Pepper Hercules

The yield of sweet pepper mainly depends not on its variety, but on the climatic conditions of the area where it is grown. That is why for our latitudes it is recommended to choose varieties of domestic selection that are already adapted to our unpredictable climate. One of the best varieties of sweet pepper for the middle lane is the Hercules variety.

Pepper Hercules

Characteristics of a variety

Sweet pepper Hercules has rather compact semi-spreading bushes with a height of up to 50 cm. Dark green leaves of medium size with a slightly wrinkled texture are placed on them. Against the background of such foliage, the drooping red large fruits of this variety of sweet pepper look especially advantageous. They begin to ripen approximately 100 days after germination. Their cuboid shape has the following dimensions: length up to 12 cm, width up to 11 cm, and the average weight will be about 200 grams. They acquire a red color only during the period of biological maturity. During the period of technical maturity, the fruits are painted in a dark green color.

Pepper Hercules

Important! Pepper Hercules can be used as a period of biological maturity, and in the period of technical. Regardless of the degree of maturity, its flesh will be devoid of bitterness in taste.

This variety of sweet pepper has juicy and fragrant pulp with rather thick walls – about 7 mm. It has a universal application. Due to its thickness, it is also perfect for canning.

This variety is not in vain received such a name. Its plants and large fruits are not afraid of the most common diseases of this crop. They have a special immunity to Fusarium. Hercules stands out for its productivity. From each bush you can get up to 3 kg of peppers.

Recommendations for growing

The variety of sweet pepper Hercules is perfect for both open beds and for growing in greenhouses and film shelters.

Important! Due to the compact size of its bushes, Hercules will not take up much space and will be able to produce a greater yield per square meter than other varieties.

Plants of this variety are grown in seedlings. When sowing seeds for seedlings in March, landing in a permanent place is carried out no earlier than mid-May. Since sweet peppers are a rather heat-loving crop, young plants should be planted only after the end of frost. By the time of planting, the temperature of the soil should warm up to at least 10 degrees.

Ready seedlings of Hercules sweet pepper are planted in pre-prepared soil every 50 cm. When planting in open ground, it is recommended to cover the plants with a film for the first time to facilitate their adaptation to a new place. When planting in a greenhouse, this is not necessary.

The sweet pepper variety Hercules requires the same care as all representatives of this culture, namely:

  • Timely watering. The regularity of watering is determined by each gardener independently, depending on the condition of the soil and weather conditions. The minimum frequency of watering should be 2 times a week. Under each plant, up to 3 liters of warm settled water should be added;
  • Additional fertilizing. Hercules sweet pepper plants especially need it during the period of budding and fruit formation. To do this, you can use any mineral or organic fertilizer. Feeding should be carried out no more than 2 times a month with a minimum break of one week;
  • Loosening the soil. This procedure is optional, but its implementation will allow the root system to receive nutrients faster, and therefore develop better.
Important! Soil mulching can replace loosening. Mulch prevents the formation of a crust on the soil, thereby lightening the structure of the top layer.

In addition, it helps to retain moisture longer, reducing the frequency of watering.

To avoid mistakes in growing and caring for plants of this crop, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video:

Compliance with the requirements of care is the main guarantee of an excellent harvest of the Hercules variety. You can start collecting it from July until October. At the same time, its fruits can be well stored without losing their taste and useful properties.


Hope, 46 years, Alekseevka
Hercules chose the variety after reading reviews about it on one of the forums. His compact bushes have grown up to 70 cm. We immediately tied up the plants, and, as it turned out, not in vain. Up to 6 large fruits are tied up on each bush at once. So if you do not tie up, then the bush may break. Their appearance is fully consistent with the photo from the package. Their taste is excellent, the flesh is very dense and juicy. We harvested until mid-September. It could have been longer, but a sharp cold snap came. I can safely recommend Hercules.
Alexandra, 32 years old, Korolev
We plant Hercules along with other varieties in the greenhouse. Its harvest lasts from July to October. The fruits are large and tasty. I really like this variety and the fact that it does not intercept sores from neighboring varieties. We plant ourselves and recommend to others.

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