Perimeter training – principles, advantages and disadvantages. Peripheral training at home
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Do you want to achieve good training results in a short time? Discover the potential of circuit training. It is dedicated to virtually everyone, because it can be adapted to individual needs. Its advantage is that it can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home.

What is circuit training?

Are you wondering what circuit training is – so popular with many people? It is a combination of fat reduction exercises with strengthening exercises. This combination makes the training excellent results:

  1. increases strength
  2. improves endurance
  3. slims the figure.

In addition, it brings many health benefits, incl. helps lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, increase the level of “good” cholesterol and lower the level of triglycerides in the blood. Peripheral training is much better for the health of our cardiovascular system than running, for example, because it forces the heart to pump blood throughout the body, which has an impressive effect on circulation. This makes peripheral training a very effective tool in the fight against diseases such as diabetes, which can cause serious circulatory complications. Brief, intense exercise can help maintain cardiovascular health, especially in people with asthma.

Except that speeds up metabolismthis is due to the specificity of the training itself. There is a short break between each exercise, which may last from five to 60 seconds maximum. After resting, the body is forced to exercise again at high intensity, which causes excessive oxygen consumption, which in turn is responsible for raising the metabolism for many hours after training. Peripheral training helps you burn more calories and more fat, even after you’ve finished exercising.

Additionally, circuit training has the advantage that it can be performed anywhere. Bodyweight exercises can be performed at home, in the gym or outdoors, and for typical strength training, you need barbells, dumbbells or other equipment. Of course, there are no contraindications to combine these two elements in circuit training.

When it comes to circuit training, the plan can be implemented not only by active physical persons. It is also great for beginners – does not burden joints and muscles like standard strength training.

Among the other advantages of circuit training it is sure to be noted that it is also the perfect training for busy peoplebecause it saves you time. Traditional strength training can take anywhere from one hour to 90 minutes. Cardio sessions usually last 30 to 60 minutes. Adding to this the issues of full-time work and family care, we will often find it difficult to spend an extra two hours in the gym each day. Circuit training, however, can last 20 or 45 minutes. You can spend relatively little time training so that you can focus on other things.

It is also a great training for people who have been actively spending their time for a long time, For example, it can be an interesting diversion to ordinary training. By doing the same exercises all the time, not only do we get bored, but it has negative effects on the development of our body. Performing the same exercise or movement all the time can lead to a slowdown in development, or even a stoppage, because our body has time to adapt and will feel that it does not need to develop further. Peripheral training is designed to use a variety of exercises that use multiple muscle groups.

It is also worth adding that circuit training is a great choice for people who want to return to training after an injury. Because there are many very different movements during exercise, you can easily swap a certain movement that might make an injury worse for a safer or more comfortable movement. Even in structured gym circuit training programs, you can work with your instructor to modify or replace an exercise and still participate in your training overall.

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Perimeter training – rules

The principles of circuit training differ from typical strength training. It’s all about intensity – here the series are performed one after the other, without short breaks. It is important that each exercise affects a different part of the body – in this way, intensive training does not contribute to overloading the muscles.

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Perimeter training – plan

When it comes to circuit training, the plan can be tailored to the needs of a specific person. One exercise circuit should be performed during the first week. With each subsequent week, additional exercises should be added – so that the entire circuit training is closed into four series of exercises.

Before starting the exercises, it is worth establishing a training plan, i.e. determining the sequence of training specific muscle groups. This can be, for example, the abdomen, thighs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, shoulders and calves.

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Peripheral training at home

Although this type of training is associated primarily with the gym, the exercises can be successfully performed at home. And in this case, you need to determine the optimal training plan, including such exercises such as:

  1. classic push-ups
  2. full squats with hands behind head
  3. narrow pushups
  4. rompers
  5. lunges / lunges
  6. boxing run
  7. plank.

When doing circuit training at home, remember to both warm up and stretch after you’ve finished your exercises. This is very important because high-intensity training has a strong impact on muscles, joints and ligaments. These elements of the movement apparatus must become flexible. Thanks to this, it will be possible to reduce the risk of injury and increase exercise capacity.

Also remember to always hydrate your body well during training and always keep a water bottle close to you. To improve the efficiency of your body and support its functioning, remember about an additional supply of protein. Order today Nutrients for athletes from

Find out more: Workout at home – a safe alternative to the gym

Perimeter training – disadvantages

Circuit training can be shorter and faster, but it’s not easy. Requires endurance and may not be suitable for beginners or those with low levels of fitness. In addition, exhaustion after a quick workout may not improve our form at all, and may also increase the risk of injury. Therefore, before starting circuit training, it is best to work on your endurance and do it well under the supervision of a qualified trainer. For this purpose, you can also use massages using the STING Hard Roller with FASCIQ® Foam insets.

Further If your goal is to build muscle or gain weight quickly, circuit training is not the right choice. You can certainly tone your body and burn fat with circuit training, but you won’t be able to build a lot of muscle mass.

Another disadvantage of circuit training is the problem of building strength. During strength training, it is important to lift weights in excess of 75% of the maximum capacity of our muscle fibers. Such training also requires a 1-2 minute break between exercises for the muscles to regenerate. Therefore, if your goal is to build strength, circuit training is not an ideal method.

Although you can do circuit training at home, it’s also for this reason it can be hard for us to find the right motivation to exercise. What’s more, there will be no one with us at home to inform us about any defects in posture or technique that we are unconsciously doing. This is especially true for beginners.

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Peripheral training for women

Overall, men and women have different goals. While most men want to work on body areas such as the biceps and arms, women tend to focus more on working the triceps and buttocks. Another area that women also focus on is weight loss. Perimeter training can not only be particularly suited to people who want to get fit, but it can also be a great choice for people who want to lose weight, regardless of their gender.

Some of the exercises that can be successfully used for circuit training aimed at weight loss are push-ups, crunches, jogging, planks, and burpees.

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Peripheral training and burning calories

Doing strength exercise with minimal rest in regular circuit training increases your caloric burn rate more than regular weight lifting or moderate cardio. It takes 1 calories to lose 1800 kg, meaning you need to burn 1800 more calories than you eat.

Peripheral training can help you burn calories efficiently. With high-intensity circuit training, you can burn twice as many calories as some other common exercises. According to specialists, a person weighing 68 kg burns about 756 calories per hour of circuit training.

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