I swallowed a persimmon bone – this situation is unpleasant, but does not pose a serious danger. If you study the features of large seeds, it becomes clear that they do not bring much harm.

Useful properties of persimmon seeds

A ripe persimmon contains 4-6 large oblong seeds, covered with tightly fitting viscous pulp. Usually, when the fruit is eaten, the seeds are spit out and discarded. But if desired, they can be used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

In the old days, persimmon seeds were used in several ways:

  1. For the production of flour. In the XNUMXth century in the United States, during the Civil War and food shortages, the seeds of a large berry were peeled, roasted and ground into powder, and then used to bake bread.
  2. For making drinks. The bones, which were heavily roasted, were also crushed and brewed instead of coffee.
  3. For independent use. Lightly toasted seeds of ripe fruits were peeled and eaten like ordinary seeds.

The composition of large persimmon grains does not contain toxic substances that can harm the body. Of course, if you swallow them in large quantities, it will not bring benefits. But it is impossible to get poisoned by a single seed from a ripe fruit.

Persimmon bones: is it possible to eat, benefits and harms

Persimmon grains, crushed into powder, can be used as a seasoning for the first and second courses

In modern cooking and folk medicine, grains are not very popular. However, seeds are known to:

  • stimulate digestion and intestinal peristalsis;
  • help to free the body from toxins and toxins;
  • increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other products;
  • improve the intestinal microflora by eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.

It is specially not recommended to swallow the seeds of a sweet large berry, for medicinal purposes they are usually used in crushed form.

What happens if you eat a persimmon bone

Persimmon grains are comparable in size to watermelon grains, they are larger than apple and orange ones, but remain quite compact. If you swallow such a seed, then most likely it will not harm the body. The product will simply pass through the entire digestive tract and will be released in due time along with other toxins.

Swallowing a seed is dangerous only in the presence of chronic problems with the stomach and intestines. If a person suffers from ulcers or erosions, a large grain can cause mechanical irritation of already damaged mucous membranes. It is not excluded the occurrence of short-term pain and spasms.

Warning! The most dangerous thing is to swallow a bone and choke on it. If a foreign product is inhaled, the person may need emergency care.

What to do if an adult swallowed a persimmon bone

If an adult happened to swallow a persimmon bone, but there is no history of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, then no additional actions can be taken. The grain will leave the body on its own and will not cause harm.

Persimmon bones: is it possible to eat, benefits and harms

When eating persimmons, it is better to remove the bones in advance, then, in principle, there will be no risk of swallowing them.

But if the stomach already hurts often, you can ease and speed up the progress of a potentially dangerous seed. It is recommended to drink plenty of water – about 2-3 glasses in small sips. This stimulates digestion and will allow you to quickly remove the seed from the body.

What to do if a child swallowed a persimmon bone

Although the intestines of a child are more sensitive than those of an adult, persimmon seeds usually do not harm him either. You can give the baby a large spoonful of vegetable oil. It will lubricate the digestive tract from the inside, have a laxative effect and accelerate the release of the bone.

Attention! If a baby was able to swallow a seed, you need to inform the pediatrician about this and establish monitoring of the baby’s well-being.

It must also be taken into account that hard grains are not digested by the body. If several days have passed, and the whole seed has not come out with the feces of a child or an adult, you can consult a doctor, especially if you have abdominal pain.


I swallowed a persimmon bone – usually this situation does not require medical intervention and even specialized home measures. Grains do not have a toxic effect and normally leave the body on their own through the rectum.

Can you swallow bones? – “Morning with you” 08.08.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX

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