Pepper tincture hair mask

The state of health of our hair is not always close to ideal – they can fall out and grow poorly. To activate recovery and growth, you need to awaken dormant hair follicles. This effect is achievable by stimulating blood circulation in the small vessels of the scalp. Pepper tincture, or simply “pepper” is perfect for this. Since it contains alcohol, masks with pepper tincture are applied only to the hair roots, avoiding the hair shafts and tips. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, the hair is insulated with a thick cloth or towel.

Rules and recommendations for the use of pepper tincture

Pepper tincture hair mask

The fact that the mask is working as planned is evidenced by a slight burning sensation felt after application. With severe itching and burning, you should immediately wash your hair to prevent burns. The next time the content of pepper tincture in the mask should be reduced. In general, the share of “pepper” should be no more than 1/5 of the total volume of any recipes. The frequency of using pepper tincture for hair treatment is once every 2 weeks, the course takes 3 months. More than once a year, such courses should not be held.

Application rules:

  • When applying the mask to dry hair, it should be remembered that alcohol greatly dries out hair of this type, and on dry scalp it can even provoke dandruff.

  • An excellent supplement for a mask is essential oils.

  • Immediately after applying the mask, you do not need to color, style and intensively comb your hair.

  • When applying the mask, you should wear gloves on your hands, take care of the skin around the eyes and the mucous membrane of the eyes directly to avoid severe burning.

  • Mixing “pepper” with water will only increase the burning sensation.

  • Components with a high fat content (high-fat kefir, vegetable oil), yeast, honey, egg yolk, hair balm are added to the mask.

  • The time indicated in the recipe should be strictly observed so that irritation does not appear on the skin.

  • Hair before using the mask must be dry and not tangled. Wet curls enhance the effect of pepper tincture.

  • To check the compatibility of the composition of the mask and local immunity, a minimum amount of components is applied behind the ear. If a severe skin reaction (itching, irritation) occurs, do not use this mask to avoid an allergic reaction.

Tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. Before preparing homemade tincture, you need to wear gloves to protect your skin from irritation. For 0,5 liters of vodka, take 5-6 small hot peppers or 1 standard copy. They are cut across, placed in a container with vodka along with seeds, set aside for 10-14 days in a dark place.

The use of nettle infusion instead of vodka increases the effectiveness of treatment:

  • One st. l. fresh chopped nettle is poured with half a glass of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, used for a pepper mask.

  • For this recipe, pepper is crushed, poured with nettle infusion.

  • Heat the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes.

  • Remove from heat and insist for 3 hours.

The use of pepper tincture during the course of treatment will help the hair grow faster, make it shiny and thick.

Recipes for masks based on “pepper”

Pepper tincture hair mask

The basic recipe is to apply the tincture to the hair roots before going to bed. In the morning, wash your hair in the usual way with shampoo. Another option – after washing your hair, “pepper” is applied to the roots of clean, dry hair and does not wash it off at all. Thus, hair is treated 2-3 times a week, repeating the procedure until a tangible result is achieved.

  • With yeast. In 4 tbsp. l. tinctures stir 30 g of dry or raw yeast, rub into the hair, leaving for 20 minutes without rinsing. Then you need to wash your hair with warm water. The mask effectively restores hair and enhances their growth.

  • With castor oil. Mix 2 tbsp. l. pepper tincture, castor oil and hair balm. The mixture is applied to the hair with a cotton pad, cover the head with plastic wrap and a warm towel. The mask is kept for 1 to 2 hours, washed off with warm water. For growth, use the recipe 2-3 times a week, for the prevention of loss – once. The course is 2-3 months.

  • With kefir. Mix 140 ml of warm high-fat yogurt (at least 3,5%) with 40 g of hair balm, add 3 egg yolks, 60 ml of “pepper” to the mixture. The mask is applied to the roots and hair, covered with a film, wrapped in a warm scarf and left for 40-60 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

  • With egg white and yeast. Beat the protein of several eggs into a homogeneous mass, keep it in the refrigerator for 25 minutes, add 60 g of pepper tincture. A mask is applied to dry and carefully combed hair with gloved fingers or a special brush, and the scalp is massaged. The hair is wrapped with a film, it is not necessary to cover them with a warm scarf. The mask is washed off with cool water.

  • With gelatin and whey. Whey can be replaced with any fermented milk drink (kefir, ayran). Measure 60 ml of fermented milk drink and heat to 70 °C. Pour a package of gelatin into it, stir until dissolved, add 50-60 ml of pepper tincture. Apply the mask to the entire length of the hair, excluding dry ends. After a 40-minute exposure, the gelatinous mass is washed off the hair.

  • With henna and onions. 70 ml of colorless henna is dissolved in 30 ml of boiling water, incubated for 50 minutes. During this time, juice is squeezed out of 3 large onions, then mixed with henna infusion. 60 ml of pepper tincture, 40 g of honey, 3 ampoules of vitamin E are added there. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, gently massaging it. The remaining mixture is applied to the hair, cover the head with a film and a scarf or towel. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask.

  • With glycerin and vitamin B9. The contents of 2-3 ampoules of the vitamin are mixed with 20 ml of glycerin and the same amount of pepper tincture. Apply the mass to the roots of clean hair, cover them for 30-35 minutes. The mask is washed off with shampoo, and conditioner is used after washing.

  • With beer and chicken eggs. 60 ml of pepper tincture is poured into live beer, slightly warmed up, adding a little cosmetic oil. After cooling, 2 fresh eggs are added there, the mass is lightly beaten and applied to dry hair. They warm the hair, after 30-40 minutes the mask is washed off. Its composition will have to be removed from the hair in 2-3 doses, then rinsed with water and lemon juice.

  • With calendula and cognac. Mix in one container 60 ml of tincture of calendula and cognac, 50 ml of pepper tincture and castor oil. The mixture is kept warm for 3 hours for better mixing of its components. In another container, knead 2 pieces of rye bread with 1 protein and 3 egg yolks. The contents of both containers are mixed, the mass is applied to dry and combed hair for 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • Scrub for the scalp with almonds and linseed oil. Such a tool cleanses the scalp of dead cells, stimulates their growth. To prepare the mask, fry a handful of almonds in a dry frying pan, grind with a blender. An ampoule (1 ml) of vitamin B is added to the crushed almonds.11, 40 g of linseed oil, 20 g of pepper tincture, 10 ml of glycerin, rubbed into the scalp and up to the middle of the hair. On insulated hair, the mask is kept for 40 minutes.

  • With honey and olive oil. Without bringing to a boil, lightly heat 60 ml of olive oil, pour 50 ml of pepper tincture into it, stir in 20 g of linden honey. The mixture is applied to the scalp, dry hair is combed to distribute the mass over it. After a gentle massage, the mask is kept on the hair under a film and a warm towel.

The use of pepper tincture to stimulate hair growth is very effective with strict adherence to the formulation of therapeutic masks.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site

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