Personal care by day of the week: advice from a Vedic astrologer
It turns out that the stars can tell us on which day it is better to do this or that beauty procedure. We suggest checking the recommendations for yourself!
Vedic astrology contains not only the predictive part, but also other methods of corrections designed to mitigate the adverse effects of the planets. In this case, these are recommendations for personal care.
Every woman dreams of having a beautiful, healthy body and looking gorgeous. But not everyone knows exactly how to properly use the energies of the planets for self-care and what exactly needs to be done for this. To learn the secrets of beauty and health, follow the advice on personal care from a Vedic astrologer. This will allow you to look great, feel good and be in a great mood every day.
Vedic astrologer, international specialist in family education
Monday is women’s day. He is responsible for beauty and harmony. On this day, all the forces of the body should be directed in such a way as to help it cleanse.
You should take care of yourself and cleanse the whole body.
Cosmetic procedures and the wearing of white clothes are favorable.
It is recommended to take a milk bath.
For the beauty of your teeth, periodically rinse your mouth with water containing pearls.
It will be beneficial for the skin to wash with milk and make a cream mask.
After the bath, put on white clothes, get a manicure, pedicure and thoroughly moisturize your skin.
Mondays not recommended perform cosmetic procedures related to fire, for example, a haircut with hot scissors. Do not wax and use too hot a bath.
The day is distinguished by activity, the energy of fire prevails in it.
Therefore, you can visit the bathhouse, sauna, do various rubbing, that is, everything related to heat and fire.
The day is good for a facelift, chest and abdomen.
Strength exercises are helpful.
You can also depilate your legs and get rid of skin imperfections.
Not recommended long-term interaction with water and a visit to the pool. Better to take a contrast shower. Also, do not wet cleaning to minimize contact with water.
Responsible for natural beauty.
It is recommended to prepare the cream using ghee, which can be purchased or made with quality butter. Jasmine, rose or lotus essential oil is added to ghee. These three components can and should be used in any procedure.
It is allowed to use only natural shampoos. Try to buy products with milk proteins and rose scent.
Using natural cosmetics, you can improve your health.
Not recommended actions aimed at concrete destruction of something. For example, hair removal and tooth extraction are contraindicated.
Wear orange or yellow clothing and be in good spirits all day.
In the evening you can take a shower or a bath.
Not recommended do any cosmetic procedures related to beauty. This is the only day of the week when you need to stay in your natural state for so much, as much as possible.
It is beneficial to shop for cosmetics or clothing, visit spas, do manicures and all beauty treatments.
You should pay special attention to your body in order to harmonize your positive feminine qualities.
Not recommended allow rude treatment of women. You cannot irritate them and quarrel with them. Especially with masters in beauty salons – representatives of Venus. They should be treated with respect, attention and affectionate treatment.
It is the most severe day. Suitable for different posts and restrictions. On this day, you need to learn to distribute everything in order, not to rush, slow down and move in the right rhythm in order to form the correct, divine attitude. The day is suitable for repentance and charity, because the beauty of the soul is the main thing in a woman.
You need to eat lean dishes, for example, cereals, buckwheat with olive oil and other simple foods with a minimum of ingredients.
Not recommended overeat, consume alcoholic beverages, show excessive concern with oneself. This is a day that is not meant for beauty in any of its forms.
A bright and festive day associated with luxury and different effects. It’s good to celebrate something on this day and dress up like a holiday. You can hold ceremonial family dinners with beautiful table setting. Also on this day you should be bolder, brighter and more active.
You can apply a turmeric and lingonberry juice mask.
Not recommended actions associated with excess water. It is better to postpone all procedures associated with it in any manifestation to Monday.
If you live according to certain rhythms, observing the energy of every day with its rules and laws, cleanse and competently take care of the body, you can notice many positive changes in both appearance and health. And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are and where you live, since these rules always work the same for everyone.