Pepper Snow White

Sweet bell pepper has firmly entered the diet of modern man. It is already unthinkable to imagine a light vegetable salad without it.

A huge number of varieties and hybrids sets a considerable task for the gardener. Everyone is trying to grow a rich harvest of tasty and fragrant vegetables.

This article will focus on an amazing chameleon variety with a wonderful name – Snow White.

Pepper Snow White


Sweet pepper “Snow White” refers to early ripe varieties. The time frame from sowing to full ripening is 4 months. The culture is intended for growing in a greenhouse. This variety is not suitable for open ground.

The bushes of an adult plant are low – about 50 cm. The fruits are slightly elongated, triangular in shape, painted in a whitish-light green color, and then, with the onset of a period of full maturation or biological maturity, the color changes from white to red.

Pepper Snow White

The length of a mature fruit reaches 12 cm in length and up to 9 cm in diameter. The walls of the pepper are quite thick. The yield is high.

Of the advantages of the variety, its high disease resistance should also be noted.

In cooking, Snow White pepper is used to prepare vegetable salads, as well as for canning.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing the variety “Snow White” and caring for the plant includes the following components:

  • timely and regular watering;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • fertilizing the plant with mineral fertilizers;
  • removal of the lower leaves to the first fork from the bush.
Advice! As you may have noticed from the description, the variety does not require special growing and care conditions, so it can be safely grown in the area next to other types of sweet bell peppers.

Pepper storage conditions are the same as for most vegetables: air temperature from +3 to +6 and moderate humidity. For short-term storage, a conventional refrigerator is perfect.

Advice! In order for a vitamin vegetable to be preserved for a long time, it can be frozen or canned.


Viktor Petrovich, 62 years old, Kiev
I have been growing vegetables since early childhood. My parents also instilled in me a great love for cultivating the land. Most of all I like to grow sweet peppers. In one greenhouse I fit several varieties at once. I try to plant peppers of different maturity. Of the early varieties, I prefer Snow White. The variety is productive, undersized, has good taste qualities. Special care is not required, it is stored well. Ripe fruits are consumed raw as salads, and also frozen for the winter.
Olga, Nashtekovo village
I want to share my experience of growing Snow White pepper. The variety has been planted since last year. I really like that the bushes are small in size. There are quite a lot of peppers on one plant. The yield is high. In terms of taste, I really liked this variety. Juicy, aromatic vegetable. Salads are especially good. Next year I will try to preserve the pepper for the winter.

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