Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum – causes, symptoms, treatment, complications

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Peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum is a disease of the digestive tract associated with the presence of peptic ulcers, which arise, among others. by contracting a bacterial disease, improper diet, medication and smoking. Peptic ulcer disease is most often confirmed by gastroscopy.

What is gastric and duodenal ulcer?

Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is a symptom of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by the occurrence of peptic ulcers.

What is an ulcer? It is a deficit in the mucosa that leads to inflammation and necrosis. The most common location of ulcers are the duodenal and stomach bulbs, and less frequently the lower esophagus and the duodenal loop. The cause of this ailment is usually a bacterial infection, medications taken and smoking.

Frequency of appearance

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is the most common ailment of the gastrointestinal tract. It may be up to 10 percent. adults. Ulcers may have a predisposition to family occurrence – first degree relatives are particularly vulnerable (up to three times).

The causes of gastric and duodenal ulcers

Among the most frequently mentioned causes of gastric and duodenal ulcers are:

1. infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori – it is responsible for about 90 percent. duodenal ulcers and 70 percent. stomach ulcers; this type of bacteria produces toxins which in turn damage the cells of the mucosa and lead to the formation of inflammation. Then, the hormone gastrin is excessively secreted, which translates into an increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and thus the formation of peptic ulcer disease. Helicobacter pylori is most commonly infected with the oral route;

2. smoking cigarettes – heavy smokers are at increased risk of developing gastric and duodenal ulcers; ingredients found in cigarette smoke, in combination with the presence of Helicobacter pylori, cause ailments;

3. taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – gastric and duodenal ulcer disease is sometimes a complication of medications taken; usually they are NSAID preparations which are frequently taken painkillers, e.g. naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, diclofenac;

4. genetic factors – the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers may be influenced by genetic factors, e.g. in people with thick blood and those who do not produce group antigens for body fluids, the risk of the disease is higher.

Other factors that increase the risk of peptic ulcer disease include: stress, the use of hot spices, drinking a lot of coffee, and the consumption of alcohol. It should be remembered that these are not direct causes, but only factors contributing to the development of the disease.

Take care of your stomach and drink For ulcers – herbal tea that you can buy at Medonet Market. You can also order NA WRZODY – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow, available in the form of tablets.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers – symptoms

Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer may be asymptomatic, without any specific symptoms. Only when the ulcers begin to enlarge and develop, do patients complain of regular pain, occurring several dozen minutes after a meal. Patients also complain of sucking in the stomach area in the early morning hours. Together with the pain there may be nausea, belching, heartburn, and sometimes watery-mucus and acid vomiting. The pain is burning and the patient experiences epigastric discomfort. For gastric and duodenal ulcers, symptoms decrease or disappear after eating a small meal. In addition, ulcers can feel “full” or even bloated.

When to see a doctor?

Stomach and duodenal ulcers should not be ignored as it can end up with dangerous complications. Patients with chronic abdominal pain should see their GP for basic diagnosis. In turn, the following conditions require urgent medical intervention and immediate hospitalization:

  1. abdominal pain accompanied by muscle tension (independent of the patient),
  2. passing tarry stools
  3. vomiting blood or coffee grounds,
  4. drop in blood pressure with weakness and excessive sweating.

In case of doubt, it is worthwhile to undergo preventive examinations as soon as possible, which will help to determine any irregularities in the functioning of the digestive system. At Medonet Market you can buy, for example, a package of tests for diseases of the digestive system with the possibility of collecting blood at home or in one of over 500 facilities in the country.

The causes of gastric and duodenal ulcers

An ulcer in the digestive tract is an erosion in the gastric or duodenal mucosa, which is a consequence of membrane ischemia. This, in turn, lowers her resistance to increased gastric acid secretion, which may, for example, be a response to stress. Ulcers therefore form where gastric juices begin to digest the gastric or duodenal mucosa (this is how an ulcer niche is formed).

You can also use Ecological sauerkraut juice against ulcers, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Untreated ulcers can widen and deepen and, consequently, perforate the stomach wall – we speak of a gastric ulcer rupture. In addition, there may be (in the case of vessel damage), but need not be, internal hemorrhage.

