Persimmon liqueurs at home – 3 interesting recipes!

Persimmon is a clearly underestimated fruit. Well, what can you do with it? Well eat. Well, make jam or compote there. Everything, the fantasy has dried up. And, by the way, the potential of this fruit in our business is simply huge! For example, in Central Asia and the Caucasus, “persimmon” moonshine is being driven with might and main, they say, a little thing – you will swing! Of course, if you do not have “40 kilograms of persimmon”, you should not take up distillation. But it’s quite possible to follow the example of Europeans and make a delicious tincture or liquor from persimmons!

Making persimmon liquor at home is not difficult – you only need whole, not frozen fruits and alcohol, vodka or other alcohol. For the full disclosure of the original astringent, slightly “cognac” flavor, it is better to take a slightly unripe persimmon – it is still tasteless to eat, but there is more aroma in such fruits, it will be easier to filter the drink, and if necessary, we will add sweetness with sugar – business something. The simplest recipe for persimmon tincture – cut fruit, put in a jar, pour vodka, insist – is not interesting to us. Today we will look at more sophisticated combinations – persimmon with orange, persimmon with quince and spices on brandy, with ginger and vanilla on rum – in general, it will be interesting!

An interesting Korean fairy tale is composed about persimmon. Once, a tiger crept up to the window of the hut in which the child was crying. The caring mother tried to calm the little boy by the traditional Korean method – intimidation and threats. “Don’t cry, or I’ll give you to the jackal!” she said. But the baby continued to cry. “Don’t cry, I’ll give it to the wolf!” – Mother strengthened the expression, but this did not help either. “Don’t cry, or I’ll give it to the tiger!” – the tiger licked his lips, but the Korean did not stop crying.

Then the woman said: “Don’t cry, I’ll give you a persimmon” – and the tears immediately stopped. “What kind of animal is this, which is more feared than me?” the tiger thought in horror. He hurried to hide away from sin and did not bother the villagers anymore. And persimmon has since become a talisman – a symbol of protection from misfortune.

Homemade persimmon liqueur with orange

The recipe is quite simple, but interesting. This persimmon liqueur is made with vodka or diluted alcohol. Saffron is listed among the ingredients – it is needed only for color, if there is no saffron, it is quite possible to do without it.

  • persimmon – 5 medium fruits;
  • oranges – 4 small;
  • vodka – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • saffron – a pinch.


  1. First you need to cut the thin, thin zest from two oranges. We don’t need zest from the rest of the citrus fruits – we extract the pulp from all four, cut it. If the skin on the persimmon is rough, remove it. Cut the persimmon into small slices, mix with oranges.
  2. We put all the fruits in a jar in layers, sprinkling with sugar – 2-3 layers will be enough. We set the jar in a warm place for a couple of days, until all the sugar is converted into syrup.
  3. Now we take vodka and boldly pour it into our fruit mixture. Add a pinch of saffron and put the container in a dark place for three weeks. It should be shaken periodically.
  4. After three weeks, the almost finished drink must be carefully filtered. To begin with, it is better to take gauze, squeeze the remains of fruit through it, and then pass the liquid through a cotton or any other filter 2-3 times.

Before using this persimmon tincture on vodka, it is advisable to keep it for several weeks in a cool place, and then filter it again. But if it’s completely unbearable, you can drink it immediately, slightly chilled or as part of cocktails.

By the way, we owe the widespread distribution of persimmons to Matthew Perry. No, what are you – this is not Chandler from “Friends”, but the commodore of the US Navy, who in the XNUMXth century opened up to that very conservative Japan to the New World. As a present, the sea wolf grabbed a couple of boxes of persimmons from the Land of the Rising Sun – the Americans really liked the exotic fruit, now it is grown in Florida and California. By the way, it is from this country that most of the recipes for persimmon liqueurs have come down to us – they are very popular in the States.

Persimmon liqueur with ginger on rum

The drink uses an unusual combination of sweet, astringent and spicy, and a few vanilla beans are also added to the liquor to enhance this flavor kaleidoscope. In short, fusion is the same! If you don’t have rum – no one bothers to prepare the same persimmon liqueur with vodka or alcohol – it will still be delicious, although not so authentic.

  • one large persimmon – or 2 small ones;
  • fresh ginger – 2 pieces the size of a dice;
  • vanilla – a piece of pod 2 cm long;
  • dark rum – 0.5 liters.

The liqueur is prepared even simpler than the previous one. Persimmon should be cut into 8-10 slices, pour into a jar and pour rum (vodka, rum-vodka mixture in a ratio of 1: 2). Insist in a dark warm place for 2 weeks, then cut the ginger into small cubes, chop the vanilla, crush the beans and add everything to the jar. Again, set the container in a dark place – this time for 3-4 days.

After this period, try the drink – if the ginger and vanilla are not bright enough, hold the tincture a little more. After that – carefully, several times filter through a coffee filter or cotton wool. Sweeten if necessary. You can drink now, but keep in mind that over time this drink becomes much tastier!

Spicy persimmon liqueur with quince

Quince is an extremely fragrant thing, it has been combined with persimmon for a long time, and not only in tinctures, but also in compotes, jams and other goodies. This recipe includes a number of spices – if you do not like any of them, then feel free to remove it. The best alcohol for such a liquor is brandy, any domestic cognac of tolerable quality will do. But in principle, you can make such a persimmon tincture on vodka or sorting – there are a lot of ingredients in the recipe and the taste of brandy in the finished product will still be felt only slightly.

  • persimmon – 1 large;
  • quince – 1 large;
  • rosehip – 0.5 cups;
  • cinnamon – 1 medium stick;
  • cardamom – 1 box;
  • carnation – 1-2 buds;
  • nutmeg – a pinch;
  • honey – a maximum of 2 tablespoons;
  • brandy – 0.7 liters.

Persimmon for this recipe is recommended to take fully ripe. If you do not find quince, you can replace it with a pear, but quince is still much more aromatic. Any neutral honey is suitable – flower, linden, herbs. Do not use buckwheat or other honey with a bright taste – if there is no other way out, it is better to do with sugar or fructose syrup.

It’s not hard to make a drink. Persimmon and quince cut into 10-12 slices. Rosehip free from the stalks and lightly crush. Add spices and pour everything with alcohol, set aside in a dark place for 14 days, shake occasionally. After this period, strain the tincture, carefully filter – ripe persimmon and wild rose give a lot of turbidity. Heat honey to a liquid state and add to the drink. It is better to add it little by little and taste the liquor so as not to oversweet it. Leave the tincture to rest in a dark place for at least another 3 weeks, after that – re-filter if necessary. Ready!

As we can see, making persimmon liqueur at home is not at all difficult – trust your intuition, if necessary, do not be afraid to make adjustments to the recipes at your own discretion. “Rum Diary” wishes you exceptionally successful and tasty experiments!

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