Permyak Dmitry Moiseev lost 115 kg when he found out that he could die

Having heard the doctor’s verdict, Dmitry Moiseev decided to completely change his life. As a result, for a year of classes in the gym and with the help of diets, he lost more than a hundred kilograms.

There is only a year difference between these photos.

– In 2013, my weight was critical – over 200 kilograms. I can’t name the exact figure: the scales simply didn’t show any further, ”says Dmitry Moiseev. – I went around a lot of doctors of different profiles, including endocrinologists. But there were no results. Finally, I was advised a very good specialist in endocrinology. After stress therapy (when the body is forced to act at its peak – ed.), The doctor said that one day I might just suffocate in my sleep. Well, when a specialist says that you can die tomorrow if you don’t change your habits, then inevitably you begin to think about which direction everything is going. You begin to understand that you can’t go on like this!

At first, I just chose the right diet. Since then, I eat like this: 4 tablespoons of food every 3-4 hours. I eat cereals, rice, vegetables. And I didn’t like vegetables before, but over time I got used to it. Meat is also allowed (except for bone soups). I just ate less, plus the endocrinologist added medication. As a result, after 12 months, meeting the new 2015, I weighed 146 kilograms!

Having reached this point, I realized that diet alone is not enough. It’s time to move forward! What can speed up the process? Sport! I consulted with the guys and decided to enroll in a fitness club. I was recommended by the coach Nikolai Shestakov. During the year, thanks to our joint efforts, I lost another 57 kg. And the results of cardiac studies surprise doctors.

Yes, it happened that I had a hearty dinner, and the next day on the scales – plus a kilogram or two. But I began to understand: food is a minute dog’s high, which pushes me away from the goal. There was no thought to give up everything. But there were times when I got tired of everything. I wanted to lose weight as soon as possible, to achieve results! My norm now is 800-1000 kcal per day. At first, after training, there was not enough strength for anything. But I found a way out – having come from the hall, now I immediately drink coffee, so as not to “turn off”.

Of course, it will be hard for any person if you cut the usual rate. I only feel full on holidays – very rarely. Feeling of hunger for more than two years … But I’m already used to it. At first it was psychologically difficult to organize myself. I woke up from wanting to eat, fell asleep with this feeling, during the day I constantly wanted to have a snack. At such moments, an empty refrigerator saved me. And the main support was the scales: if you saw that you hadn’t lost weight in a day, then the day was wasted!

Dmitry with his coach Nikolai Shestakov

With the loss of extra pounds, the perception and feeling of oneself improved. Although I probably will never be satisfied with myself. My goal is self-improvement. And there is no limit to perfection. I am not planning to stop. As long as time permits, I give all my strength to the process of losing weight. As a rule, I go to the gym five days a week. I only skip it because of illness. I have 3 strength and 2 cardio workouts every week.

All this time I have been supported by a doctor, a trainer and, of course, my mother. By the way, she always ate right: in her mother’s refrigerator there is always food for three or four servings and apples.

As long as I am free. I would like to see a wise girl next to me who is able to motivate – it’s still hard for one. It is important that she could “undermine” at the right time. Now everything is connected with sports. Therefore, it is good if the girl shares my interests. True, in order to want and demand something, you must correspond to it. And I don’t match yet. I understand that I still need to lose weight, although many say that everything is already normal.

My goal is 85 kg, after which I will do body shaping. Now I weigh 89. There is very little left. Of course, over time, the weight goes away harder. If earlier changes were noticeable only with the loss of ten kilograms, now even one kilogram is already noticeable. But I will still achieve the desired result!

Until the dream is left to lose a little – 5 kilograms

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