Perennials blooming in the Urals are a real find for a garden in which there are no consistently mild conditions for plants. Such flowers perfectly tolerate cold, frosty winters, at the same time managing to bloom in a short harsh summer to please the eye of the garden owner. Of course, you can go the easy way – plant annual plants every year, but this is not always convenient, you see. It is more reliable to complete the flower garden with long-lived varieties so that they bloom stably every year.
Frost-resistant perennials are not as rare as it might seem. There are a great many varieties that not only calmly endure the Ural temperature fluctuations, but at the same time produce beautiful flowers. First on our list of sustainability champions are those blooming in the garden in early spring.
Primula – blooms at an air temperature of 10-12℃, keeps flowers the longest if the temperature does not rise above 16℃. Five-membered buds of yellow, red, white color form umbrella inflorescences. Primroses are stunted plants, rarely reaching a height of 30 cm.
Snowdrop is an early small bulbous plant, so named because of its ability to break through the snow crust. The white-flowered snowdrop blooms one of the first, releasing white flowers with a yellow spot in the center. Undersized snowdrops rarely grow above 15-17 cm.
Tulip – terry early and simple early varieties are perfect for a spring garden. Plant height reaches 15-30 cm, flowers are large, brightly colored. Tulips can be planted with both seeds and bulbs. Narcissus is another representative of bulbous plants. Undersized, rarely growing above 15 cm, the daffodil has beautiful buds of an unusual shape – six petals and a protruding corolla. Blooms from mid-April – early May.
Crocus is a bulbous low plant with small purple or pale lilac buds. Blooms in early to mid-spring. Kandyk Siberian, or Erythronium, is a bulbous plant that grows up to 35 cm tall. The buds are solitary, drooping pink-violet with a bright yellow anther. Flowering begins at the end of April.
Astra Alpine – blooms at the junction of spring and summer, at the end of May. Small multiple buds are very similar to daisies. Bushes grow up to 20-25 cm, expanding more in breadth. The color of the buds is varied: from lilac to rich red. Erantis Siberian – This plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. Small yellow buds adorn low and straight stems. Erantis blooms in May.
summer bloom
Summer perennial flowers take an honorary watch for landscaping the garden in spring. The main conditions for such plants: timely watering, fertilizer and weeding. These are the main conditions, because in a harsh climate, summer is not very long and your plantings will need a lot of strength to bloom in full force.
Pansies are a ground cover plant that blooms in late spring or early summer. It is famous for small variegated flowers that cover the bushes. Daisies – blooming in late May, continue to bloom throughout the summer. Those varieties that grow in the garden have buds 3-8 cm in diameter with a delicate soft color.
Iris bearded – so named because of the many villi on the bottom of the flower, which are very similar to a beard. Large iris buds come in a variety of colors to fit any flower arrangement. They grow up to 30-40 cm, so it is better to plant them on the second or third row of the flower bed.
Curly lily is a bulbous plant with an unusual flower shape, very similar to a Turkish headdress. It grows up to 30 cm, decorated with pinnate leaves and pink or white buds. Lily Pennsylvania – unlike curly, grows up to 120 cm tall. It blooms in June-July with goblet buds of bright red or orange color.
Paniculata Hydrangea – Although most hydrangeas are not hardy, the paniculata subspecies grows wonderfully in any environment. It grows as a shrub or small tree, blooming in pyramidal panicles up to 25 cm long. The flowers are white or pale pink with four petals.
Climbing rose is a climbing shrub, with long shoots up to 5 m long. They are distinguished by bright green stems and leaves, which are covered with small double buds. The climbing rose blooms in the first half of summer, but at the same time retains the rich green color of the bush for the rest of the season.
Video “Perennial frost-resistant flowers”
Video recommendations for beginner gardeners on growing frost-resistant plants in the garden.
Flowers for autumn
Perennials blooming in autumn will be the final chord of the flower symphony of your garden. Chrysanthemum is a real decoration for an autumn flower bed. Chrysanthemum bushes are lush up to 110 cm tall. But the main feature of the plant in the abundance of inflorescences of various colors. It often happens that one bush produces up to 100 terry buds, each of which reaches 10 cm in diameter.
Rudbeckia is another representative of the spring galaxy with lush bushes up to 250 cm tall, with large inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. The richness of the colors of rudbeckia makes it the pearl of any flower bed. Phlox is a tall plant with an abundance of small bright flowers. Different varieties of phlox bloom at different times of the year, but Phlox maculata and Phlox paniculata are perfect for an autumn flower bed.
Doronicum is a low plant with long stems. With the advent of autumn, it blooms in single baskets with yellow flowers. Korean chrysanthemum is a frost-resistant variety that blooms from early September. In shape, it is a sprawling shrub covered with many orange, lilac, red or white inflorescences.
Astra perennial – a plant of tall, reaching 180-200 cm in the last stage of growth. It tends to grow as a bush, with large inflorescences consisting of many small buds. Asters have colors for every taste, so it’s just a matter of choosing the right shades and fit.
Marigolds are variegated dark orange buds with burgundy accents on a low stem or bush. They are able to decorate any low flower bed. Being extremely unpretentious to the conditions on the site, they can easily cover already faded perennials.
Shelter of flowers for the winter
Perennials are mostly hardy and do not require special preparation for winter. Some just need to be cut at the root, and then laid with a warming compost bed. Some should be covered with foil. Other perennials require more careful care.
Roses, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas and some other tall species are cut off the stem to 20-30 cm, cleaned of leaves and damaged segments. Climbing plants are removed from supports and laid on the ground, having previously cleared of dried leaves and shoots. Plants should be heaped with peat or sawdust to cover with spunbond or spruce branches on top.
If you are preparing bulbous plants for wintering, then cover well-rooted bulbs with spruce branches, and mulch all the rest on top. Make sure that your bulbous plantings are not flooded in the spring. Thus, you can easily prepare perennials for a quiet winter in the garden.
Video “Perennial frost-resistant phlox”
Video review on growing one of the most famous frost-resistant perennials – phlox.