Periods of child development: from 7 to 12 years

The child goes to school. It seems that real life will begin now – new friends, new knowledge and skills that will open the door to the big world. What developmental challenges do children face at this time?

At this age, the child is already quite attentive, able to control emotions and behavior. To develop all this is the task of parents, not teachers. However, often children come to school unprepared, and this prevents them from acquiring knowledge. The child quickly gets tired, cannot sit until the end of the lesson, does not understand the teacher well.

Before school, it seemed that everything was fine, it was just that the child was bored doing something for a long time, he was simply more mobile than the others, or, conversely, slower than others. But in the first grade, such features can become a problem, and then it is better to contact a specialist to understand whether the child needs professional help, or if he will “outgrow” the difficulties.

Looking for talents

School is a discipline, it’s rules that must be followed. All students are required to do one thing: write neatly without blots, count cells from the edge of a mathematics notebook, read a certain number of words per minute. In such a framework, it is sometimes difficult for a child to express himself, to demonstrate his talents. The task of parents is to help him open up.

Do not get hung up on perfect handwriting and force children to endlessly rewrite assignments. If the child is better at singing, or he runs fast, swims, practices karate, develop these abilities. And hours spent on copybooks and reading techniques can destroy interest in learning.

It is necessary to help the child maintain a balance between spontaneity, the desire for self-expression and school requirements. Parents should support the child not only at home, but also at school, take his side in a dispute with the teacher. But do not go too far: there are rules that are mandatory for everyone.

Live chat

Tablets, phones, computers are our future, but do they always have a positive effect on the children’s brain?

Even watching useful videos on the Internet is not at all equal to creativity. Children’s heads today are overflowing with information that their “owners” do not know how to use correctly. They often communicate not in person, but in the virtual space, but it cannot replace live contact. Communication with peers is still the most effective way of socialization.

Of course, you can’t completely ban devices, because everyone uses them.

But you need to control how much time the child spends on them, on what resources it happens, otherwise the passion for games or chats can turn into an addiction close to a drug addiction. Therefore, the most effective way to combine virtual and real life is reasonable restrictions.

Leisure time

For some reason, it is believed that the child should not sit idle, that you need to load him with lessons, additional classes. But we must not forget that children need free time alone with themselves, when they can dream, get bored. Boredom stimulates creativity! Dreams form goals, and the child makes plans to achieve them.

By the end of elementary school, children noticeably mature, begin to understand what they want, what they are interested in and what is not. Communication with peers comes to the fore, the opinion of the company influences the choice of hairstyles, sports section, music, clothes and much more.

Sometimes, as early as 11 years old, the “transitional age” begins, the child becomes a teenager. This is a new stage in his life, and right now the support of parents means more than ever for the child.

Read a series of articles by child neuropsychologist Svetlana Lukka on the periods of child development. The articles “Child Development Periods: Infancy”, “Child Development Periods: 1 to 3 Years” and “Child Development Periods: 3 to 7 Years” are already on the site.

About the Developer

Svetlana Lukka — psychologist and consultant, specialist in the field of parent-child relations, child neuropsychologist. Conducts webinars, private and group consultations. Author of the book “The Threads of Parenthood”. Her website.

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