Perennial daisy: planting, care

Perennial daisy: planting, care

The perennial daisy is a bright decorative flower that is easy to grow on your own in the garden. It is unpretentious in care, and during the flowering period it will give its owner a real aesthetic pleasure.

Planting a perennial daisy with seeds

You can grow a flower from seeds or using seedlings.

The perennial daisy has about 30 varieties.

The seeds are sown like this:

  1. Find a sunny spot in your garden to grow flowers.
  2. Remove debris from the ground, remove weeds, and loosen the ground.
  3. In autumn, add humus and manure to the soil. It should not be alkaline or acidic. The best option would be loamy, with good drainage.
  4. In early spring, when the ground warms up to 20 ° C, loosen it and scatter the purchased daisy seeds over the area.
  5. Cover them with a small layer of peat or sand. Drizzle with water.
  6. Cover the soil with plastic wrap for 3 days to keep it warm and humid.

Seeds sown in this way will sprout in 14 days. But they will begin to bloom only in a year. If you want to bloom in the same season, you need to plant daisies with seedlings.

Planting daisies with seedlings

In order to get seedlings, germinate the seeds at home in early spring. Temper the resulting seedlings in the fresh air at a temperature of about 15⁰С. Do this for several days, then plant them in the holes in the garden, tamp the soil and water them.

This method is a little more difficult than planting with seeds. But it will allow you to observe flowering in the year of planting. However, whichever method of planting you choose, beautiful flowers will grow in both cases.

In order to grow beautiful flowers, you need to properly care for them. It’s easy to do:

  • Water the plant regularly, especially during dry springs and hot summers. From a lack of moisture, the flowers will become smaller and lose their decorative terry.
  • Loosen the soil around the bushes periodically. Or mulch it with grass, straw or pine needles. This will replace loosening and reduce weed growth.
  • Fertilize several times per season. The first feeding is carried out in March – at this time, use nitrogen fertilizers, for example, urea. In the summer, during the formation of inflorescences, apply mineral fertilizers, and during flowering – phosphorus and potash.
  • Prune wilted inflorescences in time, this will prolong and increase flowering.
  • Use special products for the prevention and control of pests and plant diseases.
  • Despite the fact that the flower is frost-hardy, mulch the soil for the winter. You can use peat, sawdust, or humus. Cover the bushes with dry foliage or a branch of needles.

Take proper care of the perennial daisy, it will respond to this with velvet and beautiful flowers in the garden.

Thus, growing this flower and caring for it will not be difficult even for a novice florist.

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