Pepper sweet hero – description, reviews, photos

A lot of gardeners grow sweet peppers in their garden. There is just a huge number of different varieties. In this article we will consider the description of the sweet pepper “Bogatyr”.

Description and characteristics

Sweet pepper “Bogatyr” refers to mid-season varieties. The time between the first mass emergence of seedlings to ripeness (technical) fruits is about 125-135 days, and biological ripeness occurs in 145-160 days.

Pepper bush is powerful, tall and sprawling. It can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The fruits are cone-prism-shaped, and quite large. Their skin becomes light green in technical ripeness, and red in biological ripeness. The peel has a slight tuberosity. On average, the wall thickness is 5-5,5 mm. From one m2 you can harvest up to 7 kg of crop. The mass of one pepper varies from 150 to 180 g. There is an accumulation of ascorbic acid in them, as well as rutin and other useful trace elements. The taste characteristics of pepper are quite high. They can be eaten both fresh and canned.

Pepper sweet hero - description, reviews, photos

The fruits are characterized by a very high transportability. Due to this feature, this variety has excellent reviews and is recommended for cultivation in home gardens. The high resistance of this plant to verticillium wilt, mosaic, vertex rot is noted.


The following characteristics can be attributed to the useful features of this type of sweet pepper:

  • mass germination of seeds;
  • mid-season;
  • powerful and tall bushes;
  • high resistance of the plant to diseases;
  • excellent taste characteristics of fruits;
  • richness of fruits in vitamin C.

It is due to the rich vitamin composition of the fruit that this type of pepper is most beneficial for human health. Pepper fruits most strongly show their medicinal properties in diseases such as anemia, increased human immune status, neuralgia, sciatica, arthritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, impaired hair structure (brittleness, fat content, etc.). Eating this variety will help maintain the health of internal organs, skin and its derivatives (hair, nails), and will also contribute to their partial restoration. In addition, the components of pepper have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Also, this vegetable stimulates appetite, as it has a positive effect on the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.

Pepper sweet hero - description, reviews, photos

The presence of this product in the daily diet, especially for the elderly, will help maintain clarity of mind, good memory and performance. Doctors recommend eating this vegetable during pregnancy. It has been proven that frequent consumption of it by men helps to prevent the appearance of bald patches. These statements are relevant for fresh pepper, since during its heat treatment, up to 70% of useful substances are lost.

Peculiarities of growing

Agrotechnics of this species practically does not differ from other varieties. He is quite unpretentious. Seedlings grow well in open ground. Sowing seedlings can begin as early as the end of April, and it can be transplanted into the ground in early June. It is possible to sow seeds immediately in open ground in May. For maximum yield, it is necessary to leave a distance of about 50 cm between the bushes. Watering the bushes is often not necessary. Watering is carried out when the earth near the plant dries out. You can only water with warm water.

Pepper sweet hero - description, reviews, photos

During the growing season, an average of about 2-3 fertilizing with nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers is carried out. The first time they fertilize with a solution where 1 liter of manure is diluted in 12 liters of water. Then potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used (a solution in which 2 tablespoons of double crushed superphosphate are dissolved in 10 liters of water). They are applied before the start of the budding period. Then top dressing is applied, consisting of a glass of wood ash and 2 tbsp. double superphosphate. Compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will help you get a strong, healthy plant and a bountiful harvest.

Video “Growing sweet pepper”

The author of this video shares the secrets of growing sweet peppers.

Growing Pepper. The Crop Pepper Secret in Open Ground. (19.05.17/XNUMX/XNUMX)

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