Perennial flowers for the Urals 

The harsh climatic conditions of the Ural region are not an obstacle for flower growers. Despite the fact that many crops do not withstand harsh winters, cold winds and lack of sunlight, summer residents choose certain varieties for their plots. Many fear that perennial varieties will not be able to survive the winter months, and new plants will have to be bought in the spring. But the achievements of breeders have made it possible to grow perennials in the garden of the Urals quite real.

What parameters should be taken into account when choosing perennials for the gardens of the Urals? Firstly, the plants must withstand the freezing of the ground and the effect of cold on the flower buds. If these qualities are absent in a variety, then it will be problematic to save a perennial in the gardens of the Urals. It is on this factor that the recommendation is based not to plant “fashionable” hybrids, but to acquire proven zoned perennial species. The decorativeness of such plants is not inferior to many elite varieties.

What is the advantage of perennials over annual plants grown in the Urals? Annuals, of course, have a richer palette of colors, but perennials stand out in many ways:

  • long flowering;
  • cultivation in one place without the need for a transplant for three years;
  • resistance to sudden frosts;
  • unpretentiousness to the activities of agricultural technology;
  • the possibility of breeding bushes without additional investment.

Perennials for the gardens of the Urals can be divided by:

  • flowering time;
  • plant height;
  • foliage and root system.

In the Urals, as in other regions, gardeners successfully grow flowers of summer varieties, but frost-resistant perennials delight the eye with their autumn flowering. If you choose from the most popular perennials, then you should stop at the plants that are the very first to decorate the gardens and parks of the Urals – Siberian, but delicate primroses.

Primroses for harsh regions

The most popular and proven residents of the Ural gardens:


As soon as the snow melts, Siberian snowdrops appear on the plots. They are called lumbago or sleep-grass.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

The different coloring of the bells gives a special decorative effect to the flower beds and borders. They grow well on soils of different composition, endure winter without additional shelter, get along well with other bulbous plants that withstand the conditions of the Urals. Therefore, group plantings of backache are formed together with crocuses, primroses and kandyk.

Kandyk the Siberian

A very beautiful plant.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

It is adored by bees and kandyk honey lovers. And to decorate a dacha in the Urals, you can pick up varieties of perennial kandyk with different flowering periods in order to enjoy the beauty of a delicate plant longer. For example, the variety “White Tsar” blooms in early April, “White Fang” – at the end of the month. The beginning of May is the flowering time of the Olga variety. They all differ in the color of flowers and leaves, which makes it possible to diversify flower beds in the gardens and parks of the Urals. At night and in cold weather, kandyk closes flowers. As soon as the sun rises and warms the air, the petals open again. In warm spring, the flowering period is slightly reduced, in cool spring – kandyk blooms in the gardens of the Urals for two weeks.

The next representative of primroses, withstanding the climate typical of the Urals.


Perennial flowers for the Urals 

With it, it is very good to decorate the alpine hill of the Ural park, a border or a colorful island on a country lawn. Purple, blue, white muscari inflorescences are ideally combined with other perennials of Siberia and the Urals.


Perennial flowers for the Urals 

Its white flowers are familiar to all residents of the Siberian region. It does not take long to rejoice at their flowering, but it is the anemone that will enrich the garden in the Urals with rich colors to the summer variety of flowering perennials.

Alpine aster

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

Small flowers that bloom during the spring-summer transition. Reminds me of garden chamomile. The bushes are low, it grows more in breadth. Therefore, as a flower bed frame for the Ural gardens are very popular.

And when spring ends, not too long, but beautiful summer begins in the Urals. A wide variety of perennials bloom on the plots. Let’s talk about options for summer flowers for the Ural cottage.

Summer colors of the Ural gardens

Summer perennials in the Urals are quite hardy, but still require gardeners to fulfill certain conditions:

  • timely and sufficient watering;
  • plant nutrition and soil fertilization;
  • weeding from weeds and loosening.

These points are simply necessary to observe in the conditions of the short Ural summer. Otherwise, perennials will be weakened and may not even bloom. Among the honorary representatives of summer perennials in the Urals are varieties of irises.

Irises bearded

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

Very beautiful and delicate flowers. Many gardeners know these plants under the name “northern orchids”. They really resemble luxurious tropical epiphytes. But their frost resistance allows you to transfer the beauty of the tropics to the Ural gardens. They bloom in early summer, there are re-blooming varieties. Properly choosing irises according to the flowering period, you can ensure the decorativeness of the flower bed before frost.

