Perennial flower lunar: planting and care
The lunar flower is a herbaceous plant from the cabbage family. It is unpretentious, does not require special care, so it is a pleasure to grow it.
Features of the moon flower
The stem is low, up to 1 m in height, erect, slightly branched. The leaves are large and differ in shape. Large fragrant flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shades, from white to purple.
Lunar seeds ripen in translucent green boxes
There are annual and perennial flowers:
- Annual. Grown as a biennial because it only blooms in the second year. After the seeds ripen, the plant dies off. Reaches a height of 70 cm. Leaves are wide, ovate, with short hairs. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, have a white, purple or purple tone. Bloom from May to July. Then seed bolls appear, translucent, flat, green. Ripening occurs by the beginning of autumn.
- Lunnik is perennial. Plant height up to 1 m. Stems are erect, covered with fine hairs. Above, the leaves are oval, sessile on the stem. At the bottom, the leaves are located on petioles, opposite each other, in the form of a heart. Flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences, purple hue. The fruits are translucent, oval in shape, ripen in August.
The flower is resistant to pests and diseases, but the cruciferous flea is the only danger.
Planting a lunar and caring for flowers
For an annual look, choose an open, sunny or slightly shaded area. Prefers fertile soil, but can grow on clay soil. Propagated by seeds. When sowing, keep the distance between the seeds of 30-35 cm. The first shoots appear after 7 days. The plant is frost-resistant, but in the first year it is advisable to insulate it and mulch the soil.
The perennial does not tolerate the bright sun, turns yellow and becomes shallow. Plant it in the shade. Demanding on the quality of the soil, it should be loose, moist, with neutral acidity. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds. Sow seeds closer to winter, add fertilizer before planting. Seedlings and first leaves appear in late spring. The plant blooms in the 2nd year, from May to July, the fruits ripen by early autumn. After ripening, abundant self-seeding occurs. Cover the flower for the winter.
Be attentive to the lunar during periods of drought and heat. Provide shade and watering
Lunaria will decorate the site if it grows in favorable conditions. This delicate flower will create a cozy and calm atmosphere.