Perfume for women with pheromones excites men
Are there exciting scents? How do pheromones work? And what smells do men like the most? The editor Natalya Udonova found answers to these questions.
Perfume for women with pheromones
Recently, the American company Harvey Prince announced that it has invented the world’s first energizing scent – Eau Flirt (flirt), consisting of natural ingredients. At the same time, after years of research, scientists from Chicago managed to find out that most men experience sexual attraction by smelling a combination of pumpkin pie, lavender and licorice aromas. Is it really so easy to become irresistible?
“Of everything we can spray on ourselves, there is nothing that makes us fall in love,” – said Dr. Johan Lundstrom (Johan lundstrom), an expert at the Chemical Science Center in Philadelphia. However, she did not rule out the possibility that the aromas are capable of bewitching. And this idea does not leave the minds of scientists. In search of a love elixir, they conduct one experiment after another.
Fragrances give rise to memories
Apple pie is really exciting!
Two professors of neurogenetics at Rockefeller University concluded that our sense of smell induces a mood in us that other senses cannot awaken. To prove this, the professors set up an experiment. At the famous Barneys store in New York, they invited customers to sample the various scents from the sets they presented. And they soon found out that the same smell causes different reactions in people, the reason for which lies in memories. So, one man associated the aroma of apple pie with mom and good mood, another with poisoning and bad memories. Hearing a similar scent, he is unlikely to want to have sex.
However, on each person, the aroma is revealed in its own way. This is influenced by the place where the fragrance was applied, body temperature, the whole body, and even food habits. And yet, let’s say an exciting scent exists. Can you guarantee that it will work? Indeed, in the world there are quite a few people with a weak sense of smell, the object may simply not smell the pheromones spread to it.
Only animals produce pheromones.
During the experiment at Barney, among other fragrances was introduced galaxolide (galaxolide) – a synthetic musk that is often found in laundry detergents. Most of the participants recognized the smell of washing powder in it, and after all, almost all sexual scents are based on musk.
In its natural form, musk is obtained in a rather unusual way, it is peeled off the skin of the belly of a male deer. But most often, a synthetic analogue is added to perfumery.
Laughter creates self-confidence, and therefore sexuality.
Eau de Toilette “Flirt” does not contain synthetics, all key stimulating ingredients are natural: pumpkin, lavender, licorice. The substances have been tested by doctors and have come to the conclusion that they all increase blood flow. For example, a combination of pumpkin pie and lavender increases blood pressure in men by 40 percent and black liquorice by 31 percent. Scientists took into account one more important aspect: it is not a fact that every time it was the aroma that became the cause of arousal, because at the moment of the experiment a man could simply relax and remember something of his own …
So, after doing a lot of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is not fragrances that make us sexy. Any perfume, they believe, will make you feel sexy and make everyone think the same way, if the mistress herself likes it, cheers up and allows you to be confident in your own irresistibility.
We are excited by the smell of only a beloved man
Another secret seduction technique is pheromones. It is these substances produced by animals that make it possible to choose a couple for lovemaking. Smelling the smell of pheromones, even an ordinary butterfly is able to find its beloved in the middle of the night. Alas, humans are incapable of producing pheromones. However, scientists have found that we have a different mechanism: the ability to unconsciously choose a genetically suitable pair. A study has also been conducted on this topic.
One not the most pleasant research led to interesting results. The bottom line was this: women were asked to smell men’s T-shirts and choose one where the smell of men’s sweat seemed attractive. It turned out that each young lady chose the T-shirt of the man whose genetic system is most similar to her own. Meeting such people in life means that they have much more chances of giving birth to healthy and beautiful children.
Predators love perfumery.
The producers of exciting fragrances chemically create the molecules found in the smell of sweat and urine, recycle them, thus obtaining the main component for creating pheromones. But if you give a person a sniff of this basic component, erotic attraction is unlikely to arise, because the component will smell like ordinary urine.
So, while people try to compare themselves to the animal kingdom, Dr. Patrick Thomas of the Bronx Zoo Wildlife Society in the United States decided to compare animals to humans. The scientist went to the cage with lions and tigers and alternately sprayed several male fragrances. The most exciting time for wild animals is … Obsession for Men by Calvin Klein.