
Periwinkle (burial ground, ivy, chreshchatyk, blueberry) is a perennial grass or creeping shrub of the kutrovye family. The name of the plant comes from the word “Vínca”, which in Latin means “to wrap around”. Indeed, grass stalks spread along the ground, intensively growing in width, forming a green carpet.

Periwinkle is common in North Africa, Europe and Asia. It is distinguished by high survivability and the ability to adapt to harsh conditions. Since ancient times, grass has been endowed with magical properties, it was considered a symbol of vitality. There is a belief that periwinkle flowers expel evil spirits from the house. The plant was attached above the front door. This is how witches were identified. It is interesting that on the feast of Ivan Kupala, wreaths are weaved from chenille and handed to their betrothed as a symbol of endless love.

Today, the plant has lost its mystical meaning, while gaining fame as an ornamental, medicinal representative of the species. Folk and traditional medicine use periwinkle for toothache, diarrhea, cerebrovascular accidents, neuritis and neurosis, bleeding, scurvy, leukemia.

Botanical description

Sinilnik is a herbaceous plant with erect shoots, shiny leathery leaves of dark and light green color, which retain their shade even under snow. Sometimes they are marked with a cream border. The flowers grow from the axils of the leaves, located oppositely on the shoots, solitary, have a purple, blue, rarely white and pink color. Corolla sympetalous, funnel-shaped with a cylindrical tube. Stamens with thick bent filaments, anthers short, with extended connective to the top. Two nectar glands, ovary with 6-8 ovules. Khreshchatyk blooms in May. The fruits are two leaflets of a cylindrical configuration. Seeds without pappus, with embryo surrounded by endosperm.

Periwinkle grows near roads, in beech, oak forests, forming continuous thickets. It quickly takes root due to the node of its stem. Due to its unpretentiousness to environmental conditions, it is often planted in cemeteries as a sign of eternal love, good memory. A characteristic feature of the flower is the problematic destruction.

Species and varieties

In the wild, there are several varieties of blueberry: herbaceous, pubescent, small and large. At the present time, breeders have bred many new varieties with different shades of colors.

Periwinkle large

The plant is a ground cover, evergreen with ovate, glabrous, leathery and shiny leaves, edged with cilia. The homeland of the creeping semi-shrub is the Caucasus, Crimea, the Mediterranean. Flowers solitary blue, up to 5 cm in diameter. The length of the leaves varies between 4-8 cm, and the height of the plant’s elevation above the soil reaches 30 cm. It blooms in May for a month. It tolerates partial shade well, grows very quickly, covering large areas of the hill.

Periwinkle large – winter-hardy species. However, to save the leaves, it is recommended to cover it with spruce branches in the cold season (with the arrival of frost). In addition, there is a variegated form of the species, a distinctive feature of which are yellow variegated leaves. It is less cold-resistant, therefore, in order for the plant not to die, it must be covered for the winter.


Distributed in the south in the European part of Russia and in Asia Minor, the Mediterranean. It is a perennial creeping shade-tolerant grass that prefers broad-leaved, pine forests. In addition, the plant takes root well on gravel, rocky slopes and sandy loam.

Periwinkle small has a branched stem, reaching 60 cm in height, oblong, shiny leaves of an elliptical configuration on long petioles. Interestingly, they retain their dark green color even in the harshest winter. This is a ground cover plant. Flowers funnel-shaped, up to 2,5 cm in diameter, solitary, blue. The flowering period falls on May or June, depending on the growing conditions, lasts 1 month. It reproduces vegetatively by branching the rhizome and rooting shoots. Cultivated since 1306, life expectancy – several decades. The variety is winter-hardy, but in snowless winters it is recommended to cover the plant with spruce branches.

The garden forms of the small periwinkle include: Alboplena, Argentio Variegata, Atropurpurea, Emily.

Periwinkle pubescent

Occurs in the forest belt of the western Caucasus. In places of contact with the soil, creeping shoots take root. The flowers are blue, solitary 3,5 cm in diameter, open in May. The leaves die off in the winter. Severe frosts damage young shoots, because of this they are covered with a layer of forest litter in the cold.

Periwinkle herbaceous

Forms creeping shoots up to a meter in length with small deep green leaves. The herbaceous periwinkle creates a less dense cover than the lesser periwinkle. Prefers well-lit places, does not like excess moisture in the soil. The tops of the shoots take root at the end of summer. Flowers solitary, up to 3 cm in diameter, purple or blue. Flowering time – 20 days, month – May.

periwinkle pink

Other names are Cayenne jasmine, Lochnera, Madagascar vinca. It is an evergreen shrub from the island of Java with upright branching stems above and opposite sessile below. Reaches 60 cm in height. The leaves are shiny, entire, dark green in color with a light vein in the middle. The flowers are sessile in the axils, pink bloom in May. Flowering continues until late autumn. As a result, a fruit is formed – a sickle-shaped achene.

