Peripheral blood counts – blood test results. Morphology with manual and automatic smear

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Blood morphology allows you to check your health. In addition to a basic blood count, a more detailed blood count with smear is also ordered.

Morphology with a smear and basic blood counts are tests for the cellular composition of blood, the most frequently prescribed by a doctor, which often help to identify the causes of ailments. They can be performed both for periodic health checks and for diagnostic purposes, when the patient comes to the doctor with disturbing symptoms. A blood test is also used to monitor the treatment and course of certain diseases. Periodic blood counts can be used to detect and treat many different diseases earlier and provide information about the functioning of the whole organism.

When to do a basic blood count?

Therefore, tell your doctor if:

You feel tired all the time, especially if it is accompanied by pale skin. A prolonged state of exhaustion, which cannot be associated with an excess of duties, sleepless nights and a low-nutrient diet, may indicate a weakening of the body, e.g. after an infection. A severely infected condition may be indicated by a significantly reduced or increased number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the serum. However, a low number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and a low hemoglobin level may indicate anemia, which often occurs with poor diet and heavy periods. It may also mean dietary iron or vitamin B12 deficiency, pathology of the reproductive system (fibroids) or gastrointestinal bleeding and require specialist consultation.

You are losing weight without restricting the food you eat. This could be a sign of a progressive cancer (acute and chronic leukemia, myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic syndromes or lymphomas). Weight loss can also be a symptom of general organism exhaustion, e.g. in the course of alcoholism, other chronic diseases and organ failure.

You get sick often – your doctor may suspect an immune disorder or exacerbation of chronic inflammation. In the morphology then an increase in the level of white blood cells can be observed.

You tend to bruise easily and have difficulty healing wounds. A reduced number of thrombocytes may confirm a hemorrhagic diathesis, i.e. a bleeding tendency in the skin tissues and mucous membranes – most often in the nose.

But even when you are feeling well, do a blood test at least once a year. This will allow you to assess whether your body is working properly and there is no tricky disease lurking somewhere.

A complete blood count is the basic blood test performed during pregnancy. It is worth performing it in conjunction with a package of tests that also determine other parameters important for the proper course of pregnancy. We recommend Pregnancy tests – a package of blood tests offered by the uPatient company. It makes it possible to collect blood samples both at the selected facility and at the patient’s home.

Basal morphology or morphology with smear?

The basal morphology is a general blood test that can check for diseases in the body. This is a test that healthy people should perform once a year. On the other hand, a morphology with a smear is ordered when the result of the basic morphology deviates from the norm. In addition, it is worth doing a morphology with a smear in the child each time, if the doctor has ordered a morphology.

Morphology with a smear is the analysis of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets, together with the determination of the percentage of white blood cells. It is a valuable addition to your basic blood test.

Auto-smear morphology

Auto-smear morphology should be performed on an empty stomach. It is recommended that the test taker does not eat at least eight hours prior to the test. Automatic blood smear morphology takes a blood sample from a vein, most often in the elbow flexion. Individual blood components are examined by an automaton.

Auto-smear morphology: price

Blood count with automatic smear is not expensive. Depending on the laboratory, you pay for it from a few to a dozen or so zlotys.

Morphology with manual smear

A blood count with a manual smear is performed when the automatic smear count shows abnormalities that are difficult to correctly interpret. When the automaton cannot count the blood cells, the smear is made manually using a light microscope. This type of test is used not to count blood cells, but to confirm the presence of abnormal cells.

Morphology with manual smear: price

A complete blood count with a manual smear, depending on the laboratory, usually costs a dozen or so zlotys.

What is a peripheral blood count?

Peripheral blood morphology is the basic and most frequently performed blood test. It is based on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the morphotic elements of the blood (blood cells) and includes:

  1. determining the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes);
  2. calculation of the value of the so-called erythrocyte indices: mean red blood cell volume (MCV), mean blood hemoglobin mass (MCH) and mean blood hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Their value is a derivative of three main parameters: the number of red blood cells – RBC, hemoglobin concentration – HGB, hematocrit value – HCT and can help the doctor, for example, in determining the causes of anemia;
  3. determining the number and percentage of different types of leukocytes – WBC;
  4. determination of the number of platelets or thrombocytes – PLT.

The blood test result is usually presented in the form of a computer printout, where apart from the results there is also given the range of normal values ​​for individual indicators, which may be slightly different in different laboratories. Therefore, slight deviations from the normal values ​​do not necessarily mean a disease. It is also worth remembering that correct morphology does not exclude the possibility of disease. Therefore, in any case, the final interpretation of the morphology rests with the referring physician.

