every other day. In them, 70% of the time should be occupied by basic exercises, and 30% by isolating ones. The former include squats, lunges, push-ups and various deadlifts, such as the deadlift, and the latter – leg swings, dumbbell lifts for biceps, triceps and crunches for the press.

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