
A prolonged trip to the doctor sometimes leads to irreversible processes in the body. Most often, patients postpone a visit to the dentist until the last moment. In the meantime, oral diseases can turn not only into loss of teeth, but also spread the infection throughout the body, which leads to serious consequences. It is better to correctly assess the symptoms in advance and consult the right doctor. In which case you need an appointment with a periodontist, we consider below.

What does he specialize in?

Dentistry is a rather extensive branch of medicine, which includes the study of the structure of teeth, diseases of the entire oral cavity, the border parts of the neck and face. It is divided into several branches, each of which solves different problems: aesthetic dentistry, surgical, orthodontics, periodontics.

A periodontist studies the structure of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, treats them and carries out disease prevention. That is, despite the fact that he is a dentist, he rarely deals with the teeth themselves. His area of ​​specialization extends to the complex of tissues that surround the tooth and ensure its location in the jaw recesses (alveoli). This whole complex is called the periodontium, from which the name of the specialist comes.

In most cases, tooth loss is due to gum disease. Unfortunately, most patients turn to the doctor at a time when it is no longer possible to save the tooth. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of your oral cavity and visit a specialist for prevention. Often inflammatory, infectious, progressive gum disease is caused by improper hygiene measures. For example, rare brushing of teeth, from which parts of the food stagnate in the interdental cavities. This leads to caries, inflammation of soft tissues, suppuration of pockets in the alveoli, loss of a tooth.

But even if all hygiene standards are observed, periodontal damage can occur. A person’s mouth constantly contains hundreds of thousands of bacteria, they create a colorless sticky coating on the enamel. A toothbrush that is too soft or improper brushing leaves some of this plaque, which eventually forms tartar, which in turn also causes soft tissue diseases in the mouth.

Children also face such problems, the reason for this is often the lack of hygiene measures in general or improper brushing of teeth. Also, the provoking factors of periodontal diseases can be an improperly planted crown, removable dentures, frequent stress, lack of vitamins and minerals, weakened immunity. Due to the fact that some types of pathologies proceed and progress very quickly, it is worth visiting a periodontist for a preventive examination, and if a disease is detected, do not delay treatment.

What diseases does it treat?

The usual redness or inflammation of the gums, which is often overlooked by patients, may be only the first stage in the development of more serious problems. Periodontology covers all pathological changes in the tissues that surround the teeth. This includes gums, bone tissue surrounding the tooth, connective tissue. Untimely treatment of the affected periodontium turns the problem from an aesthetic one into a rather serious pathology.


This disease is most common, appears suddenly and can develop into more severe diseases. But gingivitis itself is classified as a mild disease. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the gums, redness, swelling. This phenomenon is often accompanied by slight bleeding during brushing your teeth, eating, sometimes without the influence of extraneous factors. The cause of this disease are bacteria, plaque on the teeth, mechanical damage to the periodontium.

Correcting such a problem is quite simple, the doctor usually prescribes the use of dental floss, medicated toothpaste, and recommends a suitable toothbrush. Periodically, the patient needs to get rid of tartar from a specialist. That is, the main rule for the treatment and prevention of such a disease is a thorough cleansing of the oral cavity. Gingivitis does not lead to loss of soft tissue, tooth, or bone element, but can progress if left untreated.


Untimely access to a periodontist with gingivitis can lead to the development of periodontitis. This disease is also accompanied by inflammation of the gums, but in a more severe form. Soft tissues change their color, becoming more red, bleeding. Also, the gum is separated from the tooth, infected cavities appear in the places between the teeth, which are called “periodontal pockets”.

Bacteria in the mouth release toxins that gradually worsen the disease. The immune system responds to all these changes, which begins to fight pathogens, this may be accompanied by an increase in temperature (not always), a feeling of an ache in the jaw, and soft tissue pain. In view of such symptoms, patients turn to the doctor at this stage of the disease.

Often a visit to a periodontist with this disease can no longer save the affected teeth. The progress of the disease destroys not only the soft tissue, but also the bone surrounding the tooth. Symptoms of periodontitis in the last stages are manifested in loosening of the teeth (in this case, the doctor removes it), the discharge of pus from the pockets, or the loss of a tooth.

Also consider children’s (prepubertal) periodontitis, which affects both milk teeth and permanent ones. But its cause is called a malfunction of the immune system, therefore, after examination by a periodontist, the treatment is carried out by another doctor, and the therapy itself consists in restoring strong immunity.

Periodontal disease

This disease is still being studied. Externally, it is similar to periodontitis, but has a different character. Unlike the previous disease, this is not accompanied by inflammation. The gums can drop lower, exposing the neck of the tooth, so this disease is often confused with periodontitis. However, unlike the latter, with periodontal disease no pockets appear, no pus is released, the teeth do not loosen (only in advanced forms).

The causes of this problem have not yet been precisely clarified; heredity plays an important role. Periodontal disease often accompanies diabetes mellitus, vegetative dystonia, and atherosclerosis. The most common symptom of the disease is itchy gums. It is worth contacting a doctor with such problems immediately, since any changes in the oral cavity can progress into more complex diseases. Blood poisoning increases the risk of stroke, causes breathing problems, heart disease and blood vessels.