Peripheral blood counts

The blood test looks at three main cell systems: the red cell system, the white blood cell system, and the platelets. The results of a blood test make it possible to diagnose various diseases. Basic pathologies in the red cell system:

  1. Erythrocytes (RBC) – their decreased value is a symptom of anemia or anemia. The increase in the production of red blood cells is most often stimulated by hypoxia in the body, which may be physiological in nature, as in the case of people living high above sea level or smoking. Hypoxia can also be a consequence of chronic lung or heart diseases. For this reason, these diseases may be associated with chronic hyperemia.
  2. – decreased hemoglobin levels are the primary criteria for anemia. It also occurs in states of fluid overload and during pregnancy (the lowest value is around 32 tc). Increased hemoglobin concentration is observed in the states of dehydration (with prolonged diarrhea, intense vomiting, insufficient fluid intake, intense sweating) and in hyperemia. The concentration of hemoglobin also depends on many factors, such as gender, height above sea level or lifestyle (e.g. higher in endurance athletes such as cyclists or rowers).
  3. is an important parameter on which blood viscosity depends. Hematocrit decrease is typical of anemia and fluid overload states, increased values ​​occur in the course of hyperemia and are typical of dehydration. The increase in hematocrit may also be influenced by factors such as exercise, cold or too long blood stagnation caused by a tourniquet placed on the arm when taking blood.

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Basic pathologies in the white blood cell system:

  1. Leukocytes (WBC) – an increase in the value of white blood cells occurs during pregnancy and in the puerperium, after intense physical exertion, under stress, in bacterial, viral and fungal infections, in inflammation, neoplastic diseases and in organ necrosis such as heart attacks. Higher leukocytosis is observed in smokers and people using glucocorticosteroids and lithium salts. A decrease in WBC values, i.e. leukopenia, is observed in viral infections (e.g. influenza, measles, rubella, chicken pox), systemic connective tissue diseases, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, cancer, cachexia and some medications. The number of different types of leukocytes: eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, is usually performed in a leukocyte smear, usually performed with blood counts.
  2. – Increased number of eosinophils occurs in allergic diseases, in parasitic diseases, in some skin diseases, in Hodgkin’s disease and in some other hematological and systemic diseases of connective tissue. Low eosinophilia is most common in people taking glucocorticoids.
  3. in chronic myeloid leukemia, tuberculosis, hypothyroidism and Crohn’s disease.
  4. – Granulocytopenia (decrease in number) occurs under the influence of certain drugs, in viral and autoimmune diseases. Increasing numbers in acute bacterial infections, poisoning and rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. lymphocytosis (increase in number) is typical of infectious viral diseases as well as chronic lymphocytic leukemia and some lymphomas. The decrease in the number of lymphocytes occurs during radio- and chemotherapy.
  6. – Increased number of monocytes is observed in bacterial and viral infections, in protozoan infections (malaria, amoebiasis), in systemic diseases of connective tissue, in cirrhosis of the liver, in Crohn’s disease and in acute and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, acute monoblastic leukemia, and multiple myeloma.
  7. Platelet count disturbance

Decrease in the platelet count (PLT) (thrombocytopenia) occurs in leukemia and tumor metastasis to the bone marrow, viral infections, kidney failure and under the influence of ionizing radiation, some drugs and as a result of massive bleeding. An increase in the number of platelets (thrombocytosis, thrombocytosis) occurs in proliferative diseases, after spleen removal (splenectomy), in mild and malignant inflammations and in iron deficiency.

Blood test – doctor’s refusal?

Ask for reasons. Maybe the results of the recent blood count were normal, or maybe the doctor decided that you do not need this blood test, because because of your young age, nothing bad should happen in your body. If you do not get a satisfactory answer to your questions and the doctor refuses to issue a referral despite the fact that you have not performed morphology for a long time, change your doctor. Morphology is a basic test, which, according to medical authorities, should be performed at least once a year, also when you do not feel any disturbing symptoms. Remember that you can always go to a private laboratory where you can do a blood test for little money. It is worth giving yourself and your loved ones such a gift.

At Medonet Market you will find entire research packages where morphology is one of many. It is worth checking your health regularly in this type of research. Take advantage of those tailored to your needs. Buy one of the available packages now:

  1. Pre-consultation tests with a dietitian – home blood analysis,
  2. Inhalation allergy – a package of blood tests,
  3. Preventive examinations package – blood tests.

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