This is a heat-loving plant, undemanding to soil moisture. Popular crop varieties: Perepmint Cooler, First Kiss variety series, Grape Cooler, Appleblossom Cascade, Mediterraneen.

Periwinkle pink can be grown from seed. The plant is often found in front gardens and on balconies. Periwinkle seeds are buried in the ground enriched with humus and sand in January-February. Then the soil is covered with a plastic bag, stored in a dark place for germination.

Interestingly, the leaves of Cayenne jasmine are used to make the antitumor drug – “Rozevin”. The healing properties of the drug are due to the action of 60 alkaloids that make up the pink periwinkle. Rosevin inhibits the growth of malignant cells, helps the body cope with the tumor, blocks mitosis in metaphase.

Growing, blueberry completely covers the territory with a green carpet. Therefore, the plant is often used in garden landscape design to decorate the space between trees and shrubs. The grass is harmoniously combined with primrose, hyacinths, forget-me-nots, lungwort and blueberries. In order to avoid drowning out the cultivated crops, it is recommended to control the growth process of a representative of the kutrov family, otherwise the plant may turn into a weed.

Useful Properties

Periwinkle is a source of organic, tannic acids, essential oils, unique alkaloids (vinblastine, vinorelbine, vincristine) and minerals.

The plant and medicines based on it have the following effects on the human body:

  • hypoglycemic;
  • urinary;
  • astringent;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hypotensive;
  • calming;
  • vasodilator.

Small blue cyanide exhibits an oncolytic effect, due to which preparations based on it are used to treat multiple myeloma, choriocarcinoma, lymphogranulomatosis, hematosarcoma, and leukemia.

Useful properties of periwinkle:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relaxes the muscles of the small intestine;
  • enhances cerebral blood flow;
  • relieves spasm of arteries;
  • normalizes blood coagulability;
  • improves the functional state of the myocardium, the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • increases the tone of the veins, the resistance of capillaries;
  • reduces the area of ​​ischemia in cerebral strokes;
  • calms the nerves, eliminates the symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, neurosis and psychosis;
  • numbs toothache and headache;
  • increases potency;
  • expands the vessels of the brain;
  • removes unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • stimulates uterine contractions;
  • stops diarrhea.

A decoction of periwinkle can be used externally to even out the complexion, soften the skin, eliminate eczema and sores on the dermis. Preparations based on representatives of the kutrovs are used to treat leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis.

Interestingly, the composition of periwinkle rose contains antitumor alkaloids that have a cytostatic effect on cells. These substances (vincristine, vinorelbine and vinblastine) are vital medicines. Currently, pharmacists have learned how to synthesize them artificially and create anticancer drugs and immunosuppressants from them.

The underground part of the herb – rhizomes and the ground part – leaves, flowers, stems are used as medicinal raw materials. The collection of the plant is carried out during the flowering period – May-June.

Indications for the use of periwinkle:

  • vascular spasms;
  • colitis;
  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • hypertension, arrhythmia;
  • circulatory disorders in the optic nerve;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • atrophic rhino-pharyngolaryngitis;
  • sexual weakness (impotence);
  • bronchitis;
  • vegetative neuroses, neurogenic tachycardia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • depression;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • neurotic conditions;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • organic diseases of the brain;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve in children;
  • fever, malaria.

In addition, a decoction of chreshchatyk is used in dentistry to relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane, freshen breath, and relieve toothache. In gynecology, the herb is used as an adjuvant against the background of drug therapy for the treatment of infertility. A decoction of periwinkle accelerates the healing of purulent, bleeding wounds.

Side effects

Remember, periwinkle is a poisonous plant, so for internal use, you should strictly adhere to the recommended doses prescribed by your doctor.

Contraindications: pregnancy, constipation, severe pressure surges, heart disease, increased blood clotting, allergies, bradycardia.

The drug “Vincamine”

Vinacamine is an alkaloid found in periwinkle leaves. In most cases, it is used in conjunction with piracetam to normalize cerebral circulation, stimulate the activity of the central nervous system.

The drug based on blueberry is a brownish-brown powder that has a vasodilating, hypotensive, antispasmodic, sedative effect on the body. It stimulates metabolism in the central nervous system, improves cerebral circulation, increases mental performance, enhances glucose metabolism, inhibits platelet adhesion, and has sedative properties.


  • cerebrovascular insufficiency, arterial hypertension, condition from ischemic stroke, neurogenic tachycardia, intracranial hypertension after coma;
  • impaired concentration, memory impairment, headaches in the elderly (due to traumatic brain injury, diabetic angiopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis);
  • migraine;
  • slow development of intelligence in children;
  • memory impairment, vestibular disorders, speech impairment, decreased visual acuity as a result of vascular genesis.

