Persimmon Honey is a real autumn hit, pleasing not only with its orange-sunny color, but also with an amazing taste reminiscent of flower honey. In addition, the fruits contain a whole storehouse of useful vitamins that the body needs in anticipation of the winter cold.
Description persimmon varieties Honey
Persimmon Honey is a low tree with a slightly curved trunk and a wide “torn” crown. The bark of the tree is dark gray, the branches are branched, the leaves are simple, oval, with pointed ends. The upper part of the leaf plates has a dark green color, the lower one is lighter. The leaves are leathery, with well-defined veins.
The variety blooms in late May or early June, depending on climatic conditions. The inflorescences of the culture are small, almost inconspicuous. They are white or yellowish cups, collected from four petals.
Fruits (from a botanical point of view, these are berries) are juicy, fleshy, slightly elongated ovoid in shape. The skin is thin, smooth. The flesh is bright orange. When ripe, the berries have a characteristic jelly-like structure. Due to the thin skin and too soft texture, there are problems with transportation, so the fruits are harvested slightly underripe.
This variety is seedless. It is distinguished by a sweet taste with pronounced honey notes. Some consider the Medovaya variety too cloying. The harvest of juicy ripe berries begins to be harvested in October. Collection can continue until mid-November (depending on the region of growth).
Under favorable circumstances, the tree bears fruit for 50-60 years. The first harvest is obtained in the second year of the tree’s life. The culture enters full fruiting in the tenth year.
This variety is classified as sun-loving. At the same time, it has an average resistance to frost. Persimmon does not require a lot of rainfall, preferring nutritious soil, so the tree takes root extremely rarely on sandy soil.
Does honey persimmon knit
Tannins are responsible for the viscosity. These tannins, coming into contact with the mucosa, provoke the coagulation of proteins. The result is a specific astringent taste.
Tannins are present in every variety, they are capable of:
- constrict blood vessels;
- reduce the secretion of the salivary glands;
- inhibit gastrointestinal motility.
Thus, only unripe fruits affect the body. Ripe specimens of the Medovaya variety are not knitted.
Composition and calorie content
Persimmon is one of the most useful berries. Honey has a high nutritional value. 100 g of sweet pulp contains 53 kcal.
The chemical composition of the fetus contains:
- vitamins of group B;
- retinol;
- riboflavin;
- ascorbic and folic acid;
- tannins;
- iron;
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- iodine;
- potassium.
The bright orange fruits are rich in pectin. This polysaccharide is very beneficial for the digestive system.
Almost 80% of the composition is water. As for BJU, 19% are carbohydrates, 0,6% are proteins and 0,4% are fats.
No less useful are the roots of the tree, which contain naphthoquinones, which have a lot of medicinal properties.
The benefits and harms of honey persimmon
The benefits of this variety can be judged by its rich composition.
Pectin improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates peristalsis and prevents constipation. Fiber gently cleanses the intestines. Ascorbic acid improves immunity, and B vitamins and retinol strengthen vision, stimulate the brain.
Due to the presence of naphthoquinones, persimmon prevents the development of oncology. Beta-carotene prevents the oxidation of free radicals, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of cancer.
The fruits are also useful for disorders of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, as they are known for their high content of magnesium and calcium. The berries of this tree are recommended for kidney diseases. It is a natural diuretic.
The use of sweet fruits contributes to the increased production of endorphins, which improves the emotional background. This is a pleasant and tasty way to deal with stress and seasonal depression.
The iron contained in the fruits is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, so they are indispensable for anemia. Doctors recommend actively using honey persimmon in the off-season with beriberi. The variety is also useful for pregnant women, since it contains the iodine and folic acid necessary for expectant mothers.
Nutrition experts advise eating not only ripe, but also slightly unripe specimens. They are capable of:
- improve blood clotting;
- raise the general tone;
- quickly remove toxins;
- slow down inflammatory processes.
Juice is often used during colds as an expectorant and antimicrobial agent.
From persimmons, you can cook not only jams, jams and marmalades. It is dried, and a useful vitamin juice is made from it, which is used, for example, in the treatment of scurvy. Healthy tea rich in ascorbic acid is brewed from small unripe specimens. Dry fruits are ground into powder, with the help of which they clean the skin from age spots.
Contraindications to the use of honey persimmon
However, the use of this variety has a number of limitations. Persimmon Honey is prohibited for the following diseases:
- diabetes;
- stomach ulcer;
- allergy.
Do not use it for people who have undergone stomach surgery.
This fruit can provoke intestinal obstruction. Do not introduce persimmons into the diet of children under one year old, it can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea and dehydration.
Persimmon Honey, or tangerine – a fruit unique in composition. This is not just a delicious treat, but also an additional help in the treatment of many diseases. However, its use is associated with a number of contraindications that must be remembered before introducing fruits into the daily diet.