Linseed oil can be a cleanser in response to many ailments. Scientists from the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Wrocław have developed genetically modified flax, from the seeds of which they obtain oil with the ideal (suggested by the World Health Organization) proportion of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Linseed oil
Cold-pressed OilActive linseed oil contains an appropriate ratio of health-promoting, unsaturated fatty acids recommended by the European Food Information Council.
Properties of linseed oil
Omega 3 fatty acids – their consumption reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood (an increased level of triglycerides has a greater impact on the risk of a heart attack or stroke than an increased level of cholesterol), in addition, according to the latest research, omega 3 fatty acids slow down the aging of cells. Omega 3 deficiency can lead to the development of cancer, allergies, high blood pressure, osteoporosis or prostate disease.
Omega 6 fatty acids – acids that are precursors of pro-inflammatory hormones, so-called prostaglandins. They help to accumulate fat, lead to hardening of cells, blood clotting, and from the beginning of human life they stimulate the formation of fat cells.
Collectively, they are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and as such are not produced in the human body – they must be supplied with food. They are constantly competing to keep the body in physiological balance. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis by lowering serum cholesterol and reduce the aggregation (the ability to form vascular clots) of platelets leading to heart attacks and strokes. On the one hand, they are the building blocks of the body, and on the other hand, they have regulatory functions. They play a special role in physiological processes such as: transport of other fats or the body’s immune response. They also take part in the inflammatory reaction (they are very important in the treatment of atopic dermatitis) and influence human mood and behavior.
The proportion of these fats in the diet is very important, because the excess of one of them can be harmful to the body – according to the research of the National Institutes of Health, Americans consume too much omega 6 compared to omega 3, which is dangerous especially for people suffering from for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, too high concentration of omega 6 leads to excessive oxidation of blood lipids and promotes their deposition on the walls of blood vessels.
- An alternative antibiotic
- Perfect dressing
What was the product made of?
The answer to the problem of the right ratio of both acids came in the form of Oilactive. The oil was created from seeds of specially modified flax, thanks to which the content of omega 3 and 6 is in an ideal proportion. In addition, the product is characterized by an increased level of antioxidant compounds, which has a positive effect on health, and additionally affects the durability of the oil itself. The oil is three times longer stable than the oil obtained from unmodified plants in the same way. Greater oil stability was confirmed by measuring the content of unfavorable oxidation / decomposition products of fatty acids; OilActive oil showed a significantly lower content of such compounds than commercially available oils after the same storage period.
Conventional oil producers obtain an increase in stability by adding antioxidants such as tocopherol from an external source. In Oilativ Oil, these antioxidants are naturally added and produced by the plant, so they protect the oil in the seed. Additionally, due to the fact that in OilActiv oil, in addition to fat-soluble antioxidants, phenolic compounds are present, which are water-soluble antioxidants, we obtain a broader spectrum of protective properties and a more stable oil.
It has been proven and published (e.g. in the Lancet journal) that omega-3 fatty acids consumed simultaneously with phenolic compounds show much better health-promoting properties (atherosclerosis prevention) than those consumed without such an additive.
Linseed oil – application
1. Linseed oil is already used by the youngest people. Thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil determines the proper development of a child, improves the functioning of the brain, strengthens the body’s immunity and strengthens the nervous system.
2. Cosmetics – vitamin E in linseed oil improves skin tone and elasticity, while delaying the skin aging process. Linseed oil is especially dedicated to dry skin, because its ingredients minimize water loss through the epidermis, thus improving its overall condition. You can try the Vianek firming face, neck and cleavage mask to see how linseed oil works on the skin.
Linseed oil is also found in body lotions, bath lotions and lipsticks. Thanks to systematic use, it is possible to reduce acne.
3. Hair – thanks to its moisturizing properties, linseed oil is perfect for hair care.
4. Food additive – linseed oil fits perfectly with bread or salads. It should be eaten cold because it loses its value under the influence of high temperatures.
Oliativ – composition
Composition of the product:
– polyunsaturated fatty acids: 244,7 mg / g, including: 91,72 mg / ml of linoleic acid (omega 6) and 151,51 mg / ml of linolenic acid (omega 3).
