Perfect abs: TOP 15 secrets
Perfectly flat and toned belly – the result of long-term work on the figure. Especially for those who intend to prepare in advance for the beach season and get rid of the “folds” on the stomach forever, presents 15 steps to perfect abs.
Nutritional values: what does a perfect abs like?
1. Make a realistic plan… It is impossible to achieve a flat stomach in a short time, and even fitness trainers of the stars recommend giving up illusions about this. Start by writing a plan for your belly fat loss action, which should include at least ten points from the list below. Now, define deadlines – three deadlines in which you will record the results of your work on the figure. For example, the first measurement of the waist should be done a week after the start of training. As you embark on your fitness program, remember to analyze your progress by replacing the exercises that are not working with new types of workouts and activities.
2. Drink plenty of mineral water. Whether you’re dieting, trying to flatten your belly, or simply looking to get healthier, you just need to drink more clean, still water. A bottle of mineral water should be close at hand wherever you are. By increasing your daily fluid intake, you will not only feel less hungry, but you will also experience a surge of energy. In addition, drinking more mineral water, you will forget about sugary carbonated drinks and no less sweet fruit juices. The first results of an increase in water volume will be noticeable within a week.
3. Eat colorful foods. Nutritionists insist: the more “colored” lunch you eat, the healthier you will be. Markov, bell peppers, spinach and tomatoes – if all of them are on your plate, you will receive the necessary charge of vitamins with a minimum level of “harmful” fats. And going to have lunch or breakfast,
4. Give up fast food completely. Despite the fact that
5. Stop drinking sugary carbonated drinks. A glass of sweet soda contains as many calories as a large banana. True, banana still contains nutrients, but soda does not.
6. Find a substitute for desserts. Those who do not want to bring themselves to a state of food depression by giving up sweets should think about
The Laws of Physics: Abs Workout
Abs workouts should be regular.
7. Exercise with weights. Weights are not only necessary when you need to shape the shoulder line or the hip line. Weight training is also relevant for those who strive for perfect abs. Don’t limit your fitness workouts to classic ab exercises such as lying curls and lateral bends, jogging or walking with weights on your arms, and you will soon notice how effective these abs workouts are.
8. Work on different muscle groups. Remember to work on other parts of your body as you strive to get a toned belly. The structure of the body does not allow you to train only the press in isolation, therefore, in the fitness training program, it is necessary to provide exercises for the arms and buttocks, which will also affect the condition of the abdomen.
9. Add cardio workouts. Cardio should be done at least five times a week for 20 minutes a day. Which cardio workout should you choose? Running, jumping rope, step aerobics, swimming or walking – the choice depends on your level of athletic training and timing.
10. Watch your posture! A drawn-in abdomen and a perfectly straight posture will not only help you look slimmer, but also tighten your abdominal muscles.
11. Go swimming. Swimming is especially important for those who cannot regularly devote time to fitness training at home or in the gym. This type of physical exercise allows you to quickly and effectively restore the tone of the abdominal muscles, without harming the joints.
12. Master yoga for the abs. Coach Kristen Dollard suggests
Alternative: don’t miss your chance to get your abs toned!
Your abs will get tighter as you move more.
13. Make the right choice! A staircase instead of an elevator, long-distance parking that allows you to walk a little to work, and even abandoning the use of the remote control in favor of manual control – all this helps to systematically get rid of excess weight! Your press needs movement.
14. Avoid stressful situations. Some nervous situations incline to overeating, others – completely deprived of appetite. But in the end, the result is the same: stress is bad for your metabolism, and with it, your abs. Do not be nervous!
15. Don’t expect a miracle. Long-term results in the fight for a toned belly can only be achieved with the help of proper nutrition and regular exercise. Neither diet pills nor grueling diets like giving up food will get you where you want to go.