Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Perennial shrubs are a great option for decorating a country landscape. After all, such plants retain their decorative effect throughout the season and require an annual transplant.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Flowering shrubs at certain times are covered with many beautiful and fragrant flowers, which looks even more spectacular than just lush greenery.

Photos and names of flowering perennial shrubs will help gardeners decide on a variety of flowers, choose the most suitable plants for their site.

How to choose the right variety of flowering shrubs

Not all shrubs can take root in absolutely any conditions, therefore, when choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the site. When choosing garden flowers, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Frost resistance bush is very important, especially in the northern regions of the country. If almost all varieties of perennial shrubs can grow in the south, then for Siberia and the Urals it will be necessary to select the most frost-resistant varieties.

    Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

  2. Need for shelter shrubs for the winter period should also worry the gardener, because this requires certain skills, special material and, of course, time
  3. Care method behind the bushes is no less important. This question is especially interesting for summer residents who visit their site only on weekends. As a rule, perennials do not need complex care: they only need watering and fertilizer.
  4. Removal of flower stalks may be mandatory or not, you need to find out about this detail at the stage of choosing a shrub
  5. Soil composition significantly affects the flowering of certain perennials. Some shrubs are suitable only for fertile soils, some of them feel great on clay or sandy soils, and there are those that can grow on stones.

    Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

  6. The duration of “life” it is customary to call the period during which the bush will bloom and delight the owners of the site with its beauty. As a rule, gardeners prefer long-lived shrubs that do not need to be replanted for several years or decades.
  7. Crown height and volume shrubs, the branching of its root system is also necessarily taken into account when buying plants, because a perennial bush should fit in the place allotted for it.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Advice! When choosing perennial shrubs for your site, it is necessary to take into account the maximum crown and root sizes that the plant will reach at maturity.

Park rose

This perennial is also called “shrub rose”. You can plant this plant in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • seedlings.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

In fact, the shrub is a cultivated wild rose, blooming profusely and for a long time, and bearing fruit at the end of the season.

The best soil for park roses is clay soil with a high humus content. This shrub loves light soils, if the soil in the area is too heavy, you need to add a little peat or sawdust to it. You need to plant rose bushes in well-lit open areas, in the shade of buildings or trees, roses begin to hurt and bloom very poorly. Care for the bushes of park roses should be as follows:

  • fertilize (especially young bushes) several times per season;
  • you need to water the roses, but do it with care – these flowers do not like excessive humidity;
  • the ground around the bush needs to be regularly loosened;
  • a rose grafted onto a wild rose must be properly cut so that the shrub does not run wild and forms normally;
  • many varieties and absolutely all young shrubs need to be covered for the winter, for this the earth is spudded around the stems, and the shoots are wrapped with thick paper;
  • for some varieties of park roses, it is important to cut off faded flower stalks, otherwise fresh buds will not appear.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos


This shrub is often confused with mock orange – both plants have similar flowers, distinguished by their beauty and unsurpassed aroma. Planting jasmine is best in early spring or autumn.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

You can do this in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

Jasmine loves the sun, however, it is best to avoid areas with direct sunlight throughout the day. Humidity and temperature conditions are very important for this shrub.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

In winter and autumn, jasmine requires a lower temperature than in summer and spring, which is great for the domestic climate.

Many varieties of jasmine are frost-resistant – this bush does not have to be covered for the winter. Perennial blooms in June, July. Flowering is very plentiful, inflorescences of a white or cream shade, with a pronounced exotic aroma. The height of the shrub usually does not exceed two meters.

In order for the flowering of jasmine to be plentiful and lush, the perennial bush must be fed with humus, watered well, cut off dry shoots and remove weeds.


Probably, there is no such person in Our Country who has never seen a lilac. This is a universal shrub that decorates garden and summer cottages in all regions of the country.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

The shrub is extremely unpretentious, can be grown on any soil (but does not really like sandy soils), calmly tolerates even severe frosts.

For the proper development and formation of the bush, it is necessary to regularly cut off the root growth and remove wilted inflorescence brushes.

The strong floral aroma of lilac bushes is familiar to everyone, this smell cannot be confused with anything. Today, many varieties of this shrub have been selected: with double flowers, with multi-colored petals, with flowers from snow-white to rich burgundy.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

It is recommended to grow lilacs in a well-lit area, it is better to plant them in spring or autumn.. For shrubs, regular watering and maintaining soil moisture is very important, so the ground around the stems must be mulched or loosened.

