Perennial mixborders are a real decoration of the suburban area. They look like elongated flower beds filled with a bright mixture of beautiful plants that are arranged in tiers. The basis of such flower beds are perennials, so you need to plan the planting very carefully.
A place for a mixborder in landscape design
The mixborder looks interesting and elegant along the fence with large rose bushes curling and twisting around the fence. When thinking about the device of a flower garden, deciding which plants to plant in it, you need to think over its semantic load. It can decorate the entrance to the house, divide the area of the site, emphasize the paths, decorate the fence, stairs or reservoirs.
Multi-tiered mixborders from perennials look beautiful in front of the facade of the house
The mixborder is usually placed at the front of the house, along the fence, on the slope or along the paths. It is desirable that the place is well lit by the sun, but you can create such a flower bed in the shade of trees using shade-tolerant plants
Mixborders can be circular and one-sided. When drawing up a plan, take into account the distance from the tallest plant to the point of view – a bench, path or gazebo, making it twice the height of this perennial.
Before buying seeds and preparing a site, you need to draw a plan of the future mixborder on a sheet of paper. In this diagram, each type of plant can be marked with its own color and numbered. Flowers of the same species are planted in groups, so in the picture they look like small islands. Do not place more than 1 species of perennials per 3 square meter.
Thinking over the plan of a multi-tiered flower garden, tall plants are placed in the background if the mixborder is one-sided or in the center with a circular view.
Drawing a plan, the lines of the mixborder are made natural and smooth, in such a flower garden there is no place for strict geometric patterns. Its appearance should match the overall style of the garden.
The plan indicates not only the height of the plants, but also the timing of flowering and the estimated color range. It can be contrasting, monochrome or polychrome.
Types of beautiful perennials for mixborders:
- Astilba – its inflorescences look like fluffy multi-colored panicles, blooms for 2 months, can be short and tall;
- A rose is the most luxurious garden flower, it is better to plant it in the center of a flower garden, there are lush park or miniature creeping, climbing;
- Regeron, or small petals, is unpretentious and very decorative, about 50 cm high, similar to a large chamomile with purple, blue or pink petals;
- Small-flowered chrysanthemums winter well, are distinguished by beautiful openwork foliage and bright abundant flowering;
- Hosta – with bell-shaped flowers, prized mainly for decorative leaves of various colors, which are incredibly beautiful;
- Daylily is unpretentious, frost-hardy, flowers of various colors: yellow, orange, pink;
- The peony is unpretentious, withstands frosts of -40 ° C, large double flowers have a delicate aroma and various colors;
- Lily is quite unpretentious in care, but thermophilic, she will be a bright accent in any flower garden;
- Carnations are planted along the edges of the flower garden;
- Gelenium is a good honey plant with bright yellow flowers, unpretentious in care;
- Bellflower and chamomile easily endure frost and do not need special care;
- Hydrangea is airy and light during flowering, begins to bloom in mid-summer and blooms until autumn.
Do not plant aggressive plants in the flower garden that quickly grow, suppressing other flowers, such as goldenrod.
When creating a mixborder, perennials are most often used, supplemented by annuals. The size of the flower garden depends on the size of the site; before planting, a detailed plan for planting each type of plant is drawn up.