Perfect curls at home: 7 proven life hacks

The expert shared with the readers of tips that will enhance the natural waviness of the curls.

How to curl your hair: simple beauty tips for every day

Zendaya, Beyoncé, Shakira, Rihanna: the list of star beauties with luxurious naturally curly hair is endless. However, even for owners of curly hair, it is not easy to style them so that the curls do not fall apart, do not frizz and do not crumple. What can we say about those who have naughty hair (neither straight nor curly). However, there is salvation: especially for, hair stylist Leonid Romanov shared useful tips that will help enhance the natural waviness of hair.

Creative partner of L’Oreal Professionnel, art director of the French haute couture association in Russia, founder of the Leonid Romanov Hair beauty space

1. If your hair is slightly curly and I would like to emphasize it, there is special cutting techniques. They will push the curl to curl more and form a wavy “crown”. Note: this is exactly technique, not form… The shape can be any – elongated, spherical, with shortened strands at the crown and long at the back of the head.

2. Use a coarse comb after washing your hairwhen you have already applied care and styling. Massage brushes and other combs will not work; they smooth the hair too much.

3. Leave your hair to dry on its own. You can help them with your hands, twist them in spirals.

4. If you need to use a hairdryer, turn on cold air mode or take a diffuser. Better – both.  

5. Do not comb after drying. Maximum – with a damp hand, go through the hair, squeezing and twisting it in a spiral. At the end, you can beat the styling with your hands at the roots.

6. If the waves are puffing and you want to discipline them, apply a smoothing styling, take curlers or brushing large diameter and curl your hair.  

7. Can be applied very a small amount of air conditioner or masks directly on dry hair, and then the waves will be smoother.

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