Personal “conversion”: how it’s done

Find a new occupation – more meaningful, developing, creative … Many of us think about this from time to time. But how to realize the desire to change profession or place of work?

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Do a “review”

“First, we need to figure out what we don’t like in our current work and what we like. If, along with the minuses, we give up what we liked and what we succeeded in, then we may feel disappointment later, – explains coach Maria Makarushkina. – In the same way, we have to understand what our own pluses and minuses are. Many people are more satisfied with a job where they can show their strengths. But someone, on the contrary, will choose an area that will allow them to develop in new directions.” Ask yourself the question: “What is really important to me in today’s life?”, advises psychotherapist Hélène Roubeix, then your personal values ​​will become clear: for example, freedom, authenticity, communication. Make a list of conditions on which your self-realization depends: “do not sit at the computer all day”; “be your own master”, “work with your hands” …

Ask loved ones

In order to realistically assess your capabilities, you need feedback from relatives, friends, colleagues, emphasizes Maria Makarushkina. “Don’t be afraid to ask, ‘What do you think I’m better at? What job would be right for me?” It’s one thing what we think of ourselves, another thing is how we are seen by those who know us well.” Their opinion will allow you to get a more objective picture. However, other people’s estimates are not always accurate. “Dialogue is appropriate to the extent that it helps you formulate the right questions. The answers to them must come from you,” emphasizes coach Yves Deloison. Let go of social or family regulations that prevent you from thinking like, “Did I really learn this for nothing?” or “What will they think of me?”

Define your dream job

What if reflection has not yet led us to a specific idea? If we don’t know what kind of work suits our needs? Then it is worth finding out what generally emotionally affects us. What were your hobbies as a child or youth? What hobbies do you have now? How do we like to relax? “It is here that you can find important clues for yourself,” says Maria Makarushkina. – Someone who enjoys sports may be attracted to activities that involve the body or require dynamics. Everything that ignites us can be projected into work.” In this search, a dialogue with a specialist, whether it be a psychologist, a coach or one of your colleagues, can help.

Leave all the doors open

Let’s say you like confectionery, but what attracts you to it? Creation? Then consider other options, such as the design of fashion accessories. Making recipes? You can get an education as a chef. Do you have an idea to open a bakery? Think about the job of a merchant. Don’t rule out any possibility, even the strangest one. This requires, suggests psychoanalyst Liliane Holstein, “thinking about our desires for several hours a week. And also create a folder in which we will collect everything that can inspire us: photographs, magazine articles, texts.

Rate your resolve

For each desire, specify what the difficulties are and whether you are able to overcome them. For example: “Quit my job as an accountant to become a pastry chef. Am I ready to be a student again? Will I be able to adjust my family life to the new schedule? Can I cope with the decline in income? A concrete approach will not allow idealizing the future. When your idea is fully mature, look for the best vocational education option in terms of price, duration, type of degree.

Explore all aspects of your project

Think of your project as a dice with one side invisible. After all, between what we imagine and what happened, there is always a gap. To get rid of idealization faster, ask professionals in the target industry what limitations and difficulties they encountered and how they overcame them. Also estimate the price you will have to pay for your dream project. What will you miss? Travel, flexible schedules, funds… How can you compensate for these losses? Schedule dinners with friends, limit working hours…

Check your desire

Now try on the life you dream of: sign up for courses for amateurs, participate in discussions on the forums. Visit professional salons to gauge your enthusiasm, interest and ability. Imagine what your business card, your website might look like. To test the strength of your intentions, why not try to combine two activities, figuring out how feasible what you dream about. A manager by day and a fitness trainer by night, it’s possible. Immerse yourself in a new life physically and mentally. And let your desire guide you.

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