Persimmon Prok was bred specifically for growing in regions with a cold climate. The culture is grafted onto a hardy rootstock. The variety of American selection is resistant to diseases, unpretentious in care, gives a high yield. It is popular with gardeners for its taste and fruit size. The variety is suitable for cultivation in large areas for commercial and industrial purposes.

Description of persimmon varieties Prok with a photo

Persimmon variety Prok: description, photo, reviews

Persimmon Prok grows in the form of a compact tree 2,5–4 m high

Culture Description:

  • skeletal branches and central trunk with dark gray bark, intense shoot formation, young stems with a smooth surface are dark brown, with drooping tops;
  • the crown is dense, the leaves are bright green, rounded, alternately arranged;
  • flowers are light yellow, bell-shaped, formed from leaf axils, male flowers are collected in racemes, female ones are solitary;
  • cups with five petals.

Persimmon fruits Prok are large, bright orange. They have the following characteristics:

  • the shape is rounded, slightly elongated at the bottom;
  • weight – 100–180 g;
  • the peel is thin, uniformly colored, elastic, tolerates transportation well, does not crack;
  • the pulp is dense, fibrous, juicy, light orange;
  • dessert persimmon variety, sweet taste with a pronounced aroma, the fruits are universal in use;
  • seeds are large, dark brown, flat.
Persimmon variety Prok: description, photo, reviews

Fruits plucked at the stage of technical ripeness ripen well at room temperature.

Characteristics of persimmon Prok

Variety Prok is grafted onto a frost-resistant stock of Virgin persimmon. The culture is recommended for cultivation in the Central, Middle lane and the North Caucasus. In Our Country, the optimal climatic conditions for growing Prok persimmon are the southern regions; in the Moscow region, it winters without damage. If the fruits do not have time to fully ripen before frost, they are removed and sent for ripening.

Attention! The crop ripened in artificially created conditions completely retains its taste and chemical composition.

According to the varietal characteristics, an adult tree of the Prok variety winters without damage at a temperature of -25–30 0C, young seedlings require root and crown cover.

Persimmon Prok is classified as fast-growing, the first crop is harvested in the third year of growth. The optimum yield of the tree reaches 5-6 years. It blooms in June, the cycle lasts 10-15 days. Cross pollination, male and female flowers are present on the plant.

Both species produce fruits, but only females have seeds if they are pollinated. For persimmon Prok, all dioecious varieties with the same fruiting period and frost resistance are suitable as a pollinator, for example, Rossiyanka, Mider.

Persimmon variety Prok: description, photo, reviews

Persimmon Prok is not afraid of return spring frosts due to late flowering, inflorescences crumble only with a lack of moisture

Variety Prok at the genetic level has a high immunity to all types of fungal infections. In the cold season, if the persimmon is planted in the shade and exposed to the north wind, gray mold may develop. Fungal infection affects the ovaries and fruits.

To avoid the problem, properly allocate a place for landing. It should be sunny and protected from the wind. In the spring, during the formation of buds, for the purpose of prevention, the persimmon is treated with Topsin.

For persimmon variety Prok, the scale insect is a threat. At the first sign of damage, the tree is treated with Karbofos.

Prok is classified as a mid-late variety. Harvest ripens from mid to late October. Fruiting is stable. From a plant that has entered the full reproductive phase, you can collect up to 80 kg of berries in the southern regions and up to 60 kg in temperate climates.

Advantages and disadvantages

Persimmon Prok is quite popular with gardeners. She is in the top 5 most purchased varieties. Valued for a number of advantages:

  • stable yield;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • pleasant taste, lack of thiamine in the composition;
  • frost resistance;
  • long shelf life of berries;
  • transportability;
  • persimmon is suitable for industrial cultivation;
  • versatility in use (used fresh, dried, prepared desserts, juice);
  • high immunity.

There are no downsides to this particular variety. Like all representatives of culture, Prok does not grow in the shade. Young trees require protection of the root system and crown from frost.

Features of growing persimmon Prok

The variety Prok is propagated by generative and vegetative means. In the first case, purchased seedlings at least two years old are used for planting. If the root system is open, it is treated with an antifungal agent before planting.

A place for persimmon is taken away from the southeast side, the site should be open during daylight hours. Prok will grow on any type of soil, but a full-fledged vegetation is possible only on light soils with good aeration, enriched with nutrients. The composition is neutral or slightly alkaline.

Attention! Persimmon is a moisture-loving culture, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore, areas with a close location of groundwater are not suitable, there is a high risk of root rot and plant death.

Generative reproduction is rarely used. It will take two years from the time the seeds are planted to placed in open ground.

For a seedling, seeds are taken from well-ripened or overripe fruits, each bone is placed in a separate container with a fertile substrate (sand, compost, soddy soil in equal parts).

Persimmon variety Prok: description, photo, reviews

In the southern regions, planting in open ground is carried out in spring (early May) and autumn (September)

In temperate climates, the procedure is not practiced at the end of the season, because a fragile seedling will not overwinter.

Planting and care

A pit for persimmon Prok is prepared on the day of work:

  1. The planting hole is dug 50–60 cm deep.
  2. The bottom is covered with drainage.
  3. Compost, fertile soil layer, sand are mixed in the same proportion, ash and nitrogen-containing fertilizer are added.
  4. Part of the mixture is poured to the bottom of the pit, making a hill.
  5. Drive in a fixing stake.
  6. Persimmon is placed on a cone-shaped embankment, covered with the remaining soil mixture, compacted.
  7. The pit is filled to the brim, watered, the trunk is tied to a stake.
  8. The grafting site is deepened by 10 cm.

A day later, the persimmon is mulched. So that the soil does not dry out, and there is no stagnation of water, it is periodically watered. During the planting season, the Prok variety does not require top dressing. The next year, in the spring, nitrogen-containing products are introduced, and during the flowering period they are fertilized with potassium. When berries are formed, superphosphate is added. In autumn, they are fed with a complex mineral fertilizer without nitrogen. Organics are used in liquid form from spring to early September. The frequency of the procedure is twice a month. In autumn, increase the layer of mulch and insulate the crown with any covering material.

Harvesting and storage

Harvest before the first frost. In the Central strip – this is the end of October or the beginning of November. They are removed from the tree along with a hard receptacle (according to the principle of screwing in a light bulb). Berries are placed in special boxes with isolated cells. Store at a temperature not higher than +5 0C indoors with good ventilation. Under such conditions, persimmon does not lose its presentation and nutritional value for up to 70 days.


Persimmon Prok is a frost-resistant crop designed for growing in areas with cold winters. A variety with a stable yield, dioecious, moisture-loving, full growth is possible only in a sunny area. Persimmon is fast-growing, the first crop gives at the age of three, ripening is medium late. The fruits are sweet, without astringent taste. They are consumed fresh, make jams, preserves, juice.

Reviews about persimmon Prok

Petrov Denis Valentinovich, 56 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Persimmon varieties Prok have been in my dacha for the fifth year. I harvested my first crop last fall. Got about 40 kg. The fruits are tasty, sweet, they ripened well, the weight of the largest reached 200 g. For all the time the tree did not hurt, there were no pests.
Irina Solodova, 29 years old, Kolomna
I have a small plot of land, medium-sized persimmon Prok came in handy. The tree is low, does not take up much space, and the yield is good. When the leaves fall, the persimmon is completely covered with bright orange fruits. They are very tasty and sweet, I use them not only fresh, but also for winter preparations.
Trying Persimmon Virginia Prok. Bummer. Read the comment.

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