It is difficult to imagine a cottage or a country house without colorful flower beds with perennial flowers. Climbing roses and clematis, undersized alyssums, groundcover stonecrops and thyme – these perennials bloom all summer long and can become a real picturesque island of a garden or front yard. Properly and tastefully composed perennial flower beds are the most successful landscape design option, since such compositions create a special comfort and allow you to enjoy yourself continuously throughout the warm season.
Benefits of perennials
There is an opinion that annual garden flowers are brighter and more abundantly blooming than perennials. Even so, this is perhaps their only advantage – they quickly blossomed, bloomed magnificently, and next year they need to be sown again. But perennial flowers, in comparison with annuals, have a number of advantages and advantages:
- first, and most importantly, perennials have been growing in one place for several years and do not need an annual planting;
- most plants of this species bloom throughout the warm season from May to September, and some before the onset of frost;
- they are also quite resistant to diseases, pests, drought and frost – many perennials (irises, daffodils, snowdrops) are so frost-resistant that they can grow well in the harsh climate of Siberia;
- almost all perennials are unpretentious – they can grow in any part of the dacha: in the shade, on stones, in poor sandy soil;
- such plants do not need regular care – watering, weeding and other activities are carried out only as needed;
- perennials retain their decorative effect throughout the season, and some low-growing species (shaving, periwinkle, jellyfish) retain their greenery even under snow;
- profitability – any composition of perennials will cost much more economically than the annual purchase of seeds or ready-made seedlings.
In addition, perennial flowers blooming all summer are very diverse. There are some types of plants that have several hundred or thousands of varieties. For example, about 4 thousand varieties of tulips alone are known. Curly, low, tall flowers, with large or small inflorescences – each gardener can choose suitable ones for a summer residence or a garden. Thanks to the huge selection of varieties, perennials can create the most beautiful and diverse compositions.
When planting perennials, it is important to consider a number of conditions under which flowers will grow well and for a long time. First, it is the soil. Although perennials are not capricious, there are optimal conditions for each flower: alpine flowers grow better on rocky or sandy soil, irises, peonies, roses prefer soil with neutral acidity.
It is equally important when planting to choose a suitable site. For example, ferns grow well only in the shade, and daylilies, phloxes, irises can grow both under the bright sun and in the shade, and there are flowers that can only grow in the sun.
Planting perennial flowers can be done by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings or seeds. As a rule, perennials are planted in the fall so that by the next spring they can take root and bloom. Planting time is selected depending on which plants are planted.
Early flowering bulbous species are planted in mid-September – October, about a month before the first frost. Varieties that bloom in summer are planted a couple of weeks before frost. Peonies, irises, phloxes are best planted by dividing the rhizomes. It is better to plant perennials from a cutting in the spring, so that during the summer period the plants take root and grow stronger.
Video “Perennials in the garden”
Video review of popular perennial flowers for the garden.
Perennials that bloom all summer
Perennial flowers can be classified according to many parameters: flowering time, soil and light requirements, and height. It is the height of the plants that is of particular importance in garden design, since the classical layout of harmonious flower beds involves planting flowers in tiers. Depending on the height, perennials are divided into three groups:
- undersized (up to 50 cm) – this includes ground cover and low curb species;
- medium tall – their height varies from 40-50 cm to 80 cm;
- tall – above 1 meter, climbing plant species can also be attributed to this group.
These perennials are used for planting in the foreground, as a border, and to fill the space between tall plants:
- subulate phloxes – low (20-30 cm) ground cover flowers, quite unpretentious, shade-tolerant, grow rapidly and retain their green color under the snow;
- seaside armeria – very short (15-20 cm) border flowers, not picky about soil, frost-resistant, look good along paths, on rocky areas;
- periwinkle – an evergreen ground cover crop, reaching a height of 10-15 cm, blooms twice a season with blue, white or pink flowers, grows very quickly, forming a dense cover;
- large-flowered flax – rather low (up to 50 cm) pale blue flowers, undemanding to conditions, decorate the cottage with their flowering almost all summer;
- aster alpine – low (up to 15 cm), very frost-resistant flowers, grow well in the harsh climate of Siberia, land on alpine hills and Mauritanian lawns;
- gentian – non-capricious, very undersized bells of bright blue color, perfect for alpine slides, bloom from late June to late August;
- soft cuff – low (up to 40 cm) perennial with decorative leaves and small yellow flowers, which are collected in lush inflorescences, looks great on stones, along the edges of flower beds and as a border;
- carnation-grass – low (up to 30 cm) ground cover plants, with creeping shoots and very bright flowers, grow rapidly, look very solemn on stones, in the foreground of flower beds;
- sea alissum – very decorative border flowers that bloom from June until frost itself, unpretentious, look great on rocky areas of the cottage, alpine hills, along the paths.
Of the representatives of this species, blooming all summer are:
- garden lilies – the most elegant and at the same time unpretentious flowers, they feel great both in the sun and in the shade, they are very diverse in varieties and colors, they can grow up to 5 years without a transplant;
- iris is a perennial that is undemanding to soil and light, can grow well both in the sun and in the shade of the garden, among this species there are varieties that bloom at completely different times, which allows you to enjoy colors all summer;
- daylilies – the most unpretentious of perennials, very diverse in color and flowering period, feel good in the shade, do not freeze out, do not need care;
- rhodiola rosea is an ornamental plant with fleshy leaves and small flowers that are collected in dense inflorescences, very frost-resistant – in nature, rhodiola grows in the tundra and alpine belt, therefore it is perfect for the regions of the Urals;
- peonies are elegant and romantic garden flowers that grow well in sunny areas, there are many varieties that differ in flowering period: early, medium and late flowering.
Tall perennials include:
- rudbeckia – sunny, very bright flowers with pointed petals, outwardly similar to daisies, undemanding to conditions and care, can decorate the cottage with their flowering all summer;
- astilba is a non-capricious perennial, with very small flowers that are collected in paniculate inflorescences, can reach a height of 1 m, looks great in the background of the flower bed;
- delphinium – a very tall (up to 2 m) perennial with long inflorescences of a predominantly purple-blue color, does not require care and transplantation, feels good in the sun and in the shade, but blooms longer in the shade;
- echinacea – an ornamental, and at the same time a medicinal plant with large flowers, can grow in absolutely any soil, does not need care;
- stock rose (mallow) – a very majestic bushy perennial with multiple flowers located on tall stems, non-capricious, can grow anywhere, does not need to be transplanted;
- sweet peas – beautiful and very fragrant climbing flowers with luxurious clusters, not picky about soil and care, grows quickly, like all climbing flowers, needs a vertical support.
Many gardeners are interested in the question – what climbing flowers can be grown in the cold climate of the northern latitudes? There are several varieties of frost-resistant vines that have taken root well even in Siberia: Alpine, Tunguska, and Siberian clematis are climbing varieties with medium-sized, but long-blooming blue inflorescences.
Video “Perennial garden plants”
Video recommendations for the care and cultivation of perennial garden plants.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina