Perfection itself: how to achieve the ideal

Perfection itself: how to achieve the ideal

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It seems that the desire for self-improvement is inherent in every modern woman. We are used to the daily cycle – work, family meals, meeting friends – and do not want to stop. But how can you take care of yourself with such an active life? Here are some tips to make your journey to perfection easier.

Don’t stop learning new things

Life is incredibly multifaceted. Try to discover something new for yourself every day. If you’re learning a foreign language, promise yourself to memorize five new words a day. If you don’t teach, start: at least it will come in handy on a trip. Cooking classes, painting lessons, acting or make-up classes – take on new skills and put aside your fear of failure! Even if you don’t become a master, you will broaden your horizons and gain useful skills. Plus, by trying new things and improving, you will sooner find your true calling.

From childhood we hear the phrase that a book is a source of knowledge and, in general, the best gift. Wondering why? Reading develops imagination and creativity, trains the brain and its creative muscles. Reading a book (it does not matter whether Shakespeare’s tragedies, Chekhov’s comedy or Ranevskaya’s memoirs), we recreate in our head the pictures of the plot: images, sounds and even aromas! By the way, while reading, there is an excellent memory training, and this will certainly come in handy in life. Another useful skill that you can develop through books is improving attention and concentration. In modern life, which we spend in an eternal hurry, it is very important to be able to quickly concentrate on the main thing. Reading, we become more literate: we expand our vocabulary, remember the correct spelling of words and the placement of punctuation marks. Anyway, spending a winter evening with a good book is not a delight?

To put things in order in your thoughts, you need to start with the order in the closet. Take a day off and take a critical look at the contents of the cabinets and shelves. Are there things that you haven’t used for over a year? They can be given to friends or given to those in need, because the new will not come into your life while the place is occupied by the old. Do not get attached to things, easily get rid of unnecessary things. This also applies to appearance. If you have long wanted to make a short haircut, then get it. If you dreamed of getting rid of excess weight – start right now. A fundamentally new product will help in this difficult question. Porcelain, which allows you to lose and maintain weight without the exhausting feeling of hunger. Now you don’t have to deny yourself your favorite food! Porciol capsules are taken half an hour before meals, washed down with clean still water at room temperature (180 ml per capsule). When combined with water, the capsules form a hydrogel that serves as a temporary stomach filler and helps to reduce food intake. Porziola contains 0 calories and does not interact with the cells of the body, it is not addictive. It is displayed completely and unchanged. Porcelain will help you get closer to the ideal without stress and harm to the body!

There are contraindications. Before use, consult a specialist.

Only this should be a real journey – with a route, movements, immersion in the national culture. A week at the beach is great, but a little different. If a language barrier or fear of flying stops you, try stepping over them. Go to people with goodness, and you will not be lost! As you travel, you will learn how to make contact with strangers. It has been proven that when traveling, when you need to quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment, our brain works faster and more efficiently. Getting acquainted with new customs and traditions, you will broaden your horizons, learn to think flexibly and look at the world wider. But the main thing is that you will return home with new thoughts and ideas that will help you move on.

In pursuit of self-improvement, it is important to be able to relax in time and understand that life is given to us in order to be happy, and our happiness depends not on external conditions, but on our attitude towards them. Make it a habit to smile more (even to strangers!) And not get upset over little things. If you get into trouble, ask yourself: will it matter in a year? And in a month? Surprisingly, the answer is almost always no. Therefore, relax, allow yourself to be imperfect and love the main person in your life – yourself. Surrender to sincere feelings, surround yourself with smart, kind people, laugh and relate more easily to everything that happens, because life is happiness.

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