Perennial coreopsis: varieties, planting and care

Perennial coreopsis: varieties, planting and care

Perennial Coreopsis was imported from South America. Since it is an exotic flower, it is not easy to grow it. Familiarize yourself with the living conditions before planting.

Description of varieties of perennial coreopsis

The plant reaches up to 1 m in height. Shoots are straight, they branch poorly. The appearance of the foliage depends on the variety, it can be finger or pinnately dissected. Flowers are collected in inflorescences that resemble baskets. There are yellows, golds, pinks, reds, and two-tone shades.

Perennial coreopsis is popularly called “lenok”

There are up to 30 cultivated species of coreopsis. Popular are:

  • “Coreopsis Drummond”. The plant grows up to 60 cm in height. The leaves are peristropartite. Flowers up to 3-5 cm in diameter, simple. The color is yellow with a brown spot at the base. Popular varieties are Golden Crown, Eli Sunrise, Mistigri. In the first species, the flowers are very large and voluminous, bright yellow in color. “Eli Sunrise” is distinguished by abundant flowering. Flowers are semi-double, bright yellow.
  • “Coreopsis dyeing”. Low-growing plants, up to 40 cm in height. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, petals can be yellow or inky, the middle is brown. Popular varieties of this species are Bullfinch, Amulet and Silmarill. “Dwarf Dazler” has yellow-red inflorescences, they are more than 5 cm in diameter.

Coreopsis blooms from July to autumn frosts. Most varieties have a brown or dark spot at the base of the flower.

Planting and caring for perennial coreopsis

The plant can be propagated by seed and seedlings. Such methods are not suitable for terry and hybrid varieties.

Seeds can be sown directly into open ground in the fall or April when the weather is warm. In the first case, the planting material must be scattered into loose soil at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Rows must not be watered. Coreopsis is a cold-resistant plant, so seedlings will appear in early spring.

When sowing in spring, the flower bed must be well moistened. Leave the distance between the rows of coreopsis 20-40 cm.

The seedling method is rarely used, only when growing valuable varieties

To get seedlings, sow seeds in pots in early March, after 1-2 weeks shoots will appear. Seedlings should be transplanted into open ground at the end of spring, along with an earthen clod.

Coreopsis care:

  • If there is no rain for a long time, water the plant.
  • If the soil is very poor, apply 15 g of mineral fertilizer. With an excess of nutrients, flowers will not appear.
  • As the flower grows, tie its stems to the supports. For the winter, trim the coreopsis to a level with the ground.

To keep the plant blooming until the end of autumn, remove dry inflorescences and cut off the shoots.

Perennial varieties of coreopsis can be grown in flower beds, in boxes on the balcony, or in containers outside. Tall plants should be planted along the far side of the flower bed, while undersized plants should be planted near the curbs.

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