Pepper varieties: productive for greenhouses
There are plants that are recommended to be grown exclusively in greenhouses. These crops include sweet pepper varieties, which are highly popular both among professional breeders and among amateur summer residents. Ripe vegetables are great not only for fresh consumption, but also for winter preparations. Consider which varieties you should pay attention to and what you need to know in order for the planting to please with the harvest.
High-demand, high-yield sweet peppers
Pepper is a very thermophilic annual crop, the fruits of which contain a huge amount of useful substances: vitamins B, P, iron, silicon, capsoicin.
Sweet peppers contain many vitamins.
Not all varieties are favorable to closed ground, so it is important to figure out which varieties will give a rich harvest. The most popular are recognized:
- “Hercules” – famous for the juicy pulp of a cuboid fruit and sweet taste. The vegetable is small in size, 10-12 cm, the color is most often green or red.
- The Orange Miracle is a variety known for its aroma and high yield.
- “Atlant” – is distinguished by fleshy, juicy, sweet vegetables.
- Hybrid “Cardinal” – an early ripe variety with cuboid fruits of purple color.
- “Denis” is a strong and tall variety, the fruits of which reach 70 cm and a weight of 400 grams.
All these shrubs develop well in greenhouse conditions and deserve the attention of summer residents.
Sweet pepper varieties intended for greenhouses are usually propagated by seedlings. To do this, you need to plant seeds in peat cups or tubs with black soil. In most cases, the seedlings are ready to move to permanent residence after 45-50 days.
- Before transplanting, it is important to feed the indoor field with organic fertilizers such as cow dung or slurry. Complexes of mineral fertilizers, sand, humus will not interfere.
- The holes dug out for plants should be at a distance of 45-50 cm from each other, so each bush will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and moisture.
- In the process of transplanting, the still weak root system of the pepper should not be exposed; the movement is made with a lump of earth from the original container.
- After the completion of the process, watering is carried out with a large amount of warm water.
In order for the culture to develop rapidly and give a rich harvest, it is important to ventilate the greenhouses and make sure that the air temperature does not exceed +31 degrees.
Avoid drafts! Cover the seedlings with foil if a through air flow is formed during airing in the greenhouse
Basic care includes simple manipulations:
- During the entire growing season, you need to spray the plants with a spray bottle, so you will maintain the humidity of the air.
- Phytolamps, which provide additional lighting, will not interfere. The condition is not obligatory, but with it the culture will develop faster.
- Some specimens require a garter as they grow.
- It is important to feed at least three times; for this, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium are used.
Also, pepper can die from weeds and lack of oxygen – do not forget to weed and loosen the beds.
Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to harvest the first harvest of a sweet vegetable in 120-140 days.