Peripheral lung cancer

Peripheral lung cancer

Lung cancer is a general, collective concept, it refers to the malignant nature of a tumor of epithelial origin. These neoplasms differ in the following parameters:

  • Histological structure;

  • Clinical course;

  • Cause and place of origin;

  • Methods and results of treatment.

Peripheral lung cancer is called, which develops from the small bronchi and bronchioles. And the ability to diagnose its appearance occurs only after it enters the large bronchi and pleura. Until this time, the disease proceeds without clinical symptoms.

The prognosis of peripheral lung cancer, just like the prognosis of other types of cancer, is estimated quite difficult, and far from optimistic. The five-year survival rate of treated patients is up to 35% of those who were diagnosed with such a diagnosis. Specialists give a prognosis taking into account the stage at which cancer is diagnosed, the histological structure of the neoplasm, and the radical nature of the disease treatment process. The method used is also taken into account.

Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung

The process of development of this neoplasm is perfectly distinguishable on the x-ray image. The tumor has a heterogeneous loose structure and disturbed forms. The bronchial arteries, main bronchus, vein and artery of the lungs (roots) are enlarged due to vascular outlets, and the sinuses formed by the pleural folds of the cavity are free. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. With a tumor in the lower part of the lung, the lymph nodes, on the contrary, increase markedly.

Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the left lung

This type of serious and dangerous disease associated with the respiratory system has the same features as with the appearance of a neoplasm on the right lung, but doctors diagnose it much less often, like peripheral cancer of the lower lobe of the left lung.

Rare nodular tumor

It is necessary to mention this form of neoplasm. It originates from the terminal bronchioles. Its clinical signs can be detected only after the germination of the tissues of the affected organ, the lungs, occurs. With the help of an x-ray machine, it is noticeable that the nodular form of the tumor usually has a bumpy surface with clearly defined contours.

How is peripheral cancer treated?

Depending on the diagnosed stage of peripheral lung cancer, the following effective methods can be used for treatment:

  • Surgical removal of part of an organ is the most common intervention during the course of the disease;

  • Removal of the neoplasm in its entirety. It is used in the presence of contraindications for a full abdominal operation;

  • Complete removal of the lung. Valid for 2 or 3 stages;

  • Complex surgery. Simultaneously with the focus, the affected organs and tissues located in the immediate vicinity of it are removed.

Lung cancer is a complex disease, its treatment requires special attention, especially for the elderly. To this it should be added that the prognosis of peripheral lung cancer is especially disappointing for women after 50 years of age.

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