Curly lily (locust)

Very successful flowers for the summer decoration of the Ural flower beds and parks.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

The arrangement of the petals resembles an oriental turban. It is a wild form of lilies, common not only in home floriculture, but also in meadows, in the forests of the Urals. Therefore, problems with growing grasshoppers usually do not arise. At the present time, for the Ural flower growers there is a large selection of bred varieties of such lilies – martagon hybrids.

lily pennsylvania

Some gardeners prefer species plants to decorate their plots. In this case, the Pennsylvania lily is an excellent choice.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

Large flowers of bright colors delight the eye throughout the summer. Red or orange islands of Pennsylvania lily in the beds of the Urals look very picturesque.

Onion decorative

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

Not only colorful, but also a useful perennial. Frost resistance and unpretentiousness in care make it very popular among gardeners in the Ural region. Inflorescences look like luxurious bouquets of lilac, white, lilac or purple. In addition to the decorative function, it also performs the role of a plant suitable for food in the garden.

Hydrangea paniculate

Sometimes gardeners are not limited to unpretentious verified varieties. For many, the beauty of the Ural flowerbed is important, even if it is troublesome. Panicle and tree hydrangeas are grown on a site in the Ural zone.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

They amaze with the luxury of their inflorescences and withstand wintering in the Ural soil.

And, of course, the queen of the garden also grows in the flower arrangements of the Ural gardeners.

climbing rose

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

It is able not only to decorate a certain area, but also to decorate an unsightly section of the garden. In the Urals, the flowering of a perennial climbing rose continues during the first half of summer, but its beautiful bush retains its freshness until the end of the season.


Among the latest “finds” of the Ural gardeners are perennial decorative clematis lianas.

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

It is small-flowered species that feel good in the gardens of the Urals. Most suitable:

  1. Princes. Clematis Siberian and Alpine, in particular, varieties with a blue tint of flowers.
  2. Tangut clematis. It is used by gardeners of the Urals for landscaping arbors, pergolas, fences and fences.

The list of perennials for autumn is much shorter. In the Urals, frosts come early and many plants are not able to withstand their impact. But all the same, the autumn flower beds of the Ural flower growers are never empty.

Autumn palette for the Ural gardens

The most common in the Urals for flowering during this period are the types of asters.

Asters perennial

Perennial flowers for the Urals 

The culture is winter-hardy, withstands snow and frost. Even if the onset of winter happened at the time of the flowering of the aster, it will calmly survive the cold season. Next year will again delight with its colors.

Korean chrysanthemum

The second type of perennial for autumn is Korean chrysanthemums. Not all varieties can be grown in the gardens and parks of the Urals, but small-flowered species are more resistant. The only requirement of these flowers in the Urals is winter shelter.

To choose suitable flowers for a flower bed, it is good to use the presented photos of perennials. This will facilitate the task of selecting plants and help to create a beautiful composition in the Ural flower bed.

Although the listed plants endure cooling, it is necessary to take measures to preserve perennials in the Urals.

Plant protection in winter

These activities are necessary if you know that the perennial may suffer from winter frosts.

Main steps:

  1. Preparatory. They prune chrysanthemums and roses in the Ural flower beds. Then you need to remove the leaves, shoots and damaged parts of the plant. If clematis and climbing roses grow on your site, then they are not pruned. Carefully removed from the supports, laid on the ground. Remove all damaged or diseased areas, faded inflorescences.
  2. Shelter for the winter. First cover the root neck. For perennials of the Urals, this is very important. Then protect all parts of the plant. For this, covering materials are used – lutrasil, agrofiber or spunbond. The first layer is covered with a perennial. Then they install the frame and repeat the shelter with the second layer. For the conditions of the Ural region, this is necessary to create a layer between the perennial and the frosty air. The dried foliage of tree species, which does not lend itself to rapid decomposition, is laid in this opening. For example, oak. If covering material is expensive for you, replace it with spruce branches in the first layer and a cardboard box in the second. Between them are oak leaves.

Gardeners in the Urals value perennials that can withstand harsh climates. Therefore, these types are very popular and in demand.

These perennials are planted in mixborders in Siberia and the Urals

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