— tocopherols: 835,5 µg/g
— lutein 2,46 µg/g
— beta-carotene: 4,28 µg/g
– total phenolic compounds: 12,7 µg / g
OilActive was developed by scientists from the Linum Foundation (, founded by Professor Jan Szopa-Skórkowski, head of the Department of Genetic Biotechnology at the University of Wrocław. In addition to the ideal oil, the facility deals with other, medicinal preparations based on flax – the sale is already dressings for ulcers and hard-healing wounds, as well as fungicidal and bactericidal gels. In addition, Wrocław biotechnologists have also developed an alternative antibiotic obtained from genetically modified flax. It is indicated for dermatological applications and as a dietary supplement supporting natural immunity.
In addition to the medicinal products themselves, the Wrocław foundation also deals with the revitalization of flax crops in Lower Silesia and the whole of Poland, as well as with production on a larger industrial scale – for this purpose, the Linum organization entered into an agreement with the Madex company from Malbork, which bought a dilapidated textile factory in 2010 linen eagle. The factory is located in the village of Mysłakowców, located in the Jelenia Góra valley. From now on, in addition to the traditional clothing and decorative fabrics, the manufacturer will also manufacture Lenplast linen bandages.
So why not a foreign concern? – We want our ideas to contribute to the development of the region – says professor Szopa-Skórkowski, explaining that Lower Silesia has always been known for the production of linen and this tradition should be continued. A chance for a dynamic development of investments in this region are EU subsidies from the soil rehabilitation programs and the ‘innovative economy’.
Linseed oil for hair
Linseed oil works not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It has been proven that it has an excellent effect on hair, all thanks to the presence of lignans, which prevent hair loss and accelerate growth. Hair oiling is especially recommended for men who have problems with baldness. It is also an excellent product for people complaining about brittle, dry and damaged hair. Linseed oil for hair stops splitting ends and restores elasticity to the hair. In addition, linseed oil nourishes the hair down to the roots. It is also perfect for scalp psoriasis and other skin lesions. It is effective in the fight against persistent dandruff.
Linseed oil is used for hair oiling. The best products are cold-pressed and unrefined. Hair oiling treatment perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and regenerates the hair structure. This procedure can be performed independently at home.
Budwig linseed oil
Budwig oil is a very popular product that has many valuable properties. This oil is obtained by pressing it mechanically from the seeds, so it does not need to be refined and thus retains its natural biological properties. Budwig oil contains a lot of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which support the body and prevent, among other things, cancer. The name of Budwig oil comes from the name of a person who promoted a diet based on this oil around the world (the Budwig diet). It consists in consuming (regularly) unrefined linseed oil in the company of lean cottage cheese. Consuming budwig oil in this way allows its components to be absorbed faster in the digestive system.
The diet based on Budwig oil is recommended for many health ailments. It has a good effect on the cardiovascular system and supports the treatment of rheumatic diseases and diabetes. Works well with digestive problems. Other diseases in which Dr. Budwig linseed oil is effective:
- Alzheimer’s disease,
- prostate diseases,
- tumors,
- allergies,
- multiple sclerosis,
- heart attack,
- arrhythmia,
- myocardial infarction,
- problems with concentration,
- vision and hearing defects.
Linseed oil for the face
Linseed oil has valuable properties, so it can be used for the care of dry facial skin and in people with the first signs of aging. Linseed oil also soothes inflammation of the skin and various types of irritation. Works well for people with acne-prone skin. Due to the content of alpha-linolenic acid, the number of spots and pimples on the skin is reduced, as this acid regulates the secretion of sebum. Regular use of linseed oil on the skin of the face gives it a radiant appearance and moisturizes the complexion.
Linseed oil can be applied directly to the skin of the face, neckline and neck. Before use, you can gently warm it up in your hands, and then gently rub it into the skin. You can also mix linseed oil with face cream.
Linseed oil – dosage
The dosage of linseed oil is a very individual matter and depends on the body’s needs. However, there are certain criteria by which an adult should consume 2 to 6 tablespoons of linseed oil a day. In children and adolescents, there is a greater demand for the acids contained in linseed oil.
important: Linseed oil is not intended for frying, as all its properties disappear when exposed to high temperatures. That is why linseed oil should be consumed cold.
Fasting linseed oil
Consuming linseed oil on an empty stomach is considered an excellent move. By drinking linseed oil on an empty stomach, the body has fewer obstacles to absorb it well and extract the most valuable properties from it. According to many people, drinking one teaspoon of linseed oil a day on an empty stomach allows you to feel a positive effect in the body after some time.