The causes of peptic ulcer disease include:

  1. bacterial infection Helicobacter pylori,
  2. cigarette addiction,
  3. the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  4. genetic factors.

To determine if your body is H. pylori, do the Home Cassette Test for Helicobacter pylori.

Prophylactically for ulcers, it is worth reaching for the YANGO kale extract, which is characterized by high bioavailability of active ingredients and a positive effect on the digestive system.

How do we diagnose gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer?

WARNING! Diagnosis of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and diagnosis of the presence of an ulcer niche are possible only by a doctor based on characteristic information from interviews and the results of radiological and endoscopic examinations (gastroscopy) together with a histopathological examination of the collected specimens.

The most important test performed in the diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcer is considered to be endoscopic examination – gastroscopy. Thanks to this method, the doctor can confirm the disease and additionally detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori and take a sample for examination. The taken sample is subjected to diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of bacteria. Among them, the best are histopathological examination, rapid trauma test and bacterial culture.

Tests aimed at detecting Helicobacter pylori can only be performed on people who suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers, people with a family history of gastric cancer, and those with gastric MALT lymphomas – those who are expected to remove the bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the non-invasive tests for the detection of Helicobacter pylori, the following are mentioned:

  1. breath test using 13C carbon,
  2. a test to detect Helicobacter pylori antigens in the stool,
  3. blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori.

Another, slightly older method is X-ray examination upper gastrointestinal tract with contrast. Currently, it is performed very rarely because it has no significant impact on diagnostics.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers – treatment

The basis for effective treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers are: systematic use of prescribed medications and adherence to other medical recommendations, especially a diet consisting of at least five meals a day and a stress-free lifestyle. The main method of therapy is the removal of the infection (eradication) with the use of antibiotics and measures that reduce the amount of gastric acid excreted. Eradication is always performed on the instructions of a doctor! Typically, proton pump inhibitors are administered along with the antibiotics metronidazole and amoxicillin (for about two weeks).

In case of failure of treatment, another regimen, e.g. antibiotics from the tetracycline group, can be taken. In fact, the effectiveness of clearing an infection depends on the discipline of patients taking their medications.

Other medications recommended in gastric and duodenal ulcer disease are over-the-counter preparations, incl. antacids, containing magnesium, calcium, aluminum compounds.

For example, Yarrow herb and Rosebuds, which are available in the form of organic tea at Medonet Market, support stomach ulcers.

On the other hand, surgical treatment is implemented in extreme cases when gastric and duodenal ulcers are complicated.

To prevent peptic ulcer disease, the following conditions should be met:

  1. regulating the meals consumed, i.e. their number, quality and time of their intake,
  2. avoiding stressful situations and psychoemotional stresses,
  3. effective removal of any acute and chronic inflammation of the stomach and duodenum (H. pylori),
  4. reducing smoking and drinking alcohol, or preferably stopping these activities altogether.

For preventive purposes, it is worth taking care of the gastric mucosa. This can be done by consuming black cumin seeds regularly, which supports the work of the digestive system. Black cumin seeds by Intenson can be used as an addition to dishes. Thanks to this form, there is no need to consume an excessive amount of tablets, e.g. in the form of dietary supplements. Pomegranate fruit also works to support peptic ulcer disease. Buy 100% Natjun Pomegranate Juice at Medonet Market now. Also try Idyllic aromas – organic herbal tea with chamomile and bergamot, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum – complications

The complications of peptic ulcer disease (sometimes life-threatening) include:

  1. chronic bleeding leading to anemia
  2. haemorrhage,
  3. mechanical obstruction due to scarring at the junction of the stomach and duodenum (this results in problems with the passage of food content to further parts of the gastrointestinal tract),
  4. perforation of the gastric wall (perforation) is a rare complication which is an indication for urgent surgical intervention.

The gastric tea, which you can buy at an attractive price on Medonet Market, will have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and the functioning of the entire digestive system.

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