Perlovka for crucian carp

Perlovka is one of the best baits for crucian carp. However, if the bait is not properly prepared, it will not be possible to use it – it is difficult to put on a hook, stick to your fingers, drown in the muddy ground on which crucian loves to feed. How to cook barley for fishing for crucian carp correctly? There are many ways, you can use the one that is most to your liking.

Perlovka: let’s go to the store

Preparing barley for catching crucian carp is quite simple, but it takes a decent amount of time. You can, of course, use any food-grade pearl barley that you already have at home. However, at the same time, the risk of getting a reprimand from the hostess increases: “Again, I dragged all the porridge for my fishing!” Therefore, it is better to purchase in the store yourself before cooking.

Here, again, there are two ways. Either take porridge purely for fishing, or purchase it for general needs, and then, as a buyer, take it from there. The best option is to purchase a large amount of pearl barley for both home and yourself.

It is worth noting that if porridge is taken only for bait, baits, then barley is not the best choice for the price. The cereal is not the cheapest in the store.

When purchasing, pay attention to two parameters: the size of the grains and the crop year, if indicated. Usually new crop cereal is better, as it steams better. Old grains will take longer, so emergency cooking of porridge in an hour may not work. For the same reason, it is better to stop the choice on large grains. If porridge will also be fed, it is better to purchase in a large container. Standard – a package weighing a kilogram, but you can find two- and three-kilogram packages. The larger the container, the cheaper.

Is it worth it to buy cereals in a large bag in a warehouse? If the price is very tempting, then you can buy a fifty-kilogram bag. But there are a number of problems:

  1. How to bring it?
  2. Where to store it? Home will not be delighted, especially in a small city apartment.
  3. In the warehouse, the bags are usually damp, so mold may form without drying. This grain is not suitable for fishing.
  4. After drying, the bag will immediately become lighter by two to three kilos.
  5. The fact that the bag says “50” usually means that in fact, even in raw form, there can be 48.
  6. The quality of grains in a closed bag cannot be controlled.
  7. Usually in such a bag of cereals there will be a lot of dust and dust. You will have to sift it, spend time on it, and without this, the porridge turns out to be very sticky.

Perlovka for crucian carp

At the same time, in the store you can always buy a bag at a small price, in which you can immediately see what is inside, it is perfectly dry. For one fishing trip, a kilogram is usually enough for a nozzle and bait, but if you want to lure, you can buy a dozen and a half at once.

 Pros, cons and features.

The main positive qualities and cooking rules are conveniently summarized in a table.

Grains should be boiled, “fluffy”The large grain volume gives it a low specific gravity. Due to this, the porridge lies calmly at the bottom and does not sink in the silt.
After cooking, they should be soft all over.Grains that have an unsteamed, hard part in the middle cannot be put on a hook.
Use different attractantsPorridge has a slight smell, and crucian carp very often orient themselves by smells when looking for food. Therefore, cooking using various additives and attractants is one of the components of success.
It is desirable to combine with a wormCrucian often does not want to take bare barley. At the same time, if the impaled worm is reinforced on the hook with three or four grains, it will be almost impossible to pull it off, this is important with weak bites and an abundance of small things.
The grains must be separated from each otherThis is for ease of use. If barley is for bait, it is sprinkled with dry bait, breading or earth for this. If for a nozzle – dry on a newspaper.
When fishing with a float, it is important to constantly throw grains.Barley usually sinks gradually into the silt, so it is important to keep a small amount close to the nozzle at the bottom at all times. In addition, their fall in the water column additionally attracts fish.

These are the advantages of barley for catching carp and other fish. The main way to fish with this bait is with a float rod. It is this tackle that allows you to reveal all its advantages in full. And when catching carp, the float is used most often.

Ways of preparation

In ancient times, in order to steam porridge for fishing, the author made pearl barley in a village oven – he left the pot with porridge for the night, closed with a lid, and in the morning he took the finished bait. Now, of course, no one will steam like this, for a city dweller it is more convenient to use the following methods:

  • cooking in a water bath;
  • steaming in a thermos;
  • cooking in a multicooker.

Water bath

A fairly simple method that does not require special devices. Two pots are needed, one should fit easily into the other, preferably a small pot of the same height. A classic water bath – when a small saucepan is in a large one and does not touch the bottom. This is done in different ways, the simplest is when the handles of a small one simply lie on the edge of a large one.

A quarter of the barley volume is poured into the smaller one and the rest is poured with water, leaving about 1 cm to the top. They put it in a large one, before pouring enough water, but not adding a little more – about two. After that, all this is sent to the gas stove. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan, adding more if needed. It should boil for about an hour or until all the grains swell and fill it almost to the top.

