Perhydrol for the pool

Hydrogen peroxide has excellent disinfecting properties. The liquid is used in medicine and other fields. Not bad drug copes with the disinfection of water. Such characteristics gave rise to the use of hydrogen peroxide for the pool, but the usual 3% solution will not work. A concentrated solution – perhydrol, which contains 37% of the active substance, copes with water purification.

Basic water treatment methods

Perhydrol for the pool

The pool cleaning system is completely incapable of doing its job. Filters capture only dirt, and the remaining organic compounds cause the water to bloom over time. It is possible to bring the font into proper order only with an integrated approach, consisting of the following actions:

  • mechanical cleaning of large debris;
  • disinfection of water with chemical reagents;
  • filtration.

The implementation of the first and last points will not cause questions, and chemical cleaning is a complex process. There are many products for pool cleaning, but the most popular are chlorine and perhydrol. Chlorine-containing preparations pose a danger to human health and do not completely destroy all bacteria. Of the two, hydrogen peroxide comes first.

Important! Craftsmen have learned to use hydroperit for the pool, consisting of two components.

When the drug is dissolved in water, urea and hydrogen peroxide are obtained. The concentration of peroxide in hydroperite is 35%, which is 2% less than the active substance perhydrol contains. However, after disinfection, urea remains in the water, and it does not go anywhere.

Safety measures when working with chemicals

Perhydrol for the pool

Peroxide is safer than chlorine, but is also a chemical. If we are talking about perhydrol, then a concentrated solution can harm human health if used improperly. When the pool is cleaned with peroxide, it is important to protect the organs of vision with glasses. Rubber gloves are put on the hands.

If perhydrol gets on the body, the area is immediately washed off with clean water. A chemical burn should not remain, but suddenly redness appears or itching is felt, you should consult a doctor.

Attention! Perhydrol is a clear liquid that can easily be confused with other chemical solutions that have similar features.

You can swim after hydrogen peroxide has been poured into the pool at least a day later. When making a double dose, the waiting time is extended to 72 hours.

Features of the chemical process

Perhydrol for the pool

When the pool is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, a reaction begins that causes oxidation. The splitting oxygen atoms destroy harmful bacteria in the water. For humans, the chemical process is safe. After disinfection, you can swim without worrying about the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A big plus of perhydrol is the absence of decomposition products after the end of the reaction. The pool after disinfection can not be cleaned if there is no dirt on the walls of the bowl. To increase the effectiveness, the drug is mixed with silver or other disinfectants.

Water disinfection procedure

Perhydrol for the pool

It is necessary to use perhydrol for the pool in a certain dosage, taking into account the volume of water. The norms are displayed in the instructions of the manufacturer of the product. Usually 1m3 water count 700 ml of solution. It is easy to calculate if there are 5 m in the font3 liquid, you will need 3,5 liters of perhydrol.

Attention! For heavily polluted pools, the dose of hydrogen peroxide is doubled.

To get a good result, it is not enough just to pour the perhydrol into the pool. In a large mass of water, the agent will not be able to dissolve evenly. The drug is administered in small doses around the entire perimeter of the walls of the font. The best option is to use a pump. The intake hose from the unit is lowered into a canister with perhydrol. The end of the second hose coming from the pump outlet is lowered into the pool. After turning on the motor, the solution from the pressurized canister will disperse through the water.

If, contrary to all recommendations, it is decided to use hydroperite, then for 2 m3 water take 1 kg of tablets. Throwing the drug into the pool is not worth it because of the uneven distribution of the active substance. The tablets are pre-dissolved in a container with water, adhering to a ratio of 1: 3, after which the resulting solution is poured in small doses around the perimeter of the sides of the font.

After pouring the solution into the pool, water is driven around the ring by a circulation pump for thorough mixing with perhydrol.

The nuances of cleaning the pool

Perhydrol for the pool

Once the pool peroxide has been applied and the water is successfully circulating through the pump, no further action should be taken. It is important to wait for the result. A big mistake is to cover the bowl with a tarp to prevent the evaporation process. After the reaction, oxygen must be removed from the water.

If the water has been heavily polluted, a small amount of a thin grey-brown coating will remain on the walls of the font. The remaining dirt is removed with a skimmer. Similarly, with a vacuum cleaner, you can collect spots floating on the surface of the water, which are the result of a successful perhydrol reaction.

After cleaning the pool with perhydrol, the water will become clear. This indicates the correctness of the procedure. Crystal clear water will keep for about a month. It is not worth running the font until it is very dirty. If the water began to become cloudy earlier than expected, it is re-disinfected with peroxide, but the dosage is halved.

Pros and cons of disinfection

Perhydrol for the pool

Each method of chemical water purification has positive and negative sides. Let’s start the review with the advantages:

  • among effective disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide is cheaper;
  • perhydrol during the reaction does not emit a specific unpleasant odor, as is the case with chlorine;
  • in addition to disinfection, the product relieves stagnant water in the pool from green;
  • the acid-base balance of water as a result of the reaction is not disturbed;
  • perhydrol for disinfection can be used independently without the involvement of specialized services;
  • peroxide does not harm human health, and its vapors are less dangerous for the respiratory tract and mucous membranes;
  • after successful cleaning, the water in the pool will remain clear for at least 1 month.

Perhydrol for the pool

Among the shortcomings, the limitation of the use of perhydrol is distinguished. The product is not effective in water with a temperature above +27оC. In large fonts, this indicator rarely occurs, and small inflatable and frame bowls get very hot in the heat. However, high temperature is not a problem. You can introduce hydrogen peroxide in the early morning, when the water that has cooled overnight has not yet had time to warm up from the sun.

The video shows the result of cleaning the pool with peroxide:

Add perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide) to the pool. Process and result!

On the effectiveness of the use of perhydrol for the pool, reviews of the owners of the fonts are divided. However, most summer residents resort to just such a cleaning technology.

For the first time, on the advice of a friend, I tried to clean the frame pool with hydroperite. I bought pills at the pharmacy, dissolved them in a bucket and poured them into water. The effect is not bad, but there was an unpleasant smell. I had to filter the water through the circulation pump for a day. Three weeks later, I re-cleaned with perhydrol. It’s been a month since the disinfection. As long as the water is clear.
I have been cleaning the pool with perhydrol for the third year and do not recognize other chemistry. Everything is simple. I pour the solution into water, run it with a pump, and when a dirty coating appears on the walls, I go through it with a skimmer. In the hot summer, I do the procedure monthly, without waiting for the water to become cloudy.

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