The coach of Hollywood stars at the training in Krasnodar told how they keep themselves in shape.
Demi Moore, Pamela Anderson and Madonna
Former artist of Cirque du Soleil Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most flexible person on the planet. In Krasnodar, he held a master class at the “Era of Aquarius” center and told how his star pupils trained, and also gave advice on how to force myself to play sports through I don’t want to.
– My advice is suitable for both Hollywood stars and ordinary people, I always say the same thing to everyone. Because the problems are the same: everyone wants to look good, be fit, slim. Even if you have a great figure, you should not give yourself slack. So I told Pamela Anderson. The actress saw my performance in Los Angeles and asked me to give her some private lessons in order to tighten her figure before the next shoot. I developed an individual program for her, the details of which she asked not to tell. And Anderson was pleased with the result. She recommended me to her friend Demi Moore. There were several lessons with her too.
– The most flexible and easy-going among my star clients turned out to be Madonna. She is beautifully built, was a diligent student. The singer is a very busy person: between classes she managed to fly to Australia or Africa. Nevertheless, she did not shirk from classes, did not miss training. Without discipline, nothing will work.
Mukhtar is the most flexible man on the planet
“I don’t make people flexible by magic. Flexibility can only be developed by repeating a set of exercises from day to day. I train myself for several hours a day. And then I don’t sit on the couch, but “stretch” on the floor, and so I write and read.
– To start practicing, you first need to prepare yourself mentally. Understand how much it is needed. There is nothing more important in the world than yourself. Therefore, treat yourself with respect, do not ignore desires.
– My main rule is to practice with pleasure, not through pain. Otherwise, the brain will find reasons to shirk if it remembers previous activities as unpleasant. Work on oneself should be presented to the body as pleasure. Choose a sport that you won’t be doing through strength.
– The load should be increased gradually – from simple to complex. You should not do everything at once, drive yourself into training the first time, otherwise we return to the point about pain – you will not force yourself to practice.