When to visit a periodontist

Periodontitis and gingivitis occur in patients of any gender and age. Young people under the age of 30 are more likely to be diagnosed with gingivitis, while the older generation is more likely to suffer from more severe forms of the disease. This is associated with the body’s resistance, the presence of other diseases, hormonal disruptions, etc. Considering that simple inflammation can quickly turn into serious pathologies, it is better to know about the symptoms in advance.

The reason for contacting a specialist may be:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • spot or extensive redness;
  • itching of soft tissues;
  • frequent discharge of blood from the gums;
  • pain when chewing food;
  • bad breath;
  • loosening of the tooth;
  • reduction of the gum line (visually the teeth lengthen).

Such phenomena are the reason for a visit to the doctor. When choosing a specialist, you should be very careful, since the health of the oral cavity and the future safety of the teeth will depend on his professionalism. It is better to give preference to a trusted doctor, with real reviews from patients. Such a doctor can be found not only in expensive private clinics, there are also specialists in state medical institutions. True, most often these turn out to be in private dentistry (new methods of treatment, advanced equipment, cooperation with other countries, etc.).

How is the treatment

In any disease of the complex of tissues around the teeth, one goal is pursued – the suppression of infections. The longer pathogens are in the mouth, the more dangerous they are to overall health. Depending on the degree of the disease, different measures of therapy are prescribed. The duration of such treatment will also depend on the overall picture of the disease.

First of all, the specialist conducts an initial diagnosis, which consists in an examination, and the doctor also asks the patient about the presence of bad habits, previous visits to the dentist, etc. If the patient has already formed periodontal pockets, the doctor examines them with a “probe”. To check the integrity of the bone, the patient is prescribed an x-ray of the oral cavity. All these procedures are painless and pass very quickly.

If inflammation of the gums is accompanied by severe destruction of the enamel or root, an additional consultation with a dentist of a different specialization may be necessary. In some cases, a blood test may be required to check for infection. After the diagnosis, the periodontist receives a complete picture of the disease and can prescribe treatment. Some of the therapy, such as medication, can take place at home. But most manipulations take place in the doctor’s office.

To get rid of periodontal disease, the doctor may prescribe the following measures:

  1. Cleansing of tartar. Plaque on tooth enamel accumulates very easily even with the systematic observance of all hygiene standards, but you can only get rid of it with a doctor. Such manipulations eliminate irregularities and roughness, in which bacteria “love” to live. For this procedure, a laser or ultrasound is used, the manipulation is painless. With gingivitis, it is often enough just to remove tartar, after which the patient is prescribed home hygiene measures.
  2. Medical treatment. For more severe tissue damage, drugs are used. They are used when one cleaning is not enough, but surgery can be avoided. To do this, the doctor introduces antiseptic agents into the pockets: gel, powder, solution, gelatin plate. All of them contain an antibiotic that is gradually released and destroys bacteria. Sometimes, instead of such manipulations, the doctor may prescribe tablets or mouthwash with chlorhexidine.
  3. Surgery may be required if medical treatment does not help the patient. Sometimes the disease forms deep pockets, access to which can only be opened by surgery. The operation takes place under anesthesia. If bone tissue has been destroyed or soft tissue has been lost, a doctor may recommend grafts. At the extreme stages of the disease and tooth mobility, they are removed.

All treatment measures include independent hygiene procedures at home. It is important to remember that an early visit to a specialist will reduce the time of treatment and its cost. Therefore, even after the end of the course of therapy, it is important to periodically undergo an examination.

preventive measures

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, it is enough to monitor your own hygiene and visit the dentist several times a year. Also, additional measures will help reduce the risk of such diseases. These include the rejection of bad habits that provoke inflammation, yellowing of the teeth, and weaken the immune system. Flossing is not just an additional cleansing, but a must-have item in caring for a healthy smile. An ordinary brush does not remove food particles in the cavities between the teeth, which also leads to their destruction, bad breath, gingivitis.

Like dental floss, mouthwash is an integral part of hygiene products. It is advisable to use it after each meal or coloring drink (wine, tea, coffee, etc.). The rinse disinfects most of the entire oral cavity, including teeth and gums. In addition, such measures will preserve the whiteness of the enamel. It is better to choose such a remedy on the recommendation of a doctor, since rinses are different: with a whitening effect, with calcium, fluoride, against sensitivity.

It is very important to choose the right toothpaste, as they are different and solve different problems. Dentists recommend toothpastes containing fluoride, which strengthens the enamel and further disinfects the oral cavity. However, they can only be used if the amount of fluoride in running water is within the normal range. Whitening formulations can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Therefore, buying such a product should be guided not by advertising, but by the recommendation of a doctor. He will also determine the degree of rigidity of the toothbrush, which also varies.

An attractive smile is an important part of the charm of a person, it allows us to be more confident in ourselves, enjoy eating and communicating with other people. Prevention and a timely visit to the doctor will keep it for a long time, and this is a good reason to visit a periodontist.

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