Persimmon: benefits and harms to the body
Persimmon is an orange-colored berry with a thin skin, fleshy and sweet. The name is translated from Latin as “heart apple”, and from Greek – “divine fire”

The history of the appearance of persimmons in nutrition

Widespread in tropical and temperate climates. This berry is native to China. Currently, persimmon is grown even in the Crimea. There are several hundred species of this plant throughout the world. Some varieties of trees live up to 500 years. 

The benefits of persimmon

Persimmon contains many vitamins, especially A, C and B; as well as trace elements: iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium. Persimmon is useful for the prevention of beriberi, iron deficiency anemia, and scurvy. Iodine replenishes the deficiency of this substance in the body and reduces the risk of thyroid diseases. 

This berry has a low concentration of acids, which favorably affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of peptic ulcer, liver and kidney disease. Antibacterial properties help fight the pathological intestinal flora. 

Persimmon is useful in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The risk of atherosclerosis is reduced, and the diuretic effect of the berry helps relieve swelling due to poor heart function. 

Persimmon is recommended as a remedy for general healing, restoration of the nervous system and the whole organism.

The composition and calorie content of persimmon

Caloric value on 100 g67 kcal
Proteins0,5 g
Fats0,4 g
Carbohydrates15,3 g

Persimmon harm

For some diseases, it is not allowed to use persimmon in writing. Told about it Alexander Voinov, nutrition and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club chain: “Persimmon contains about 25% sucrose, so diabetics and people with pancreatic disorders should not eat it. The tannins that give this berry its astringent flavor can be dangerous. Most of them are in the peel, so it is better to remove it. Tannins can interfere with the digestive process, as they form a sticky mass, gluing pieces of food together. Therefore, children under 3 years of age should not be given persimmons. With caution, eat this berry for people suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids. When overeating, persimmons can also cause the opposite effect – diarrhea and vomiting.

The use of persimmon in medicine 

Persimmon is often used in cosmetology. The high concentration of retinol, vitamins C and P helps improve eyesight, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles and reduces skin oiliness. Gruel from fresh berries is applied to the face and hair. 

In dietology, persimmon is used as a source of energetically valuable sucrose, that is, as a replacement for fast carbohydrates. “Persimmon is a good dessert instead of the usual sweets, however, it is also sweet and its quantity should be limited,” says Alexander Voynov. Fresh berries are lower in calories than dried or dried ones. The calorie content of fresh persimmon per 100 grams is 55 kcal. The berry does not contain fat and cholesterol. 

Iodine reduces the risk of thyroid disease. Persimmon contains iodine in high concentration. To satisfy the body’s need for iodine, it is enough to eat only 2 fruits per day. 

Persimmon has diuretic properties, which reduces the risk of urolithiasis. 

It is also useful for constipation, but in limited quantities, so as not to cause the opposite effect. Persimmon contains a large amount of water and dietary fiber, which have a slight laxative effect. 

The use of persimmon in cooking 

Persimmon is widely used in cooking in the manufacture of salads, meat dishes and desserts (puddings, jelly, jam), as well as drinks. It is mainly eaten fresh, but also dried and dried, and candied fruits are made. 

Salad with persimmon

Despite its sweetness, persimmon is also combined with salty foods and meat. This salad is perfect for a second breakfast or as one of the lunch dishes. 

Persimmon2 pc
Red onion1 pc
Breast part of a turkey200 g
Salad1 beam
Pumpkin seeds1 st. l
Seasonings (paprika, black pepper or others)1 h. l 

Boil the turkey in salted water. Cool and cut into slices, sprinkle with seasonings. Onion cut into half rings, persimmon arbitrarily. Cut lettuce into large chunks. Mix the ingredients, season with olive oil, salt if necessary. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. 

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Smoothie with persimmon

Desserts are also made from persimmons. This drink is a real vitamin cocktail. 

Persimmon2 pc
Apples2 pc
Gingera piece with a fingernail
Cinnamon1 pinch
Water150 ml 

Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Peel and grate the ginger. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend. 

How to choose and store persimmons

Persimmon season: for September – December, the freshest berry is at this time. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the fetus. If the persimmon is pale in color, and the leaves at the top are green, then the berry is not ripe and will taste strongly knit. To ripen, it must be kept at room temperature for several days. Sometimes it helps to eliminate the viscosity of freezing. 

Too soft and brown spots on the fruit may indicate that the persimmon has frozen or been bumped during transportation and began to spoil. 

You need to store ripe persimmons in the refrigerator for no more than a few months. For long-term storage, the fruit can be frozen whole or cut into slices. At low temperatures, the fruits retain their properties for six months. 

Dried and dried persimmons are stored in a glass jar in a cool place.

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