Advice! Experienced gardeners recommend that when watering a lilac bush, moisten the foliage itself, and not just the ground around the bush.


A perennial shrub that blooms one of the first in the garden. Bright yellow bell-shaped inflorescences appear on forsythia branches earlier than green foliage – this is the uniqueness of the shrub.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

It is recommended to plant bushes in well-lit garden plots protected from strong winds. It is good if there is enough free space around the bush. In height, forsythia usually grows up to 1,5-2 meters, has a rather spreading crown.

You do not need to water this shrub too often and abundantly – the risk of root rot is high. You need to fertilize the plant with rotted manure. Old shoots should be pruned so that they continue to grow in the new spring. Also pruning form the crown of the bush and get rid of dry branches.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

The plant prefers nutritious soils, characterized by friability, saturated with oxygen. In the first years after planting, the forsythia is covered for the winter, for this the branches of the bush are pinned to the ground and wrapped with a heater.

The earth around the bush must be dug up by about half a bayonet of a shovel. So, the soil and roots of the forsythia will be saturated with oxygen.

Important! A slight drought is much more favorable for a forsythia bush than excessive moisture.


Very interesting perennial shrub. Firstly, it belongs to deciduous species, secondly, the shade of flowers changes from pale pink to deep fuchsia, and thirdly, weigela blooms twice during one season (in May and August).

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Plant a shrub in the spring, until the buds have blossomed. The place is chosen sunny, warm, protected from drafts and wind. The soil is suitable loamy or sandy loam. If several weigela bushes are planted nearby, an interval of at least 1,5 meters must be observed between them, otherwise the plants will not have enough air, nutrients and moisture – the flowering of the shrub will become less plentiful.

Watering perennial bushes should be plentiful, especially do not forget about watering on hot days. Trimming old shoots, too thickened crown, must be done once every three years. Do this in the spring, until the buds and flowers have blossomed. Every spring, the bush is fed with urea, superphosphate and potassium.

Weigela is a heat-loving shrub, so it must be covered for the winter. Dry leaves, spruce branches or sawdust are used for this. The bush is covered with a film or polymer covering material from above.


This lush flowering shrub is quite capricious, especially with regard to the level of moisture and soil composition. For planting bushes, choose a place in partial shade, since the hydrangea foliage will be sluggish in the sun.

You can plant a shrub in spring or autumn, in cold regions it is better to do this in the spring, so that before the onset of winter cold, the bush is fully grown and grows a little.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Hydrangea bushes will have to be watered at least twice a week; 30-50 liters of warm water will have to be poured on each adult bush. So that the earth under the bush does not dry out, it is better to mulch it (with peat or sawdust). If this is not done, you will have to dig up the ground around the shrub at least three times per season.

Pruning faded inflorescences is required for hydrangeas. It is also necessary to prune young branches every spring to stimulate their growth and give the desired shape to the crown.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

In preparation for the winter period, in autumn, the hydrangea is cut to the fourth bud – this will ensure the density of the bush for the next season and protect it from freezing. After the first frosts, the shrub is spudded and mulched around the territory adjacent to the hydrangea.


A very interesting plant from the nightshade family. This shrub grows like a vine, its height can reach five meters. The inflorescences are very large – their length is about 50 cm, their shape resembles pointed bells.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

You will have to water the shrub daily – the vine loves moisture very much. At the same time, you also need to spray the foliage, trying to prevent water from getting into the opened flowers. Water for watering the bush should be warm.

Brugmansia should be planted in partial shade, to protect the bushes from wind and drafts. During the flowering period, the branches become very heavy, it is better to strengthen them with supports. Fertilizing is very important for a flowering shrub; it is performed with complex fertilizers throughout the summer season.


When choosing a perennial shrub for your site, first of all, you need to find a place for a new flower. After all, the bushes can be quite high, they need a certain level of illumination, humidity.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

For lush flowering, absolutely all shrubs, at least occasionally, need to be fed. However, you should not abuse mineral fertilizers – this can lead to excessive greening of the bush, and flowering, on the contrary, will become scarce.

It is better to plant perennial shrubs in Our Country in the spring, so the plants will be able to grow and get stronger before the onset of frost. In the first few years after planting, it is better to cover young bushes for the winter using vapor-permeable material.

Perennial shrubs for the garden and cottages: names with photos

Simple rules of care and planting will help decorate the garden with spectacular shrubs, which for several seasons will delight the owner with abundant flowering and the sweet aroma of bushes.

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