Excess water is drained, the saucepan is removed from the large one, first covered with a lid, then wrapped in a blanket and set to stand overnight. In the morning barley can be taken with you, right on the fishing trip, mix with dry bait, earth or breadcrumbs. It will be effective to pour the barley on a stack of old newspapers, scatter it and wait for the excess moisture to be absorbed, this must be done before a trip to the reservoir. Repeat the procedure with newspapers three times.

This method is quite simple, but takes time. It allows you to prepare bait for crucian carp without any devices in any convenient amount. Barley for crucian carp, how to cook alternatively without parking at the stove? A water bath is much more practical. However, for the modern angler, it is better to use thermos cooking.

in a thermos

They use a thermos with a wide mouth, from which it will be convenient to get porridge later and it will be easier to brew it. Barley is covered with a quarter of the volume. Then water is poured into it, not adding a centimeter to the neck. After that, the thermos is closed and left for no more than a couple of hours. When the porridge is ready, it is treated in exactly the same way as in the previous case – poured or dried on a newspaper. Some will have a question – but will the lid of the thermos be torn off if poured tightly? No, this won’t happen. Experienced housewives know that porridge can escape from the pan only in one case – when it is on the stove and the water in the porridge boils. If you cook in a water bath or in a thermos, the mixture of porridge and water practically does not increase in volume. Therefore, you can pour it right under the lid without any fear.

In the multivariate

You will need a multicooker, in which there is a yogurt preparation mode, in which a constant temperature of about 40 degrees is maintained. It’s like brewing a thermos. To make porridge, it is enough to add barley a quarter, add boiling water, close the lid. In the morning, they take out the finished barley, pour it, dry it.

The main drawback of the multicooker is that in order to prepare pearl barley, the volume will turn out almost to the top. This is not always required, usually this amount is too much. Therefore, it is better to opt for cooking in a thermos (this is the fastest way) or in a water bath. Others can give more ways when a microwave is used, they advise boiling in one pan – if they give a good result, then this method is correct.

Some advise cooking porridge for only two to three hours. For example, the Shcherbakov brothers have a video that describes the process in detail.

I don’t think it’s really suitable for a crucian. Usually the bite will be better if the grains are as steamed as possible. If you plant it correctly, piercing the skin in the middle, then the barley will still hold on to the hook perfectly, it will be better to bite on the most steamed grain. That is why the slow cooker is left all night.


Fishing for crucian carp will be successful when the bait smells good. However, when autumn comes, smells are a little less important. Unfortunately, this porridge itself has practically no smell or has a rather weak “barley” porridge, so you need to improve it, add aromatics. The author believes that the main smells that crucian loves are garlic, strawberries, dill. Smells can differ for different water bodies, as its populations are usually isolated and have very different tastes and habits.

The easiest way is to add flavoring to the water during cooking. This works for any spicy flavors, for ready-made strawberry flavors from a bottle, for celery, dill, you can even add strawberry jam. By the way, honey and sugar also have a positive effect on biting. How much to add is determined individually, but if you overdo it, it will scare away the fish.

Barley with garlic for crucian carp is effective, the recipe is somewhat different from that described. In this case, the smell will work better when fresh, boiled garlic is no longer so attractive. To do this, they simply take a garlic crusher or a sharp knife and a few cloves with them for fishing. Right on the fishing trip, the porridge is put into a box and the product is crushed or finely chopped there, then everything is shaken. Grains are taken from there for nozzles. You can rub your hands with garlic and crush the grains before the nozzle in the palm of your hand, but at the same time you need to be careful not to touch yourself by the nose, eyes, the hand should be constantly in garlic.

The third way is when ready-made store-bought bait is used. This method is effective, it will allow you to give the porridge the smell of dry bait – biscuit, spicy, the smell of cookies, etc. Before catching crucian carp, pour the barley right on the pond with a dry mixture, let it stand for a while – and it already has a pleasant smell for catching.


Freshly cooked barley is stored for a long time only in the dishes in which it was cooked. However, over time, it soaks in it, sticks together, becomes unusable. Therefore, in order to keep it for a long time, it is required to bring it to a dried form – sprinkle it with breadcrumbs or dry bait, dry it on a newspaper. After that, the porridge can be poured into a box and put in the refrigerator for storage. She can lie there quietly for three or four days.

It is better not to do this and use it fresh. Only fresh cereals have the greatest effect on fish. This is especially important when flavoring is added. Over time, it will disappear and you may have to add it again. Some flavors lose their properties, and if the nozzle or bait with their use was not used up immediately, they no longer attract, but scare away the fish.

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