Mode of application:

  • intramuscularly: 15 mg 1-2 times a day (adults) and 7,5 mg 2 times a day (children);
  • intravenously (drip): 10-40 mg 3 times a day (adults) and 5 mg 3 times a day (children).

Contraindications: arterial hypotension, pregnancy, brain tumor, allergy, lactation period, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia.

Vincamine alkaloid vinca is used to synthesize the drug “Vinpocetine”, which corrects cerebral circulation.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Isomaidin, aquamycin, devincan, pubiscin, vinin, minorin, isovincamine are concentrated in all types of blueberry. In particular, in periwinkle small – vincamine, pink – vinkaleukoblastin, reserpine.

The chemical composition of the plant is represented by bitter and tannins, ursolic acid, carotene, rutin, vitamin C, flavonoids, saponins, sugars.

Homemade recipes:

  1. With internal bleeding. Method of preparation: Boil 30 g of periwinkle herb in 350 ml of water for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day. The decoction is also used for washing wounds.
  2. With hypertension, bronchitis, colitis, impotence, esophageal ulcer. Prepare a decoction of the leaves of periwinkle small at the rate of 15 g of dry raw material per 200 ml of water. The principle of creating a drug is the same as in the first case. Drink 70 ml 3 times a day.

For dermatitis, wash the affected areas with a healing drink.

  1. With impotence. The principle of preparation: pour dry chenille herb (100 g) with 40% alcohol (500 ml), leave for 14 days, shaking occasionally, strain. To increase sexual function, dilute 5 drops of tincture in a tablespoon of water, take in the morning and evening for 4 days. Then take a two-day break, repeat the course. To achieve positive dynamics of treatment, 3 cycles are required.

In addition, periwinkle tincture is used externally for the treatment of boils (2-3 times a day).

  1. With allergic diathesis in children. To prepare the ointment, you will need periwinkle leaves (9 pcs) and butter (15 ml). Mix the ingredients, melt, cool, strain. Apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin.
  2. With vegetative-vascular dystonia. Components: rowan bark, valerian roots, periwinkle leaves and blood-red hawthorn (30 g each), common cumin fruit (15 g), white mistletoe grass (50 g). Mix the collection ingredients thoroughly, steam 15 g of the mixture in 200 ml of water, heat on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, leave for 45 minutes, bring to the original volume. Take 100 ml three times a day for a month, then switch to a prophylactic maintenance dose, which involves taking the decoction regularly from the 1st to the 10th day of each month.

Cultivation and care

Khreshchatyk is an unpretentious plant, easy to care for. Does not require special conditions for growth.

periwinkle landing

Sow before winter or spring. If necessary, the seeds can be buried in the ground even in summer on a rainy day. The medicinal herb grows best in loose, fertile, well-drained soils that are neutral to slightly acidic. If the soil is scarce, it is pre-enriched with mature compost. The preferred place for planting a shrub is shade, partial shade.

Seeds are planted 1 cm deep in the soil into grooves. Water after planting.

periwinkle care

It comes down to plucking young and old shoots. These activities are necessary to enhance the tillering of the plant. Water only in case of prolonged drought, and there is enough natural rainfall. Interestingly, the plant gets along well with weeds, so they are removed only if they are annoying.

Organic fertilizers in the form of leafy soil, compost and humus are preferred as top dressing. After mass flowering, the bush is trimmed, and plant residues are used as cuttings for grass propagation. The cut parts are planted in the ground in early September or May at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

Plant pests and diseases: rust or powdery mildew. These are fungal parasites that are destroyed by spraying the periwinkle with fungicides. In the first case, Bordeaux liquid, Kuproksat, Topaz are suitable, in the second – Quadris, Topsin, Skor. Aphids are removed using Karbofos or Fufanonom.


Periwinkle is an evergreen shrub with branched stems. The main areas of harvesting plants: Carpathians, Transcarpathia, Belarus, Moldova, the Caucasus. The period of collection of raw materials falls on May-June. Periwinkle has been used in medicine and pharmacology since the time of medicine. The herb contains 60 types of alkaloids that prevent cell division. These biologically active substances are included in the composition of immunosuppressants, anticancer drugs.

The most common types of blueberry are small, large, herbaceous, pubescent and pink. All representatives of the kutrov family have a healing effect on the human body: they lower blood pressure, normalize cerebral circulation, are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, movement coordination disorders, osteochondrosis, complex pathologies of the nose, throat, ears (atrophic rhinopharyngolaryngitis, vasomotor rhinitis, sensorineural hearing loss). In addition, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures from blueberry are used externally in folk medicine to stop bleeding (uterine, nasal), improve skin condition with dermatitis, wounds, eczema, rashes, itching.

Remember, periwinkle is a poisonous plant, before using the collection or preparations based on it, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor.

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